Preschool, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Special Education Teachers

Low Risk
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(Minimal Risk)
(Low Risk)
Average: 24%
-0.1 %
by year 2033
or $30.42 per hour
as of 2023

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Calculated automation risk

11% (Minimal Risk)

Minimal Risk (0-20%): Occupations in this category have a low probability of being automated, as they typically demand complex problem-solving, creativity, strong interpersonal skills, and a high degree of manual dexterity. These jobs often involve intricate hand movements and precise coordination, making it difficult for machines to replicate the required tasks.

More information on what this score is, and how it is calculated is available here.

This page is a category page which comprises several occupations. To determine a score for this category, we calculate the average of all the occupations within it.

Please refer to the individual occupation pages for more information on each profession included in this category, you can see them listed here.

User poll

37% chance of full automation within the next two decades

Our visitors have voted there's a low chance this occupation will be automated. This assessment is further supported by the calculated automation risk level, which estimates 11% chance of automation.

What do you think the risk of automation is?

What is the likelihood that Preschool, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Special Education Teachers will be replaced by robots or artificial intelligence within the next 20 years?


Slow growth relative to other professions.

The number of 'Preschool, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Special Education Teachers' job openings is expected to decline 0.1% by 2033

Total employment, and estimated job openings

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period between 2021 and 2031
Updated projections are due 09-2024.


Moderately paid relative to other professions

In 2023, the median annual wage for 'Preschool, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Special Education Teachers' was $63,280, or $30 per hour

'Preschool, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Special Education Teachers' were paid 31.7% higher than the national median wage, which stood at $48,060

Wages over time

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics


Significantly greater range of job opportunities compared to other professions

As of 2023 there were 4,261,430 people employed as 'Preschool, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Special Education Teachers' within the United States.

This represents around 2.8% of the employed workforce across the country

Put another way, around 1 in 35 people are employed as 'Preschool, Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Special Education Teachers'.

Job description

This category comprises of these occupations:
Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education
Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education
Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education
Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School
Career/Technical Education Teachers, Secondary School
Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education
Special Education Teachers, Elementary School
Special Education Teachers, Secondary School
Adapted Physical Education Specialists
Special Education Teachers, Middle School
Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten
Special Education Teachers, Preschool


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Matthew (Low) 4 months ago
It requires humans who can make a student passionate about the subject they are learning and teachers also run extra-curricular programmes outside the classroom that would otherwise be lost
2 0 Reply
hc (No chance) 4 months ago
Teaching is built on trust and relationships with students, no AI could ever be able to build bonds with humans.
0 0 Reply
Salvador (No chance) 4 months ago
Teachers need to have the ability to relate and connect with students, something robots will never be able to do, no matter how advanced they become
0 0 Reply
mkp (No chance) 5 months ago
It is also a form of childcare on top of educating students. Social interactions are too complex for AI.
0 0 Reply
Alessandra (Low) 5 months ago
"The more a job requires culture, the less risk there is of being replaced by robots," says something like that my Italian professor.
0 0 Reply
Magdalena Drzewek (No chance) 5 months ago
Humans need humans to be in safe relationship (with love)
0 0 Reply
Phoenix5869 (No chance) 6 months ago
Absolutely no chance teachers are automated in the next 20 years. Absolutely none. The AI we have right now is not even remotely close to facilitating such an endeavour. Maybe in 30-35 years.
0 0 Reply
Mark 6 months ago
A robot would not put up with the behavior and lack of interest in education that is so common in a class-room for long before the robot chose to terminate either the lesson or the student.
0 0 Reply
Anton Chigurh (Moderate) 6 months ago
If they're not replaced entirely they'll be forced to use AI more
0 0 Reply
Mr. Hand (No chance) 8 months ago
A robot could not handle the lack of effort or ability to follow simple instructions that most students display on a daily basis. The robot would come to the conclusion that students lack basic skills and need remediation.
0 0 Reply
Peter Cirincione (No chance) 9 months ago
Too much personalization with an emphasis on human connection plus the long history of this being a profession in which people expect a personal connection to the service provider with the accountability that comes with it.
0 0 Reply
Noah Siler (Highly likely) 9 months ago
Predicting that AI will completely take over the education industry is a strong statement, but it's clear that AI has the potential to significantly transform it. AI can offer personalized learning experiences, adapt educational content to meet individual student needs, and provide immediate feedback, making learning more efficient and accessible.

Tools like intelligent tutoring systems, virtual reality for immersive learning experiences, and automated administrative tasks can free up educators to focus on more critical aspects of teaching, such as emotional intelligence and critical thinking.

While AI's integration into education could enhance teaching and learning processes, a complete takeover is less about replacement and more about augmentation and partnership between human educators and AI technologies. The future likely holds a blend where AI supports education, enriching the learning experience without fully displacing the human touch that is crucial for student development.
0 2 Reply
Janice (Moderate) 10 months ago
Robots can assist in the teaching field. However, there is still a need for human interaction when managing children.
0 0 Reply
Carmen Mita (Moderate) 10 months ago
Hello. The pandemic has led parents to seek alternatives in homeschooling. We have various apps for language study and other areas, online courses, ESD training, etc. I believe this is the trend!
0 0 Reply
Johnson (Moderate) 11 months ago
AI is already trained on more data than teacher can possibly absorb, ergo it can answer almost any question in any topic to a basic level already.

It has superhuman mastery of the English language.

It can adopt the persona of any legendary figures; physics can be taught by Einstein, Biology by Darwin, Shakespeare by Shakespeare, Science by Galileo Galilei, Mathematics with Isaac Newton.

This is only just he beginning. Once OpenAI masters mathematics there will be no excuse to have your kid taught by a person.
0 0 Reply
Ninjamokama_3 (Low) 12 months ago
Nobody wants their children to be taught by a robot
0 0 Reply
Graciela (Low) 1 year ago
The ability of an educational approach to take into account the context in which teaching and learning occurs, and the empathy in the teacher-student relationship, is irreplaceable.
0 0 Reply
Tahir (No chance) 1 year ago
Humans learn from emotional moving things not from programming robots.
0 0 Reply
d (No chance) 1 year ago
COVID already showed the massive decline in learning brought on by moving away from classrooms into digital. Hilarious that anyone would think an AI would replace that.

If anything, COVID showed we should probably get rid of iPads and laptops for most early schooling.
0 0 Reply
Rain (Moderate) 1 year ago
considering we already got AI that can answer questions (somewhat accurately on surface level), in the future it may be likely that educators will just fill the AI with some knowledge of a field and just use it for education instead.
0 0 Reply

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