Commercial Pilots

Moderate Risk
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(Moderate Risk)
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Average: 47%
by year 2033
or $54.36 per hour
as of 2023

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Calculated automation risk

55% (Moderate Risk)

Moderate Risk (41-60%): Occupations with a moderate risk of automation usually involve routine tasks but still require some human judgment and interaction.

More information on what this score is, and how it is calculated is available here.

Some quite important qualities of the job are difficult to automate:

  • Cramped Work Space, Awkward Positions

  • Manual Dexterity

  • Finger Dexterity

  • Assisting and Caring for Others

  • Social Perceptiveness

User poll

38% chance of full automation within the next two decades

Our visitors have voted there's a low chance this occupation will be automated. However, the automation risk level we have generated suggests a higher chance of automation: 55% chance of automation.

What do you think the risk of automation is?

What is the likelihood that Commercial Pilots will be replaced by robots or artificial intelligence within the next 20 years?


The following graph is included wherever there is a substantial amount of votes to render meaningful data. These visual representations display user poll results over time, providing a significant indication of sentiment trends.

Sentiment over time (quarterly)

Sentiment over time (yearly)


Fast growth relative to other professions

The number of 'Commercial Pilots' job openings is expected to rise 5.7% by 2033

Total employment, and estimated job openings

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period between 2021 and 2031
Updated projections are due 09-2024.


Very high paid relative to other professions

In 2023, the median annual wage for 'Commercial Pilots' was $113,080, or $54 per hour

'Commercial Pilots' were paid 135.3% higher than the national median wage, which stood at $48,060

Wages over time

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics


Moderate range of job opportunities compared to other professions

As of 2023 there were 52,750 people employed as 'Commercial Pilots' within the United States.

This represents around < 0.001% of the employed workforce across the country

Put another way, around 1 in 2 thousand people are employed as 'Commercial Pilots'.

Job description

Pilot and navigate the flight of fixed-wing aircraft on nonscheduled air carrier routes, or helicopters. Requires Commercial Pilot certificate. Includes charter pilots with similar certification, and air ambulance and air tour pilots. Excludes regional, national, and international airline pilots.

SOC Code: 53-2012.00


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Joe (No chance) 15 days ago
Pilots cannot be replaced by AI since there are many skills that AI can't possess like complex decision making and most passengers wouldn't trust AI to operate their aircraft. 20 years from now, many of the newer planes that fly nowadays will still be flying in 2040. Another consideration is the single pilot operation, which is the primary focus right now which will not likely happen before the 2040s. Pilots have minimal risk of being automated.
0 0 Reply
Stirling Martin (Low) 23 days ago
Cybersecurity could make this impossible.
0 0 Reply
Ron Hounslow (No chance) 1 month ago
All large commercial aircraft currently in production and coming off the production line today need two pilots for operation during crucial stages of flight. It will take a decade plus plus for the regulatory requirement to change,

Many of those airframes are going to be in service for the next fifteen to twenty years plus.

What you may see in the next decade or so is a reduction in the number of pilots required by the industry overall if single pilot in the cruise becomes allowable on Long Haul Flights.
1 0 Reply
do not want to say (Low) 1 month ago
because eve with ai there will be thousand of plane in the sky at one time and one miscalculation from the ai on a plane can cause it to crash
0 0 Reply
EK1934 (Uncertain) 2 months ago
The thing is, it will take a long time to develop and for AI to get approved by the FAA
0 0 Reply
Miles (Low) 2 months ago
commercial pilots have some instances of ai but commercial pilots take years of training naps and skills to complete
And ai would need to learn a lot of controls and would need precise management one small move and the ai is done.
0 0 Reply
Mani salah (Low) 3 months ago
The artificial intllegence can't replace the human's emotion and it's way of thinking in some situations and must be supervised by a trained and experienced pilot
3 0 Reply
Aranyak Maitra (Moderate) 4 months ago
The development of automated and remote flying technology for military equipment can be a game changer for civil aviation industry. Automation has already reduced the number of pilots from 3 to 2.
1 3 Reply
Luke (No chance) 4 months ago
Pilots can do things robots can't. Somtimes you can't follow the rules and need to break them. Think about the gimli glider. The pilot had no landing gear, he was way too high and way too fast. He did a side slip menuveur, only able to be completed in glider aircraft. It was a risky move but it would have to be done if they wanted to land. They succeded by breaking the rules and testing the limits. That is somthing that can nevery be done by a robot.
9 0 Reply
Lucas 4 months ago
2 0 Reply
someone (Low) 5 months ago
because there is still going to be someone watching over the ai to make sure it doesn't make mistakes and also someone needs to take over in an emergency
0 0 Reply
Mohammad 4 months ago
That is true but i don't think the AI will move to commercial planes any time soon, but for military planes, they will take 90% for sure soon
0 0 Reply
Lisa (Uncertain) 5 months ago
This one is tricky! I do not doubt AI could learn to proficiently drive a plane, though I do doubt if they're reliable in terms of safety. I foresee companies using this to cut costs, only to receive public outcry in return. I think the real question here is: Do we want artificial intelligence driving our planes?
2 0 Reply
Matheus (Low) 7 months ago
The competent regulatory body, (FAA) is VERY conservative. So even if we had the technology, I doubt that they would allow autonomous commercial planes.
In this case, regulation is the hold-up, not the technology.
2 0 Reply
Hayden (No chance) 7 months ago
I am training to become a pilot. Knowing how complicated everything is and how many things can go wrong, I would never step foot on an AI-flown plane. What will AI do when an emergency that it hasn't been programmed for occurs? If you go look through the history of incidents, you'll find that there are way more complicated issues than a simple engine failure that can occur. Not to mention the concern of hacking.
1 2 Reply
Not important 6 months ago
Remember that AI is able to think. It's not like a random program that runs to control the plane. AI will have ALL the information on the internet. So, it is difficult for you but not for AI.

And mind you, most plane accidents happen due to pilot error. :) AI can eliminate that.
0 4 Reply
Lisa 5 months ago
I'm not sure if the term "think" would be best for the situation. I say AI uses logic and percentile to decide what is best, based off of what humans have done before. Looking at the success rates, artificial intelligence picks out which route is safest and goes with it.

I agree with you, although there are some concerns with how AI could work in unique emergencies that have never occurred in the past, and how AI would work with the human crew members.
5 0 Reply
Ryan (No chance) 8 months ago
It's already dangerous enough as it is so I don't think it'll be wise to let AI take control of planes, especially with all its faults. Maybe in 50 years at least.
0 2 Reply
Anonymous 4 months ago
You are in more danger driving your car to work then taking a flight to Chicago.
0 0 Reply
.. 7 months ago
planes are the single safest form of transportation there is but i agree it will take atleast 50 yrs
0 1 Reply
asdf (Low) 8 months ago
people don't trust em
0 0 Reply
Bao Nam (No chance) 8 months ago
Because flying airplanes is very hard to do, if done not correctly, the plane could crash, the A.I is smart but some times the A.I will have errors that cannot be fixed. I think just that.
2 0 Reply
Sina (No chance) 9 months ago
A human being is required to accept legal responsibility
1 0 Reply
grummangrouse45 (Uncertain) 10 months ago
The technology required to do it is almost here, the only significant hurdle is the trust of passengers. Once the general population trusts AI/robots enough to put their lives in it's hands, pilots won't be as needed. However, that day may never come, and there are still things which technology can't do yet (respond to emergencies, handle passengers, aircraft repairs, etc.).
2 0 Reply
Dee Snuts (No chance) 10 months ago
If the automated system went down because of a storm or someone forgetting to turn their phone on airplane mode then every passenger is screwed
2 1 Reply
luhenba (Low) 10 months ago
the reason why i have voted 'low' because anyone will not be willing to sit in a plane operated by computer or A.I without any human input and will you be comfortable to travel in a plane with only A.I inputs?
0 1 Reply

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