
Minimal Risk
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(Minimal Risk)
(Minimal Risk)
Average: 7%
by year 2033
or $28.32 per hour
as of 2023

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Calculated automation risk

4% (Minimal Risk)

Minimal Risk (0-20%): Occupations in this category have a low probability of being automated, as they typically demand complex problem-solving, creativity, strong interpersonal skills, and a high degree of manual dexterity. These jobs often involve intricate hand movements and precise coordination, making it difficult for machines to replicate the required tasks.

More information on what this score is, and how it is calculated is available here.

Some very important qualities of the job are difficult to automate:

  • Assisting and Caring for Others

  • Social Perceptiveness

Some quite important qualities of the job are difficult to automate:

  • Originality

  • Persuasion

  • Negotiation

  • Fine Arts

User poll

10.7% chance of full automation within the next two decades

Our visitors have voted there's a minimal chance this occupation will be automated. This assessment is further supported by the calculated automation risk level, which estimates 4% chance of automation.

What do you think the risk of automation is?

What is the likelihood that Clergy will be replaced by robots or artificial intelligence within the next 20 years?


The following graph is included wherever there is a substantial amount of votes to render meaningful data. These visual representations display user poll results over time, providing a significant indication of sentiment trends.

Sentiment over time (yearly)


Slow growth relative to other professions.

The number of 'Clergy' job openings is expected to rise 2.5% by 2033

Total employment, and estimated job openings

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period between 2021 and 2031
Updated projections are due 09-2024.


Moderately paid relative to other professions

In 2023, the median annual wage for 'Clergy' was $58,920, or $28 per hour

'Clergy' were paid 22.6% higher than the national median wage, which stood at $48,060

Wages over time

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics


Moderate range of job opportunities compared to other professions

As of 2023 there were 56,640 people employed as 'Clergy' within the United States.

This represents around < 0.001% of the employed workforce across the country

Put another way, around 1 in 2 thousand people are employed as 'Clergy'.

Job description

Conduct religious worship and perform other spiritual functions associated with beliefs and practices of religious faith or denomination. Provide spiritual and moral guidance and assistance to members.

SOC Code: 21-2011.00


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Leave a comment

Nora Geist (No chance) 3 months ago
A priest or a prophet is not automated but is a human who has a relationship with God. They should also be examples of good and ethical human beings, which other human beings can identify with in being inspired to follow God’s will. A machine cannot be identified with and can even less so inspire the faithful to be in relationship with God and follow God’s will.
0 0 Reply
Marty (No chance) 5 months ago
AI doesn't have a soul and cannot administer sacraments.
1 0 Reply
XokoKnight (No chance) 8 months ago
Because it's spiritual and people wouldn't trust AI
1 0 Reply
humamumba (No chance) 9 months ago
Ai cannot be ordained
2 0 Reply
Jim B (Low) 1 year ago
It's a social interactive and intuitive job.
1 0 Reply
이동현 (Highly likely) 1 year ago
The advancement of technology is progressing faster than what humans can accommodate. Respondents to the survey seem to measure based on human expectations, hopes, and possibilities, rather than incorporating predictions about technological development or the situation.
0 2 Reply
mukhtar olamide (Low) 1 year ago
This has to do with belief systems and not what calculations can achieve. It is religious and not necessarily scientific
1 0 Reply
Richard (Highly likely) 1 year ago
This is an area in which people seriously underestimate the future capabilities of AI. We are already nearing the point at which AI will be capable of analysing and interpreting religious texts with far greater speed and accuracy than humans. A human vicar or priest will have to spend hours of their day and years of their life studying The Bible intensely. An AI could read and understand the entire book (and provide an accurate and appropriate answer to any questions a person may have about its contents) in 10 seconds.
1 0 Reply
Tim 8 months ago
Cool. That’s not one of the most essential parts of being a pastor. One of the most essential elements of being a pastor is *literally* shared humanity. While you can theoretically mimic that in automation, the “market” will not want that.
1 0 Reply
Jeff Williams (No chance) 3 years ago
Mechanical circuitry is not capable of understanding and dealing with spiritual matters; and nobody in their right mind would accept AI/robot pastoring.
1 0 Reply
Anonymous 4 years ago
Robot priests? Not happening. Chance of automation is easily zero.
1 1 Reply
a person against robot priests (No chance) 5 years ago
just imagine robot priests........
0 0 Reply
Pastor Rob 3 years ago
fact: evangelical pastors are largely automated already. Whether or not they know it is another thing.
1 1 Reply
sam 4 years ago
or a robot monk chanting prayers
1 0 Reply

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