Producers and Directors

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(Low Risk)
(Low Risk)
Average: 29%
by year 2033
or $39.67 per hour
as of 2023

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Calculated automation risk

33% (Low Risk)

Low Risk (21-40%): Jobs in this level have a limited risk of automation, as they demand a mix of technical and human-centric skills.

More information on what this score is, and how it is calculated is available here.

Some quite important qualities of the job are difficult to automate:

  • Social Perceptiveness

  • Originality

  • Negotiation

  • Persuasion

User poll

25% chance of full automation within the next two decades

Our visitors have voted there's a low chance this occupation will be automated. This assessment is further supported by the calculated automation risk level, which estimates 33% chance of automation.

What do you think the risk of automation is?

What is the likelihood that Producers and Directors will be replaced by robots or artificial intelligence within the next 20 years?


The following graph is included wherever there is a substantial amount of votes to render meaningful data. These visual representations display user poll results over time, providing a significant indication of sentiment trends.

Sentiment over time (yearly)


Very fast growth relative to other professions

The number of 'Producers and Directors' job openings is expected to rise 8.0% by 2033

Total employment, and estimated job openings

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period between 2021 and 2031
Updated projections are due 09-2024.


High paid relative to other professions

In 2023, the median annual wage for 'Producers and Directors' was $82,510, or $39 per hour

'Producers and Directors' were paid 71.7% higher than the national median wage, which stood at $48,060

Wages over time

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics


Greater range of job opportunities compared to other professions

As of 2023 there were 154,470 people employed as 'Producers and Directors' within the United States.

This represents around 0.10% of the employed workforce across the country

Put another way, around 1 in 983 people are employed as 'Producers and Directors'.

Job description

Produce or direct stage, television, radio, video, or film productions for entertainment, information, or instruction. Responsible for creative decisions, such as interpretation of script, choice of actors or guests, set design, sound, special effects, and choreography.

SOC Code: 27-2012.00


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Leave a comment

Noof (Highly likely) 2 months ago
Algorithmic content generation for your specific taste profile will eliminate more than half of all creative jobs. The end game is full content automation tailored to you and only you.
0 0 Reply
aaron (Highly likely) 2 months ago
Robots like sora ai chat got etc . We can just put a prompt and voila ! A movie is made. In future like 3 4 years ai will develop at that much level I believe
0 0 Reply
Marley (Low) 3 months ago
I think this job cannot be taken because it requires a uniquely human artistic vision.
1 0 Reply
Craig (No chance) 8 months ago
Artistic Vision requires originality and creativity, bending the rules rather than following them completely. Working with people as well.
1 0 Reply
Aditya Narayan Meena (No chance) 1 year ago
Robots will never be able to make Films that truly relate with Human feelings & emotions.
0 0 Reply
Abhinaba Dutta (Highly likely) 1 year ago
I am a budding filmmaker and I feel really heart broken since it is inevitable that filmmakers, actors, writers, singers, musicians, will be replaced by AI in the future
0 0 Reply
EC (Low) 1 year ago
requires careful interpersonal relationships, negotiation, interpretation of project needs, sourcing of appropriate suppliers, coordination of multiple resources and shifting timelines, budgets and deliverables.
1 0 Reply
Bob Lillith (Highly likely) 1 year ago
Most entertainment is going to AI generative. Efficiency will mean one director or producer will be able to do more projects in a smaller amount of time, reducing the numbers needed. I would say not eliminated but reduced greatly
0 0 Reply
Martin (Low) 1 year ago
One problem is that you have combined “producers“ with “directors“. These are two completely different jobs, though they are sometimes done by the same person.
Directors main role is to watch video and talk to actors. For machine learning, you would need a huge database of director comments in order to generate the necessary remarks. I’m not sure how this would be done.
Producer‘s job is to organise shoots and arrange funding. This is much easier to automate.
I would produce a risk at 40%, director risk, 20%.
1 0 Reply
Aleksandra (Moderate) 2 years ago
AI can understand the sentiment, and emotional interactions between partners on screen, as well as analyze lighting, composition, and scripts. I wouldn't feel safe.
0 0 Reply
R 3 years ago
If AI can eventually create a short film in UE5, why can't it make TV sitcoms? For sure, there's little creative cinematography due to time constraints, and limits, and it could even enhance the medium due to the aforementioned limits in the real world.
0 0 Reply
Saketh 4 years ago
Robots can't be provided with perfect human emotions which is the most essential thing needed for a story writer or film director
0 0 Reply
윤인정 4 years ago
My future job is pd.
I don't think artificial intelligence can replace my job. I think that he is a person who communicates with many people and creates programs that deliver emotions and fun to many people. I don't think robots can bring as much imagination as humans.
0 0 Reply
Sal 1 year ago
I currently work as a producer. It's absolutely a job that can be done by AI. It requires no real creativity at all. Producers like to think they're having a creative input, but they're really not. AI could easily create Gantt charts and schedules and let the creatives be creative.
0 0 Reply
BibirMengkeroet 2 years ago
It could be possible that AI replaces film producer/directors, however when that happen, all of workers that supposed to be coordinated by PD would already replaced by AI. If that happens, what is the point of PD anyways?
0 0 Reply
Vishnu (No chance) 5 years ago
AI cannot perceive the infinite.
0 0 Reply
Lemar (No chance) 5 years ago
I don’t see why there would be a need to replace human film directors with robots
0 0 Reply
Dmytro Kozlov (Uncertain) 5 years ago
AI and Human Film director could get on with each other in a wide spectrum of directions both like operation and technology management and creative process upgrade
0 0 Reply

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