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Average: 41%
노동 수요 *
년도별 2033
또는 시간당 $47.37
2023 기준으로

노동통계국에서 이 직업에 대한 구체적인 고용 데이터를 제공하지 않기 때문에, 우리는 Web and Digital Interface Designers에서 제공하는 데이터를 사용하고 있습니다.

직업 점수

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계산된 자동화 위험

41% (중간 위험)

중간 위험 (41-60%): 자동화의 중간 위험을 가진 직업은 보통 루틴적인 작업을 포함하지만, 여전히 일부 인간의 판단력과 상호작용이 필요합니다.

이 점수가 무엇인지, 그리고 어떻게 계산되는지에 대한 자세한 정보는 여기에 있습니다.

일부 매우 중요한 직무 특성은 자동화하기 어렵습니다:

  • 독창성

일부 중요한 직무 특성은 자동화하기 어렵습니다:

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  • 사회적 인식력

사용자 설문조사

다음 두 십년 안에 완전 자동화될 41%의 확률

우리의 방문객들은 이 직업이 자동화될지 확신이 없다고 투표했습니다. 이 평가는 계산된 자동화 위험 수준에 의해 더욱 지지받고 있으며, 이는 자동화의 41% 확률을 추정합니다.

자동화의 위험성에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까?

비디오 게임 디자이너이 다음 20년 이내에 로봇이나 인공지능에 의해 대체될 가능성은 얼마나 됩니까?


다음 그래프는 의미 있는 데이터를 제공할 수 있을 만큼 충분한 투표 수가 있을 때마다 포함됩니다. 이러한 시각적 표현은 시간 경과에 따른 사용자 투표 결과를 보여주며, 감정 추세에 대한 중요한 지표를 제공합니다.

시간별 감정 (연간)


다른 직업에 비해 매우 빠른 성장

'Web and Digital Interface Designers' 직업 분야의 공석은 2033년까지 7.9% 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

* 2021년부터 2031년까지의 기간에 대한 노동통계국의 데이터
업데이트된 예상치가 09-2024에 제출될 예정입니다..


다른 직업에 비해 매우 높은 급여를 받는다.

2023년에 'Web and Digital Interface Designers'의 중앙값 연간 급여는 $98,540이며, 시간당 $47입니다.

'Web and Digital Interface Designers'은 전국 중위임금인 $48,060보다 105.0% 더 높은 금액을 지불받았습니다.

* 노동통계국의 데이터


다른 직업에 비해 더 넓은 직업 기회 범위

2023년 현재, 미국 내에서 'Web and Digital Interface Designers'로 고용된 사람들의 수는 111,060명이었습니다.

이는 전국의 고용 노동력 중 약 0.07%를 대표합니다.

다시 말해, 약 1 천명 중 1명이 'Web and Digital Interface Designers'로 고용되어 있습니다.

직무 설명

비디오 게임의 핵심 기능 설계. 혁신적인 게임 및 롤 플레이 메커니즘, 스토리 라인, 캐릭터 전기를 명시하십시오. 디자인 문서를 생성하고 유지 관리합니다. 제작 스태프와 협력하여 설계된 대로 게임을 제작하는데 지도합니다.

SOC Code: 15-1255.01


당신의 지역에서 일자리를 검색하세요

새로운 커리어를 시작하려고 생각하거나 직장을 바꾸려는 계획이 있다면, 우리가 만든 편리한 채용 검색 도구를 사용해보세요. 이 도구를 통해 완벽한 새로운 역할을 찾을 수 있을지도 모릅니다.

당신의 지역에서 일자리를 검색하세요


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derrick (기회 없음) 11 days ago
creativity is just 1 reason why this can and shouldn't happen
0 0 Reply
abcd (적당한) 1 month ago
Game design is a job that require innovation and creativeness which cannot be taken by ai which relies on the data which is already used by people and the designershould also understand the perspective of the audience.it atill can do the things associated with it like 3d models,animations,coding etc.
1 0 Reply
zander (낮은) 2 months ago
it combines so many jobs artist programmer music and more all of these ai can technically do but when they reference there own creations slowly decrease in quality. combining those is a completely different thing that i don't think ai can do
1 0 Reply
Noof (적당한) 2 months ago
As a professional game designer at a AAA company, there are many pieces of design that can and will be automated. The overall career will not be eliminated because there will always be a desire for human-led art experiences, however the job openings in the field will drop drastically, companies that churn slop mobile games can easily churn those designs using AI almost from top to bottom.

What will have taken a team of designers even now appears to soon be able to take one or two designers at most.

Expect a new indie revolution in gaming when it hits this point.
1 0 Reply
Awang (기회 없음) 3 months ago
No chance they can be video game designers but not a good game they can make like nothing beats minecraft, roblox, call of duty, csgo, tf2 or whatever the best video games you name it ai will never beat these video games we love
1 1 Reply
Nadhira (적당한) 3 months ago
Cuz AI can make ideas, scripts, design but it won't compare to hard work
0 2 Reply
Nadhira 3 months ago
Also sometimes the codes can be really faulty
1 0 Reply
B) (기회 없음) 6 months ago
It needs multiple things on game. Background music, concepts, story of game, programming, design of game character etc. I don't think that bot thing can replace it. Please don't.
2 1 Reply
Artrat 7 months ago
Honestly, next year i might start a bachelors degree in game design, and im terrified of everything getting taken over by ai. I already have an associates degree in graphic design and seeing how people rather use AI than paying an actual designer frightens me so bad
1 0 Reply
herd 8 months ago
in the next 5 years, i don't think its gonna happen.
Currently AI sometimes messes up simple programs,
and also the AI making 3D models, making levels, animating, coding matchmaking, adding an anti cheat, and adding system protection against ddos attacks of a server seems impossible looking at the stuff Ai can do today
0 0 Reply
anonymous (적당한) 8 months ago
it could be likely that ai gets some sort of artifical sentience if you know what i mean, in the future originality might be able to be recreated by ai and from that 3d modeling, coding, UI, etc. is already able to be made by ai (some not so well but ai is getting smarter by the day so its no suprise that it would be done)
0 0 Reply
Haze (낮은) 8 months ago
Usually, when AI writes code and/or makes models, most of the time, they don't feel "real."

They feel lifeless and inert.
2 0 Reply
Oliver H. (낮은) 8 months ago
As of right now the methods on which AI is trained to write code have some underlying issues that I can't see programmers getting around for another 5 years or so.
0 0 Reply
Ahmed (낮은) 8 months ago
We all love good games. Yet, I'm EXTREMELY skeptical of AI's abilities to create fulfilling and interesting, in-depth games.
1 0 Reply
Pinkaholic (낮은) 8 months ago
While I do think that any digital profession has some risk involving AI, as an aspiring indie game dev I know the creativity and originality required to succeed in the market are both in high amounts, something a Robot will likely never be able to automate
0 0 Reply
Dakotah (매우 가능성이 높음) 8 months ago
well i think that if chatgpt can calculate code and even photos then it is perfectly capable
1 3 Reply
Nadhira 3 months ago
it can sadly
reference is GPT-4o
1 0 Reply
mason (낮은) 1 year ago
most people are fighting against the use of AI in media as it often results in the media feeling lifeless.
creativity is also an aspect that AI cant control as it needs past data to create something but it cant create something out of the blue
2 0 Reply
Noah Siler (매우 가능성이 높음) 1 year ago
While AI isn't currently outstanding at programming as of 2024, it is certainly not bad at it. I believe that in 20 years, the majority of jobs, including game design, will be automated. Of course, this doesn't mean that all game designers will be jobless. However, the industry is poised for a significant transformation.

I envision game design becoming user-centric, accessible to everyone. Here's how I think it will work: Imagine you're a person who enjoys video games but has never programmed in your life. That's perfectly fine, as the AI can handle everything for you. All you need to do is convey the concept of the game to the AI, and it will bring it to life.

Want to get specific? The AI will enable you to configure the game mechanics, assets, art style, and everything else according to your imagination. In this future, games will be created by anyone and everyone.

With the addition of custom GPTs, this surely seems like the future we are headed towards. This won't be limited to only video games but will apply to everything.

What an exciting future :)
0 0 Reply
zander 2 months ago
this assumes that it will get better a coding but ai using it's own code is worsening in quality
0 0 Reply
Riley (적당한) 1 year ago
It probably has to be good to be a ''game'' but its pretty easy for simple ones
0 0 Reply
du'mas jaakas jerek offe III duch'e city New orallands (기회 없음) 1 year ago
i mean AI can be pretty complex, but making the code for a video game without any editing on the software via human input would be near impossible with the millions of lines of code needed to program a game
1 0 Reply
Terror.9803 (매우 가능성이 높음) 1 year ago
AI will control humanity as they become more and more intelligent and better than us. We need to take the control back before too late. AI should be a Assistant than a Creater
1 2 Reply

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