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Average: 16%
노동 수요
년도별 2033
또는 시간당 $109.07
2023 기준으로
직업 점수

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계산된 자동화 위험

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최소 위험 (0-20%): 이 범주에 속하는 직업은 복잡한 문제 해결, 창의성, 강한 대인 관계 능력, 그리고 높은 수준의 수동적 능력을 요구하기 때문에 자동화될 확률이 낮습니다. 이러한 일자리는 종종 복잡한 손동작과 정밀한 조정을 포함하며, 이는 기계가 필요한 작업을 복제하기 어렵게 만듭니다.

이 점수가 무엇인지, 그리고 어떻게 계산되는지에 대한 자세한 정보는 여기에 있습니다.

일부 매우 중요한 직무 특성은 자동화하기 어렵습니다:

  • 다른 사람들을 돕고 돌보는 것

  • 사회적 인식력

일부 중요한 직무 특성은 자동화하기 어렵습니다:

  • 설득

  • 협상

  • 독창성

사용자 설문조사

다음 두 십년 안에 완전 자동화될 32%의 확률

우리의 방문자들은 이 직업이 자동화될 가능성이 낮다고 투표했습니다. 이 평가는 계산된 자동화 위험 수준에 의해 더욱 지지받고 있으며, 이는 자동화의 0.0% 확률을 추정합니다.

자동화의 위험성에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까?

정신과 의사이 다음 20년 이내에 로봇이나 인공지능에 의해 대체될 가능성은 얼마나 됩니까?


다음 그래프는 의미 있는 데이터를 제공할 수 있을 만큼 충분한 투표 수가 있을 때마다 포함됩니다. 이러한 시각적 표현은 시간 경과에 따른 사용자 투표 결과를 보여주며, 감정 추세에 대한 중요한 지표를 제공합니다.

시간별 감정 (연간)


다른 직업에 비해 매우 빠른 성장

'Psychiatrists' 직업 분야의 공석은 2033년까지 7.6% 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

총 고용량 및 예상 직업 공석

* 2023년부터 2033년까지의 기간에 대한 노동통계국의 데이터
업데이트된 예상치가 09-2025에 제출될 예정입니다..


다른 직업에 비해 매우 높은 급여를 받는다.

2023년에 'Psychiatrists'의 중앙값 연간 급여는 $226,880이며, 시간당 $109입니다.

'Psychiatrists'은 전국 중위임금인 $48,060보다 372.1% 더 높은 금액을 지불받았습니다.

* 노동통계국의 데이터


다른 직업에 비해 낮은 범위의 직업 기회

2023년 현재, 미국 내에서 'Psychiatrists'로 고용된 사람들의 수는 24,830명이었습니다.

이는 전국의 고용 노동력 중 약 < 0.001%를 대표합니다.

다시 말해, 약 6 천명 중 1명이 'Psychiatrists'로 고용되어 있습니다.

직무 설명

정신 장애를 진단하고 치료하며 예방하는 데 도움을 주세요.

SOC Code: 29-1223.00


Leave a comment

Run Jack (Possible) 5 months ago
Well, AI therapists already exist - that is considered to be truth, as that they are already being used. But therapist is made to make you able to go back to the society, not leave it, and talkign with ai, which is raised to answer your questions to make you pleasured, and not necessarily speak truth, it will likely make you more and more anti-social, but yes - it might replace bad psychologists and therapists, who's best advice is to be happy that you made your bed this morning
1 0 Reply
Alex (기회 없음) 6 months ago
Humans need to relate and have compassion from a real human and there is no chance no fake ai can complete that feeling.
0 0 Reply
Scott Winter (기회 없음) 7 months ago
Interpersonal skills, especially emotional intelligence are the key traits of both psychiatrist & the various counseling professionals. These are the hardest for AI to duplicate.
0 0 Reply
Idk (기회 없음) 7 months ago
How could they it needs stuff that is near impossible to replicate
0 0 Reply
Xavi (매우 가능성이 높음) 11 months ago
Chatbots for therapy already exist
0 0 Reply
Sofia 4 months ago
yes, but it is not very effective, she responds to give you more pleasure than to tell the truth, and also a psychiatrist needs important skills for the profession such as empathy, something that is difficult to acquire from a robot, I have already tested these chats. talk, and it's not very good compared to real psychiatrists, it really could be that in the coming decades he will evolve even more and he may even have emotions and have these skills, like empathy as I said, but the risk for now is that this will dominate the field of psychology is low, very low
0 0 Reply
Hmm 7 months ago
Whether it will exist is much different than whether or not it is actually effective.
3 0 Reply
Matthew (매우 가능성이 높음) 12 months ago
Current GPT-4 already
"ranked higher than the majority of physicians in psychiatry, with a median percentile of 74.7% " on the 2022 Israeli board residency examinations than practicing physicians.


Artificial Intelligence in 20 years will categorically outperform psychiatrists in both diagnosis and prescription. Social frameworks for allowing AI to hold a diagnostic or prescribing role should have been implemented by then.

0 0 Reply
Domi 6 months ago
Many people with schizofrenia and bipolar disorder will dissimulate and its not easy for machines to detect dissimulation.
0 0 Reply
Zachary 11 months ago
Incorrect, you put far too much faith into machines, you focus too heavily on diagnosis, and seem to forget that a certain level of empathy is required to approach psychiatric issues on a holistic scale.
4 1 Reply
aaa (매우 가능성이 높음) 1 year ago
The amount of data and information that an AI can process cant be matched by us.
AI will remember each and every minute detail about the person once he tells it and by his past history data. AI will be able to suggest accurate strategies based on this. It might not happen suddenly but slowly slowly they will become more prominent.
1 0 Reply
Nairy (기회 없음) 1 year ago
Cause it needs a heart to heart connection and ethical skills like empathy and understanding which cannot be acquired by robots
0 0 Reply
Romulo Lima (적당한) 1 year ago
because it will facilitate many tasks and allow you to have free time for other activities.
1 0 Reply
Aneesh gupta (적당한) 1 year ago
AI can provide non stop guidance and universal accessibility to a patient.
0 0 Reply
Sebastián (기회 없음) 2 years ago
A profession which will be assisted by AI, although the main task will also be one whom will be preferred to be assisted by humans.
0 0 Reply
Rude (낮은) 2 years ago
As there is always a small chance of something happening but still psychiatrist is a job which requires humans understanding other humans so most likely it would never happen
0 0 Reply
No. (기회 없음) 2 years ago
There's no way psychiatrists would be replaced/automated, their most important feat is to understand the emotions of humans, and that won't be able to be replaced by robots in the next two decades.
0 0 Reply
Javed (불확실한) 3 years ago
It is extremely unlikely that AIs will handle psychological issues with pinpoint accuracy. In order to treat a human, you have to be a human. Yes, codes and programs will eventually learn how to handle particular patients, but not all problems are the same.
0 0 Reply

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