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자동화 위험
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투표 조사
(낮은 위험)
Average: 34%
노동 수요
년도별 2033
또는 시간당 $19.59
2023 기준으로
직업 점수

사람들이 또한 조회했습니다

계산된 자동화 위험

34% (낮은 위험)

저위험 (21-40%): 이 수준의 직업은 기술적인 능력과 인간 중심의 기술을 모두 요구하기 때문에 자동화 위험이 제한적입니다.

이 점수가 무엇인지, 그리고 어떻게 계산되는지에 대한 자세한 정보는 여기에 있습니다.

일부 중요한 직무 특성은 자동화하기 어렵습니다:

  • 독창성

  • 미술

  • 사회적 인식력

  • 손재주

사용자 설문조사

다음 두 십년 안에 완전 자동화될 34%의 확률

우리의 방문자들은 이 직업이 자동화될 가능성이 낮다고 투표했습니다. 이 평가는 계산된 자동화 위험 수준에 의해 더욱 지지받고 있으며, 이는 자동화의 34% 확률을 추정합니다.

자동화의 위험성에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까?

사진작가이 다음 20년 이내에 로봇이나 인공지능에 의해 대체될 가능성은 얼마나 됩니까?


다음 그래프는 의미 있는 데이터를 제공할 수 있을 만큼 충분한 투표 수가 있을 때마다 포함됩니다. 이러한 시각적 표현은 시간 경과에 따른 사용자 투표 결과를 보여주며, 감정 추세에 대한 중요한 지표를 제공합니다.

시간별 감정 (연간)


다른 직업에 비해 적당한 성장

'Photographers' 직업 분야의 공석은 2033년까지 3.9% 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

총 고용량 및 예상 직업 공석

* 2023년부터 2033년까지의 기간에 대한 노동통계국의 데이터
업데이트된 예상치가 09-2025에 제출될 예정입니다..


다른 직업에 비해 매우 낮은 급여를 받는다.

2023년에 'Photographers'의 중앙값 연간 급여는 $40,760이며, 시간당 $19입니다.

'Photographers'은 전국 중위임금인 $48,060보다 15.2% 낮은 금액을 지급받았습니다.

시간에 따른 임금

* 노동통계국의 데이터


다른 직업에 비해 보통 수준의 직업 기회가 있습니다.

2023년 현재, 미국 내에서 'Photographers'로 고용된 사람들의 수는 53,630명이었습니다.

이는 전국의 고용 노동력 중 약 < 0.001%를 대표합니다.

다시 말해, 약 2 천명 중 1명이 'Photographers'로 고용되어 있습니다.

직무 설명

사람, 풍경, 상품, 또는 다른 주제를 사진으로 찍습니다. 주제의 외관을 강조하기 위해 조명 장비를 사용할 수 있습니다. 완성된 이미지와 인화물을 만들기 위해 편집 소프트웨어를 사용할 수 있습니다. 상업 및 산업 사진작가, 과학 사진작가, 그리고 포토저널리스트를 포함합니다.

SOC Code: 27-4021.00


Leave a comment

Z. 2 months ago
While certain forms of photography will definitely be taken over by AI (photos for commercials) there are other forms of photography that I can't imagine being taken over any time soon. I'm especially thinking about wedding pictures, or professional portraits for CVs.
0 0 Reply
Hasan Tahsin Cinbaş (기회 없음) 7 months ago
A photographer captures what they want to convey, and this varies according to their emotional state and mood. Just like a writer or painter, they transfer their feelings into the photograph, and this is also a form of emotional expression.
0 0 Reply
Laurentiu Juravle (낮은) 1 year ago
I think that photography is a mix of emotion, talent, and technique. Sure, a robot can make a picture as beautiful as mine, but it can't capture the precious moments like a photographer.
2 0 Reply
Owen (낮은) 1 year ago
Humans taking photographs of the world is a much more accurate and valuable approach rather than having AI generated images etc. It's more authentic
1 0 Reply
Tomeu Ozonas (매우 가능성이 높음) 1 year ago
Product CGI plus Generative AI will supply most photographic needs, such as home decor and food. Stock images will be absorbed and or replaced by Generative AI. Blockchain digital watermarks can help to save some traditional artistic and commercial photography.
0 0 Reply
Laurel 2 years ago
I'm a photographer, and the photography industry is doomed. AI image generation technology already exists, so all that has to happen is for it to become mainstream enough to be cheap to produce and add to most smartphones. Not only will the image quality be better, but it can also produce multiple images at once. In fact, AI images can even be copyrighted in some countries. The worst part is that since photographers are not paid much, there will not be much motivation to save the industry.
1 2 Reply
Tacio Philip 2 years ago
A lot of photographers' jobs can easily be replaced by automated drones and some AI to select frames from a high-definition video. There's no secret or creativity in many photography jobs (almost all social events, products...).

And yes, I'm a professional photographer, but as Galileo told us, we are not the center of the universe. :-P
1 1 Reply
jenna talia (매우 가능성이 높음) 3 years ago
drones. drones will fly around and take pictures
0 1 Reply
Jo (낮은) 3 years ago
I think that a robot could take a photo if it was trained to, but it could never see beauty or creativity like a human.

For example, a robot could take photos with the correct settings and a cool angle, but a robot could never look at something and realize the true beauty and emotions that a human could feel.

So, a robot might take a photo with the correct ISO, AP, SP, and an angle that it has been programmed to look at. But never emotions because in the end, it's a machine.
1 0 Reply
jagbar (매우 가능성이 높음) 3 years ago
Already happening with AI photos
1 0 Reply
Abby (기회 없음) 4 years ago
Robots could not take over the personal touch and creative ideas photographers use in every single shot. There is not programing that could replace a person for this job.
0 0 Reply
isuzu222 4 years ago
The only reason this won't be replaced by robots is because the pay is so low there is no real reason to actively try to replace the profession. Also, this is easily a hobby profession/'freelancing' and will continue to have its niche just like we still have people using the Polaroids for fun.
0 1 Reply
Derek 1 year ago
Cashiers will be replaced and they are paid even less.
0 1 Reply
Ryan (매우 가능성이 높음) 4 years ago
Several forms of photography, particularly product photography, have already been largely automated with locations where you can bring your product, place it in a lightbox set, and AI assists the (non-photographer) customer in taking a series of professionally lit product shots. They're quite effective, will be easy to expand to new locations. Many of the techniques will eventually be possible to extend to portrait photography as well.

AI algorithms are already deeply progressed in combing through google street view to crop and process landscape and urban photography according to classical composition standards. At this point, the primary limiting factor is the sample quality, but much of the principles used will be possible to extend to drones surveying scenic areas.

While the small field of fine art photography will likely be unaffected, the majority of commercial or stock applications of photography are very likely to be done "well enough" by automatization to satisfy the primary customers of the field.
0 0 Reply
Celso Ribeiro (낮은) 5 years ago
Atividade que envolve dinâmica com grande variação que não se prevê..e o fator determinante que o robô (IA) não vai atingir...a Sensibilidade Humana.
0 0 Reply
xenon2 (적당한) 5 years ago
AI can measure photo quality and take "infinite" number of photos, then based on selection will select best shots.
Imagine ball with lenses floating around, then from 100k pictures 100 is selected, based on "rememberability" and other defined patterns trained from famous photographers.
0 0 Reply
Suffyim 2 years ago
I think one reason photography will not be entirely automated is because robots can't exactly be inspired by anything.

From the little experience I have, I know it takes more than being knowledgeable and aware of the techniques of photography to take a good photo. Sure, it plays a role, but you need to feel emotion from the image to know that it is a good photo.

An AI can't do that.
0 0 Reply
E 6 years ago
I think e-commerce photography that is very technical could be replaced by robots but from my experience, I think it very unlikely and hard to imagine that robots will do better than agency talents for editorial/creative photography
0 0 Reply

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