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다른 직업에 비해 성장이 느림

'Musicians and Singers' 직업 분야의 공석은 2033년까지 2.1% 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

총 고용량 및 예상 직업 공석

* 2021년부터 2031년까지의 기간에 대한 노동통계국의 데이터
업데이트된 예상치가 09-2024에 제출될 예정입니다..


다른 직업에 비해 보통 수준의 직업 기회가 있습니다.

2023년 현재, 미국 내에서 'Musicians and Singers'로 고용된 사람들의 수는 35,520명이었습니다.

이는 전국의 고용 노동력 중 약 < 0.001%를 대표합니다.

다시 말해, 약 4 천명 중 1명이 'Musicians and Singers'로 고용되어 있습니다.

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SOC Code: 27-2042.00


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새로운 커리어를 시작하려고 생각하거나 직장을 바꾸려는 계획이 있다면, 우리가 만든 편리한 채용 검색 도구를 사용해보세요. 이 도구를 통해 완벽한 새로운 역할을 찾을 수 있을지도 모릅니다.

당신의 지역에서 일자리를 검색하세요


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no (기회 없음) 2 months ago
how would robots make music without copying other people?
0 0 Reply
Jamie Wyatt (낮은) 3 months ago
Social connection and intuitiveness.
0 0 Reply
Joshua (기회 없음) 4 months ago
Robots aren’t creative duh
1 0 Reply
Kayliegh 5 months ago
Is the impact of automation on jobs negative or positive? I think automation has a negative impact on jobs. According to hrb.org: “By 2025, technology will create at least 12 million more jobs than it destroys.” Sure technology will create jobs but it will also destroy careers. Automation is harmful in restaurant jobs. Singers have a debatable outcome of AI.
Restaurant jobs are impacted by automation. Restaurant jobs are in danger of automation. According to adeccogroup.com: “More than 80% of restaurant positions could be automated.” However, automation in restaurants saves money. Restaurant jobs will most likely be replaced by automation.
Another job that could be automated is singing. Singers are mostly using AI to help improve their songs. According to press.dittomusic.com: “59.5% of artists already use AI within their music projects.” AI is not taking over singing careers, it's improving singers' songs. Artists who use AI must be careful of copyright problems. According to rareconnections.io: “21% of creators faced multiple copyright strikes after using AI generated content.” Yet,there is no clear answer on what AI will do to singers.
Automation will have a negative impact on jobs. There are so many jobs that technology will replace. In my opinion, robots should be stopped before jobs are destroyed. Many jobs done by AI or robots are very dangerous to safety. According to pmc.nbci.nlm.nih.gov: “Robot actions are the cause of 30 to 40 deaths per year.” That is about 2-3 deaths by robots every month. All things considered, I believe automation will destroy many jobs in the future.

Paragraph 1
Nunes, Ashley. "Automation Doesn't Just Create or Destroy Jobs - It Transforms Them." Harvard Business Review, hbr.org, 2 Nov. 2021, hbr.org/2021/11 /automation-doesn't-just-create-or-destroy-jobs-it-transforms-them. Accessed 24 Oct. 2024.
Paragraph 2
The Adecco Group. "80% Of Restaurant Jobs Could Be Taken Over By Robots:TOP 5 Trends From The World Of Work." The Adecco Group, 13 Aug. 2020, www.adeccogroup.com/future-of-work/latest-insights/80-of-restaurant-jobs-could-be-taken-over-by-robots. Accessed 24 Oct.2024.
Paragraph 3
Parsons, Lee. "60% of musicians are already using AI to make music." Ditto, 5 Apr. 2023, press.dittomusic.com/60-of-musicians- are-already-using-ai-to-make-music. Accessed 24 Oct. 2024.
Duffin, Matt. "AI Music Statistics and Facts: How Producers Use AI."rareconnections, 21 June 2024,rareconnections.io/ai-music- statistics/#:~:text=21%25%20of%20Creators%20Faced%20Multiple,new%20and%20 previously%20created%20content.Accessed 24 Oct.2024.
Paragraph 4
Lim, Jae Yong, et al."Critical Hazard Factors in the Risk Assessments of Industrial Robots: Causal Analysis and Case Studies."PubMed Central,National Library of Medicine,4 Dec.2021,pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov /articles/PMC8640605/. Accessed 24 Oct. 2024.
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Kayliegh (낮은) 5 months ago
Music comes from what we feel and our life. Robots can't have feelings and tend to have creepy voices. Music is to emotional to be replaced by robots or AI
0 0 Reply
RJ (매우 가능성이 높음) 5 months ago
All music in commercials, games, TV shows, cheaper movies etc. is already automated. Only "composer" is needed. Also these composers will be less needed when AI comes. Most of this music is "copy". Instrumentalists already lost a lot of recording opportunities. Bands, even orchestras are getting smaller and using recorded voices. This job will not disappear but many jobs will have problems.
0 0 Reply
tuna (기회 없음) 5 months ago
the music they make is very similar even now, especially the vocals. even the working logic of artificial intelligence does not allow for originality, so it is impossible.
2 0 Reply
guy (적당한) 6 months ago
Already have AI generated songs but people still mostly prefer actual people.
3 0 Reply
Aidan (적당한) 8 months ago
Recorded music could very easily be automated, and unfortunately we're already seeing this happen with big record labels going all in on the new AI technology. The live show however will never be replaced by AI, and real music enthusiasts will always seek out "real"music instead of the formulated hits big labels pump out.
3 0 Reply
anonymous (낮은) 8 months ago
I saw a few advertisements for an app that makes music with AI, and it could be better. I also tried making lyrics with ChatGPT once (don't ask why); they can't do it that well. AI can only do some things well regarding music (at least from a few experiences of mine).
2 0 Reply
AntiEverything (매우 가능성이 높음) 8 months ago
Have you seen Suno? Tried it and dang does it sound good, I think for music it works well, all it needs to improve is voice.
1 1 Reply
Paul (기회 없음) 8 months ago
Humans will want to listen to music made by other humans.
3 0 Reply
jeremy (낮은) 8 months ago
it is nearly impossible to automate a musicians style
2 0 Reply
Josh (기회 없음) 8 months ago
There's a reason people pay to see other people perform at concerts
3 0 Reply
Samara (기회 없음) 8 months ago
I don't wanna see a live concert played by robots and if you know that a real person made a song and not AI, it's kinda better
3 0 Reply
Sunnie (불확실한) 8 months ago
you need a stable singing voice or a good songwriting skills and I don't think normal robots can do that
2 0 Reply
Shane (기회 없음) 8 months ago
Music and art as a whole is an expression of human emotions. Although AI can replicate music, it cant replicate the passion put into it
2 0 Reply
eclipse (매우 가능성이 높음) 9 months ago
it technically already happen due to Hatsune Miku and Vocaloids
1 1 Reply
Anonymous Music Listener. (적당한) 10 months ago
Well, musicians are in trouble for a long time.

We are already using DAW and VSTIs for recording. So if it is not a complex classical music piece there is no need for musicians. I'm not even mentioning workstation and digital synthesizer era.

There are already acoustic pianos that can play itself! We may see self playing instruments more in the future. If they sync them together; maybe one day we don't need live musicians.

Suno AI is not good enough to replace DAW and DAW user. So many things are missing. No effects, you can't use your own melody and so on. AI supported DAW may help so much for music creation. It may also reduce the cost and we may finally hear good quality music again, who knows?

When it comes to singers though; I think it is impossible to replace. Because if all you care is the song itself, then play it through speakers. You don't need to go to concert. Imitating is not the only problem. You can't emotionally connect to AI that much. When you become a fan of a singer, you start following him/her on social media, you may even talk with them if you have luck. You may also follow their overall life and thoughts. What about AI? It is just a software, no human being.
3 1 Reply
melody (매우 가능성이 높음) 10 months ago
with ai covers on the rise, and now websites that can write entire songs on any topic you want in under a minute.
1 1 Reply

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