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년도별 2033
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2023 기준으로
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Victoria (낮은) 2 months ago
Physically changing beds and cleaning bathrooms cannot be done by AI. Hoovering and floor cleaning maybe but changing bedding?
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Yoki 7 months ago
As a hotel housekeeper, I doubt I will ever be replaced, let alone in the next 20 years. You're telling me that anything below the highest of end hotels are gonna be able to even afford housekeeping robots? They can barely keep us paid! And even one of these hypothetical cleaning devices is gonna cost more than our entire team's yearly salary. And what if they start breaking down? Can't call someone in last-minute to cover a shift when your entire workforce is down because management didn't remember to plug "the team" in the night before!
How would that even work? Any cleaning maintenance robots are like these noisy checker discs that scuttle around on the floor and most of the cleaning is at human hand-level. Making beds correctly and to standard isn't that easy and takes a certain amount of dexterity and fast jerks to accomplish. How is a robot gonna do that, exactly? We don't even have prosthetics that mimic a human hand with the same speed and strength but you're telling me they will have a whole ass robot ready by 2044? Look up "robot soccer" to see how far humanized automaton technology is these days. It's not that impressive.
And keep in mind how FAST we need to go. Robots aren't fast. Even the most expensive roomba-like vacuum bot out there takes at least 20 minutes to vacuum a medium sized room while that's the time limit for the ENTIRE room! No way these bots can be as productive as a human with a mop, dust rag, and the will to make it happen.
2 1 Reply
Susan (불확실한) 1 year ago
I am uncertain because I have been waiting for such a "house cleaning robot" since around 1975 when a humorous song came out that included "my new invention will do your chores
Take out your garbage and wax your floors
Just plug it in the wall it's completely automatic
Hang it in the hall or you could hide it in the attic" (Five Man Electrical Band). I already have vaccuum robot but it does not work as well as the one I have to push and it is a far cry from doing tasks like making beds, doing laundry, dusting entire home, cleaning cupboards, and so on. I just don't see it happening soon.
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Declan (낮은) 1 year ago
AI already does a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to house work. But there are things such as folding clothes, cleaning in higher places, eg polishing doors, handles, mopping floors, and regardless of how small a place is, some people are just lazy, too lazy to do even the smallest things.

Also, people, myself included, would like someone to be in contact with, just feels more then a little robotic mechanism walking around my house
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Andrew F Block (낮은) 1 year ago
I run an in-home senior care agency. The caregivers have to interact with the clients personally, as well as clean bathrooms, sinks, mirrors, take laundry up and down steps, run errands and grocery shopping sweep and mop floors and take out garbage. Unless you had a full bodied physical standing robot with hands and arms that could do all of that, and maneuver, all the aspects of the house steps included. It would be difficult for a robot to do that. Far beyond a Roomba vacuum on the floor, these tasks require much more intricacy.
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Gen (적당한) 1 year ago
Trusted human housekeepers are hard to find. Since technology is rapidly accelerating people will turn even more to A.I.
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Not a robot 2 years ago
The requirements needed for an autonomous robot would be 1) smell 2) physical flexibility/durability 3) reasoning 4) electronic communications 5) patience 6) able to scrub hard surfaces with different contours 7) able to half finish a job in one room and return to complete when unoccupied 8) to understand that the daily task and order of things may change 9) able to operate other electronic devices ie.. ovens for proper cleaning 10) able to lift any type of material such as cast iron stove covers, toilet lids, garbage cans, rugs 11) a battery that lasts between 3-6 hours depending on size of home 12) a charging port small enough to be placed in an inconspicuous area out of eye sight.
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Elf 3 years ago
House cleaning can be a complex and challenging task that demands careful attention to detail. From deactivating alarms and opening locks with a deft touch to lifting dog gates and ensuring that cats don't escape, there are numerous variables to consider. It's also important to use the appropriate cleaning agents, such as the "right" soap for washing dishes. In addition to these practical considerations, there's also the aesthetic aspect to consider, such as carefully dusting delicate items like plastic vines or checking the condition of a fragile vase that may already be cracked. To successfully clean a home, it requires precise movements and a keen eye for detail.

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Kelli Grabener (매우 가능성이 높음) 3 years ago
The Pandemic is causing housekeepers not to want to come back to work. Its time to get creative
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Maggie B. 3 years ago
I'm honestly fine with that as long as the robots wear cute cat maid outfits. Otherwise, I'd prefer to be the one in that outfit cleaning up your house.
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Angela 4 years ago
I hate all this robot stuff. They using us to work and making money off us and the money they make they invest in robots to replace us. I hate it. I hate driverless cars
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Kary (매우 가능성이 높음) 5 years ago
example 1: roomba
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rob (기회 없음) 5 years ago
hotel housekeeping is very detailed, you would need a very advanced robot with minute hand movements.
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blue fin 4 years ago
but robots can do that you numpty
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someone 4 years ago
blue fin and Person, I just don't think robots could do that. You see, there are a lot of variables. For example, there could be a dirty towel and the robot didn't know. So, I just don't think that robots could really do that.
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TT 2 years ago
The programmer or someone that check the robots will have to fill new colour code towel or clean one, in their robotic, box tools, or either inside their arm, no need to carry thing around then the robot knows to continue to clean, may be I watch too many Si-fi movies.
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Person 5 years ago
It's AI it can learn that's the whole point
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bryce 5 years ago
Completely agree with rob. Although robots are currently applied to the vacuum cleaner, these are extremely expensive, take forever to clean the entire home, and they are noisy. I admit there is a likelihood that the time will ultimately arrive, but it will be a while away
1 0 Reply
humpty dumpty 4 years ago
you are probably a cleaner yourself :)
1 0 Reply

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