Camerieri e Cameriere

Alto Rischio
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Oppure, esplora questa professione in maggiore dettaglio...
(Alto Rischio)
(Alto Rischio)
Average: 69%
entro l'anno 2033
31.940 $
o 15,35 $ all'ora
a partire da 2023

Le persone hanno anche visualizzato

Rischio di automazione calcolato

70% (Alto Rischio)

Rischio Alto (61-80%): Le professioni in questa categoria affrontano una minaccia significativa dall'automazione, poiché molte delle loro attività possono essere facilmente automatizzate utilizzando le tecnologie attuali o di prossima generazione.

Ulteriori informazioni su cosa sia questo punteggio e su come viene calcolato sono disponibili qui.

Alcune qualità piuttosto importanti del lavoro sono difficili da automatizzare:

  • Percezione Sociale

  • Assistere e Prendersi Cura degli Altri

Sondaggio degli utenti

68% possibilità di completa automazione nel prossimo ventennio

I nostri visitatori hanno votato che è probabile che questa professione sarà automatizzata. Questa valutazione è ulteriormente supportata dal livello di rischio di automazione calcolato, che stima una possibilità di automazione del 70%.

Cosa pensi sia il rischio dell'automazione?

Qual è la probabilità che Camerieri e Cameriere venga sostituito da robot o intelligenza artificiale nei prossimi 20 anni?


Il seguente grafico è incluso ovunque ci sia una quantità sostanziale di voti per rendere i dati significativi. Queste rappresentazioni visive mostrano i risultati dei sondaggi degli utenti nel tempo, fornendo un'indicazione significativa delle tendenze di sentimento.

Sentimento nel tempo (annuale)


Crescita lenta rispetto ad altre professioni.

Il numero di offerte di lavoro per 'Waiters and Waitresses' dovrebbe aumentare 1,0% entro il 2033

Occupazione totale e stime delle offerte di lavoro

* Dati provenienti dal Bureau of Labor Statistics per il periodo tra 2023 e 2033
Le previsioni aggiornate sono previste per 09-2025.


Molto mal pagato rispetto ad altre professioni

Nel 2023, il salario annuo mediano per 'Waiters and Waitresses' era di 31.940 $, o 15 $ all'ora.

'Waiters and Waitresses' hanno ricevuto 33,5% in meno rispetto al salario mediano nazionale, che si attestava a 48.060 $

Salari nel tempo

* Dati provenienti dal Bureau of Labor Statistics


Gamma di opportunità lavorative notevolmente maggiore rispetto ad altre professioni

A partire dal 2023 c'erano 2.237.850 persone impiegate come 'Waiters and Waitresses' negli Stati Uniti.

Questo rappresenta circa il 1,5% della forza lavoro impiegata in tutto il paese

In altre parole, circa 1 su 67 persone sono impiegate come 'Waiters and Waitresses'.

Descrizione del lavoro

Prendi ordini e servi cibo e bevande ai clienti ai tavoli nel ristorante.

SOC Code: 35-3031.00


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reilly (Molto probabile) 9 months ago
0 1 Reply
ya (Molto probabile) 1 year ago
Now I start to see more robot waiters which can mean that soon, waiter jobs will be taken.
0 1 Reply
youausduasdasa (Molto probabile) 1 year ago
because they just walk around and take order. Japan is already doing it so we should too
0 1 Reply
Alisha 1 year ago
AI is REALLY taking over the world!!!
SCARED for the next generation!!
0 1 Reply
Ernest Onunze (Basso) 1 year ago
It is because it involves emotion and social understanding. Can AI interprets moods, feelings and stress this what waiters and waitress does better
1 1 Reply
Gwen (Basso) 1 year ago
Food service workers in fast food, buffets, etc., do face a risk of replacement and you can already see it happening. Actual servers who provide full table service do not face the same risk, in my opinion.

Ultimately, going out to eat is an experience. Going through a drive-thru serves a functional purpose, you need food and you need it within minutes. Full service restaurants exist to give people somewhere to *go*. Somewhere to socialize, celebrate, grab a drink, mourn a bad day, take a load off, sit down with a good book, write a good book, get some office work done, etc., etc. It’s about experiencing human connections, even if you’re eating alone, you still have the company of your server, of the other patrons surrounding you. We crave human connection, we’re social creatures by nature, otherwise, everyone would just stay home. To-go and delivery has existed for forever and full service restaurants still stand, because the *people* are the draw.

Customers want to become regulars, they delight in their name or order being remembered, couples want a place they think of as “theirs” that they return to every year for their anniversary, they want to tell the server it’s their birthday so they can get that free piece of cake, so their waiter will wish them well or sing for them. They want someone to joke around with, to tease and be teased, to flirt, to leave their number on a receipt even though they know they won’t call. They want their baby to be cooed at and made to laugh. They want the bartender to listen to them wax poetic about their bad breakup. Speaking of bartenders, I don’t think people realize how much they keep you safe. They’ll keep an eye on your drink, put your purse behind the bar, toss out the drunken idiot harassing everyone.

And on a less positive note—people *especially* want someone to level their fury at. When their order is messed up or the food isn’t to their liking or when they have to wait too long to be seated. You can’t be mad at a robot. I mean, you can be, but I’m certain it won’t give the same satisfaction that whatever it is miserable people get out of bullying waitstaff. What I’m saying is—people crave human interaction…and that includes asking for the manager.

Maybe it would be a different story if AI could mimic human behavior, but even then, it can’t get around the uncanny valley effect. People need people.
2 1 Reply
Stu 1 year ago
As a customer it won’t be nearly as fun to watch a robot run after the condiments. Haha
1 1 Reply
Cd Guthrie (Nessuna possibilità) 2 years ago
Can’t anticipate guests needs and time constraints simultaneously while providing the warmth of caring
2 1 Reply
Stefan Deleanu (Basso) 2 years ago
It is highly unlikely due to the social aspect of being a waiter. We can see this based on the effect home delivery services had on the HORECA industry. People still want social contact and not some robotic interaction.

I assume culture will change in future generations. This is similar to how there are love hotels and vending machines for everything in Japan, which wouldn't be acceptable in the Western world.
0 1 Reply
Bro 3 years ago
All the fast food restaurants now do this and most restaurants use seamless/Grubhub for delivery. Delivery to my table in the restaurant via my phone is next.
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Mitch (Molto probabile) 3 years ago
Low skill. Unnecessary. Humans performing the task are unpredictable and often unreliable.
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Karl (Nessuna possibilità) 3 years ago
Where do servers make 11$ an hour? That's crazy low.
0 1 Reply
Chloe (Nessuna possibilità) 3 years ago
I do think robots could replace waiters at certain restaurants but not entirely. As a waitress I feel a lot of the customers are looking for a waitress not a robot or a screen to press, they’re coming to be served and for the personal interaction. Just look at places like hooters or the restaurants where the staff is paid to make crude jokes and insults to you. A robot can’t do that.
0 1 Reply
Bruna 3 years ago
Will robots also hear your romantic dramas or give you advice? Waiters' job is also about interaction
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Jeffro (Basso) 3 years ago
Upscale restaurant servers will always be human.
0 1 Reply
Julia 4 years ago
I really hope not, some waiters and waitresses are really nice
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austin (Incerto) 4 years ago
i certainly see fast food waiters being eliminated however "fancy" dine-in i think is less likely
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Noah R (Nessuna possibilità) 5 years ago
It’s not that it can’t be done but I don’t think people would be receptive to having robot servers
0 1 Reply
Abhudya (Molto probabile) 5 years ago
Because some hotels have already done it.
0 1 Reply
Jon 5 years ago
Has anyone seen Sam and Cat? Just do the same thing they did.
0 1 Reply

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