Atleti e Concorrenti Sportivi

livello di rischio
Basato su 1.217 voti
entro l'anno 2032
94.270 $
o 45,32 $ all'ora
a partire da 2022

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Rischio di automazione

17% (Rischio Minimo)

Rischio Minimo (0-20%): Le professioni in questa categoria hanno una bassa probabilità di essere automatizzate, poiché richiedono tipicamente la risoluzione di problemi complessi, creatività, forti competenze interpersonali e un alto grado di destrezza manuale. Questi lavori comportano spesso movimenti manuali intricati e una coordinazione precisa, rendendo difficile per le macchine replicare i compiti richiesti.

Ulteriori informazioni su cosa sia questo punteggio e su come viene calcolato sono disponibili qui.

Alcune qualità piuttosto importanti del lavoro sono difficili da automatizzare:

  • Destrezza Manuale

  • Percezione Sociale

  • Persuasione

Sondaggio degli utenti

13,9% possibilità di completa automazione nel prossimo ventennio

I nostri visitatori hanno votato che c'è una minima possibilità che questa professione venga automatizzata. Questa valutazione è ulteriormente supportata dal livello di rischio di automazione calcolato, che stima una possibilità di automazione del 17%.

Cosa pensi sia il rischio dell'automazione?

Qual è la probabilità che Atleti e Concorrenti Sportivi venga sostituito da robot o intelligenza artificiale nei prossimi 20 anni?


Il/i seguente/i grafico/i sono inclusi ovunque ci sia un numero sostanziale di voti per fornire dati significativi. Queste rappresentazioni visive mostrano i risultati dei sondaggi degli utenti nel tempo, fornendo un'indicazione significativa delle tendenze del sentimento.

Sentimento nel tempo (annuale)


Crescita molto veloce rispetto ad altre professioni

Il numero di offerte di lavoro per 'Athletes and Sports Competitors' dovrebbe aumentare 35,7% entro il 2032

Occupazione totale e stime delle offerte di lavoro

* Dati provenienti dal Bureau of Labor Statistics per il periodo tra 2021 e 2031
Le previsioni aggiornate sono previste per 09-2023.


Molto ben retribuito rispetto ad altre professioni

Nel 2022, il salario annuo mediano per 'Athletes and Sports Competitors' era di 94.270 $, o 45 $ all'ora.

'Athletes and Sports Competitors' hanno ricevuto un salario 103,6% superiore al salario mediano nazionale, che si attestava a 46.310 $

Salari nel tempo

* Dati provenienti dal Bureau of Labor Statistics


Gamma di opportunità lavorative notevolmente inferiore rispetto ad altre professioni

A partire dal 2022 c'erano 11.930 persone impiegate come 'Athletes and Sports Competitors' negli Stati Uniti.

Questo rappresenta circa il < 0,001% della forza lavoro impiegata in tutto il paese

In altre parole, circa 1 su 12 mille persone sono impiegate come 'Athletes and Sports Competitors'.

Descrizione del lavoro

Competi in eventi sportivi.

SOC Code: 27-2021.00


Se stai pensando di iniziare una nuova carriera, o desideri cambiare lavoro, abbiamo creato un pratico strumento di ricerca del lavoro che potrebbe aiutarti a trovare il ruolo perfetto.

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Lascia un commento

Shing Tung (Nessuna possibilità) dice
Not only would it be quite foolish but I believe it would be quite boring to watch a machine perform athletic things.
Dec 11, 2023 at 10:13
serious guy (Nessuna possibilità) dice
ROBOTS are made by humans and humans can not develop something just like them
Sep 19, 2023 at 10:38
Rocky Balboa (Nessuna possibilità) dice
Nobody would watch a robot play football against other robots, or any other sport for that matter. Sports are created with the goal of testing human athleticism, and there's zero reason highly complicated robots would be replacing athletes in leagues created for entertainment.
Jun 11, 2023 at 02:13
Jay (Incerto) dice
As Robots & A.I become more humanlike we should be concerned about the possibilities of Robots & A.I taking over areas of our lives like sports, entertainment and other sectors that we are not considering. The fact that we're discussing it as the technologies continue to advance tells us it's possible and can go either way...
Mar 02, 2023 at 12:37
Aaron (Nessuna possibilità) dice
if sports are automated they will be come very boring
Nov 15, 2022 at 06:28
Qarlz (Basso) dice
Traumatic brain injuries and the liability of insuring human players.
Oct 05, 2022 at 08:42
BibirMengkeroet (Nessuna possibilità) dice
Most people who watch sport competitions want to see actual human, not robots (Assuming people still watches them, which is unlikely in the future)
Sep 13, 2022 at 12:07
Talan Castro dice
Dude imagine the hitting or tackling and falling if a robot took place in sports! The bots would get messed up! It’s so not possible! I want to play in the NHL and I don’t want to be replaced by a robot! That’s BS!
Sep 08, 2022 at 03:57
April Skies dice
I just don't see how a robot could replace a human in sports, unless there is a new branch of sports with robots or AI in it, like Real Steel.

Imagine how boring it would be if football was played by robots. The drama, emotion, and art of football can't be replaced by robots. There's absolutely no chance.
Jul 25, 2022 at 01:40
Future Footballer (Basso) dice
Robot code can be hacked
Jul 05, 2022 at 10:42
Rational (Molto probabile) dice
Sports and athletics are just concepts with no real value they give to the world, so they're very easy to be replaced because it's just a game of sensors and fluid movements of machines which would be needed. Boston Dynamics robots already do backflips which so many people around the world can't do.
May 11, 2022 at 06:16
Jesse Tong dice
I don't think so, scientists are struggling mimicking most human limbs' actions and movements, let alone make them good enough for sports. Even with sports and competitions that you can put robots and AIs to, such as chess or E-Sports, the point is that sports are meant to push and break humans' physical and mental limits, as well as all the emotional attachment people watching to the players. No one would watch robots play against each other, though it doesn't matter since less and less people watch any kind of sports these days.
Sep 19, 2023 at 10:14
Brandon Dehkordi (Basso) dice
Even if replacing martial artists, sports players and coaches was possible with machines it would defeat the purpose of pushing the human body to its limits and becoming the best at something.

If a robot did this job then it would no longer be the same job, just a comparison of robots to see whose hardware is better whereas in human sports it takes years and even decades of dedication to become good enough to stand at the top and is symbolistic of a journey that no robot could ever replicate.
Aug 26, 2021 at 06:20
OP dice
Yeah, guys sports will be boring if it's replaced by robots but the chance is low sooo
Jul 31, 2021 at 02:10
Sam B dice
Total Bull****
No one wants to watch a robot play football
Jun 17, 2021 at 08:13
Francesco (Nessuna possibilità) dice
The sole purpose it exists it to extend the human body's limits. No point in replacing it with robots
Apr 17, 2021 at 10:00
Maria dice
I agree with your statement one hundred percent.
Mar 09, 2023 at 04:27
Mapo'a (Nessuna possibilità) dice
It is a human activity and will never be automated
Apr 08, 2021 at 05:42
lara (Nessuna possibilità) dice
why would we want to watch robots play our favorite sports and represent our countries.. also, all the robots would have the same abilities so no one would win!
Mar 21, 2021 at 05:34
Kylian dice
how could robots replace Messi and Ronaldo
Feb 22, 2021 at 02:26
Its_Aarav (Nessuna possibilità) dice
Because I just don't see robots running marathons and playing football
Jan 07, 2021 at 08:25
Nate H (Basso) dice
Small chance because AI can't really be compared to a human and their athletic ability. AI in a few years might be seen as some people but I don't think that they would be able to play sports.
Dec 04, 2020 at 06:08
BibirMengkeroet dice
It's more than possible to create a machine that outperforms human power. In fact, we already have that. It's called cars.

However, as you've said, AI in a human-like body would still look fake because of the uncanny valley. There are already separate competitions for robot athletes, and these were held years ago.
Sep 13, 2022 at 12:13

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