Facteurs du service postal

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(Risque Imminent)
(Risque Modéré)
Average: 77%
-3,0 %
par l'année 2033
56 330 $
ou 27,08 $ par heure
331 600
à partir du 2023

Les gens ont également vu

Risque d'automatisation calculé

100% (Risque Imminent)

Risque Imminent (81-100%) : Les professions à ce niveau ont une probabilité extrêmement élevée d'être automatisées dans un avenir proche. Ces emplois consistent principalement en des tâches répétitives et prévisibles, nécessitant peu de jugement humain.

Plus d'informations sur ce que représente ce score et comment il est calculé sont disponibles ici.

Certaines qualités assez importantes du travail sont difficiles à automatiser :

  • Perceptivité Sociale

Sondage utilisateur

54% chance de pleine automatisation au cours des deux prochaines décennies

Nos visiteurs ont voté qu'ils ne sont pas sûrs si cette profession sera automatisée. Cependant, le niveau de risque d'automatisation que nous avons généré suggère une probabilité beaucoup plus élevée d'automatisation : 100% de chances d'automatisation.

Que pensez-vous du risque de l'automatisation?

Quelle est la probabilité que Facteurs du service postal soit remplacé par des robots ou l'intelligence artificielle dans les 20 prochaines années ?


Le graphique suivant est inclus chaque fois qu'il y a un nombre substantiel de votes pour rendre les données significatives. Ces représentations visuelles affichent les résultats des sondages utilisateurs au fil du temps, fournissant une indication significative des tendances de sentiment.

Sentiment au fil du temps (annuellement)


Une croissance très lente par rapport à d'autres professions.

On s'attend à ce que le nombre d'offres d'emploi pour 'Postal Service Mail Carriers' diminue 3,0% d'ici 2033

Emploi total, et estimations des offres d'emploi

* Données de la Bureau of Labor Statistics pour la période entre 2021 et 2031
Les prévisions mises à jour sont attendues 09-2024.


Rémunéré de manière modérée par rapport à d'autres professions

En 2023, le salaire annuel médian pour 'Postal Service Mail Carriers' était de 56 330 $, soit 27 $ par heure.

'Postal Service Mail Carriers' ont été payés 17,2% de plus que le salaire médian national, qui était de 48 060 $

Salaires au fil du temps

* Données provenant du Bureau des Statistiques du Travail


Gamme de possibilités d'emploi nettement plus grande comparée à d'autres professions

À partir de 2023, il y avait 331 600 personnes employées en tant que 'Postal Service Mail Carriers' aux États-Unis.

Cela représente environ 0,22% de la main-d'œuvre employée à travers le pays

Autrement dit, environ 1 personne sur 457 est employée en tant que 'Postal Service Mail Carriers'.

Description du poste

Trier et distribuer le courrier pour le service postal des États-Unis (USPS). Livrer le courrier sur un itinéraire établi en véhicule ou à pied. Cela inclut les facteurs employés par les sous-traitants de l'USPS.

SOC Code: 43-5052.00


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genya 6 months ago
while other postal jobs are at higher risk of automation, it would be extremely difficult to automate the actual task of delivering on the street. while there are repetitive aspects to the job, there are simply far too many complicated, ever-changing variables for a machine to replicate the work. from working in all weather conditions, to driving in unpredictable traffic and road conditions, to specific customer and delivery needs that require complex thinking. a lot of problem-solving and risk-assessment involved in the job that cannot be easily replicated by automated technology. consider even a variable that is small and simple like a mailbox being moved or replaced in a new spot - an issue that would be easy for a human to problem-solve, but nearly-impossible for any artificial intelligence we could conceive in the foreseeable future.
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mbailey (Aucune chance) 8 months ago
Will there be less, yes. Will it be replaced by robots in 20 years? NO WAY.
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Nate (Aucune chance) 9 months ago
Clerk work might get automated, but delivering mail can not be automated in the next 20 years. They can't even get self driving right, walking up to a house is way beyond what a robot can do let alone sort and place mail. New technology might be invited to aid a carrier in delivering, but will not be replaced.
1 0 Reply
Philip Low (Très probable) 1 year ago
its a highly repetitive job and easy to replicate although some delivery areas will be automated faster than others
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Jacob Green (Faible) 1 year ago
Being a mail carrier is harder than than it might seem. There is more to it than just putting things in boxes. We deliver in severe weather conditions like blizzards where am AI would have shard time seeing the road.
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grinch (Incertain) 1 year ago
Doubt all jobs would suddenly be cut especially because of unions etc. In my country the roads are really rubbish and weather can be especially nasty, not to mention the import costs would likely be high for such technology. Maybe further in future I could see less and less postmen but I highly doubt this would happen for a long time, in any case if this happens then sign me up for the dole and I will live in my parents basement like an incel while watching the world go to ruin.
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Jack (Aucune chance) 1 year ago
Not feasible in rural areas where requirements and routes are variable and non-standard.
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J (Faible) 2 years ago
I work for USPS as a letter carrier. I can’t imagine management being able to maintain robots when they can hardly update equipment and vehicles as is.
2 0 Reply
Sujoi (Très probable) 2 years ago
As the development of autonomous drones and self-driving cars continues to improve, the role of the postal man will greatly shrink. I believe that even in the span of a single decade, the job will be considerably automated.
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3 years ago
Not sure but it's a lot of hurdles to overcome. Drones flying around with big boxes everywhere. Sounds cool but realistically in our modern society even is it going to be too much liability? If something falls or destroys packages and people's property then people of course will try and steal from them.
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Dennis 3 years ago
Even rural mail carriers?
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Charlie(No chance) (Aucune chance) 3 years ago
I doubt postal mail carriers will be replaced by robots because of strong labor unions.
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Angus (Très probable) 4 years ago
There is already post delivery robots in Brisbane suburbs in Queensland, Australia
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NO (Modéré) 5 years ago
Drone based delivery
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Nancy 2 years ago
There is human quality to this job that can't be replaced.
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Tony (Modéré) 5 years ago
It's pretty likely that we will find ways to deliver physical mail to people using machines in the next 20 years. :/
0 0 Reply
Jak Aser (Incertain) 5 years ago
Depends on a few things:
how much does it takes to develop an autodriven car.
how much it costs.
how much it takes to develop an auto-driven drone.
how to make it to get it directly to your home or mailbox, specially big packages.
how to make it less costly than a human delivering the package.
we have been waiting to the electric car like.... 40 years. it was said we would have it by the year 2000 and... still to many costs.
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Patrik (Incertain) 5 years ago
Machines already sort most mail, only needs refinement. Selfdriving cars are on the horizon. We only need to combine the two.
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Nilay (Très probable) 5 years ago
This job will be taken over due to the coming of drone delivery.
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Steve Jennings (Très probable) 5 years ago
Small robots would be faster and more efficient
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THE DUDE 1 year ago
Yeah until kids on the street light them on fire, break them etc. imagine the repair cost of a couple 100,000 robots. Better off paying people that actually care about customers. You think a mail delivery robot would save an elderly woman from a house fire or notify police of a burglary.
0 0 Reply

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