
Risque Faible
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(Risque Faible)
(Risque Faible)
Average: 27%
par l'année 2033
Le salaire médian pour cette profession est actuellement inconnu.
62 560
à partir du 2023

Les gens ont également vu

Risque d'automatisation calculé

27% (Risque Faible)

Risque Faible (21-40%) : Les emplois à ce niveau présentent un risque limité d'automatisation, car ils nécessitent un mélange de compétences techniques et centrées sur l'humain.

Plus d'informations sur ce que représente ce score et comment il est calculé sont disponibles ici.

Certaines qualités très importantes du travail sont difficiles à automatiser :

  • Beaux-Arts

Certaines qualités assez importantes du travail sont difficiles à automatiser :

  • Originalité

  • Perceptivité Sociale

Sondage utilisateur

27% chance de pleine automatisation au cours des deux prochaines décennies

Nos visiteurs ont voté qu'il y a peu de chances que cette profession soit automatisée. Cette évaluation est davantage soutenue par le niveau de risque d'automatisation calculé, qui estime 27% de chances d'automatisation.

Que pensez-vous du risque de l'automatisation?

Quelle est la probabilité que Acteurs soit remplacé par des robots ou l'intelligence artificielle dans les 20 prochaines années ?


Le graphique suivant est inclus chaque fois qu'il y a un nombre substantiel de votes pour rendre les données significatives. Ces représentations visuelles affichent les résultats des sondages utilisateurs au fil du temps, fournissant une indication significative des tendances de sentiment.

Sentiment au fil du temps (trimestriel)

Sentiment au fil du temps (annuellement)


Une croissance modérée par rapport à d'autres professions

On s'attend à ce que le nombre de postes vacants pour 'Actors' augmente 4,5% d'ici 2033

Emploi total, et estimations des offres d'emploi

* Données de la Bureau of Labor Statistics pour la période entre 2021 et 2031
Les prévisions mises à jour sont attendues 09-2024.


Gamme modérée d'opportunités d'emploi par rapport à d'autres professions

À partir de 2023, il y avait 62 560 personnes employées en tant que 'Actors' aux États-Unis.

Cela représente environ < 0,001% de la main-d'œuvre employée à travers le pays

Autrement dit, environ 1 personne sur 2 mille est employée en tant que 'Actors'.

Description du poste

Jouez des rôles dans des productions de théâtre, de télévision, de radio, de vidéo ou de film, ou dans d'autres contextes de divertissement, d'information ou d'instruction. Interprétez un rôle sérieux ou comique par le discours, le geste et le mouvement corporel pour divertir ou informer le public. Vous pourriez être amené à danser et à chanter.

SOC Code: 27-2011.00


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Awang razak (Aucune chance) 2 months ago
Nope theyll never take this job there is so many famous actors like ryan reynolds, tom cruise, jack black, adam sandler, dyawne johnson, keeanu reeves and leonardo dicaprio whatever you name it will robots be the same acting style and good looking human like them? Absolutely not, everyone loves these guys
0 1 Reply
Sean (Faible) 3 months ago
Real actors provide a sense of realism in series, but animated series tend to become more popular over the years.
0 1 Reply
Lisa (Aucune chance) 5 months ago
Voice actors? Definitely, especially if AI has a 20-year timeframe. But replacing actual, traditional actors would be near impossible. Robots lack the movement and dexterity of actual living beings, let alone humans.

A life-size robot would also be extremely expensive for producers to get. Coupled with the time spent making them look real? Not worth their time.
1 1 Reply
Wil 11 months ago
Thanks to SORA, we all know that the risk level is 90 percent...just wait until the first Ai generated film gets made and the panic will start....
1 5 Reply
daddy 6 months ago
whos gonna tell him?
1 1 Reply
welp (Faible) 11 months ago
People would still prefer to see human actors over AI-generated ones
6 2 Reply
Ok 6 months ago
People won't know the difference. I personally would watch an AI generated movie honestly. Pretty sure AI can act better than humans LOL!
0 8 Reply
hllo 8 months ago
2 2 Reply
MainEditor 11 months ago
OpenAI Sora just come and killed that job...
1 2 Reply
Dontae Dovel 12 months ago
There's no chance for robots. In fact, in text to speech and to work at restaurants. In fact, there was robots usually working in this 1 restaurant in Sam & Cat.
1 1 Reply
Anon 12 months ago
Aaaaaaannd SORA is here. That was quicker than expected.
2 2 Reply
Bridget Bell 1 year ago
Actors had a low chance of being replaced until Chat GPT announced Sora. Now, videos can be made from text prompts with what appears to be human actors
4 1 Reply
Miranda Morris (Modéré) 1 year ago
look at what's recently occurred in the US with the actors strike
1 1 Reply
Silvana (Incertain) 1 year ago
I can see the rating going down less people go to watch movies at the cinema because of CGI . It’s a pity that movies are suffering from the production companies becoming greedy and don’t want to pay for talent.
0 1 Reply
gabriella 1 year ago
if in 20 years im watching good burger and i see a robot making a sandwich, im deleting netflix
2 1 Reply
William Crowe (Modéré) 1 year ago
deepfake technologies are becoming more advanced by the day with face swapping algorithms as well as research done on 'the orb' which can scan real actors from many different angles to replicate their likeness.
1 1 Reply
josh (Très probable) 1 year ago
deep fakes are only going to get more and more advanced
2 2 Reply
Anonymous (Incertain) 1 year ago
No one wants to be inundated with automated junk, but also people don't like paying for art, and as we're seeing with the strikes right now, executives at top studios will do anything to avoid paying their performers.

It's never been easy to be any kind of artist, but now that companies are finding new ways to circumvent paying people their due wages, it's only going to get harder.
3 1 Reply
Naynesh 1 year ago
Only a little bit chance of robots to copied of human behaviour sech as walk,look, but does not match real human actor like emotion, feeling, dedication talking,,,,etc....
3 1 Reply
sebastian (Faible) 1 year ago
theatres and movies will still be open and with robots they just wouldnt have that feel to them, therefore putting them out of business
1 1 Reply
Luxy John (high chance) 1 year ago
I Hope so.....In recent indiana jones, they made a young indiana jones which helped me relive the good old days , instead of seeing the octagenerian ambling across the street while the nuclear bomb ticks...I could still continue to see the christopher reeve superman who was happy and kind instead of the always frowning faced worried self doubting cavill superman... so that was all my self view point as a consumer..............From the actors point of view, yes, like every other occupation, it is a big worry....Well established talent amay not be too threatened but the semi-established stand to lose more i suspect... Newbies will find a new world where they want your body but not your mind...overall it may become more like dating........
2 1 Reply
Anonymous (Faible) 1 year ago
Actors have their own personality, emotions, and creativity, and they produce quality work that a robot couldn't recreate.
2 1 Reply
Jim 1 year ago
Acting requires a certain skill and they will never be replaced.
1 1 Reply

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