
Risque Faible
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(Risque Faible)
(Risque Faible)
Average: 30%
par l'année 2033
145 760 $
ou 70,07 $ par heure
731 340
à partir du 2023

Les gens ont également vu

Risque d'automatisation calculé

23% (Risque Faible)

Risque Faible (21-40%) : Les emplois à ce niveau présentent un risque limité d'automatisation, car ils nécessitent un mélange de compétences techniques et centrées sur l'humain.

Plus d'informations sur ce que représente ce score et comment il est calculé sont disponibles ici.

Certaines qualités très importantes du travail sont difficiles à automatiser :

  • Négociation

  • Persuasion

Certaines qualités assez importantes du travail sont difficiles à automatiser :

  • Perceptivité Sociale

  • Originalité

Sondage utilisateur

37% chance de pleine automatisation au cours des deux prochaines décennies

Nos visiteurs ont voté qu'il y a peu de chances que cette profession soit automatisée. Cette évaluation est davantage soutenue par le niveau de risque d'automatisation calculé, qui estime 23% de chances d'automatisation.

Que pensez-vous du risque de l'automatisation?

Quelle est la probabilité que Avocats soit remplacé par des robots ou l'intelligence artificielle dans les 20 prochaines années ?


Le graphique suivant est inclus chaque fois qu'il y a un nombre substantiel de votes pour rendre les données significatives. Ces représentations visuelles affichent les résultats des sondages utilisateurs au fil du temps, fournissant une indication significative des tendances de sentiment.

Sentiment au fil du temps (trimestriel)

Sentiment au fil du temps (annuellement)


Une croissance rapide par rapport à d'autres professions

On s'attend à ce que le nombre de postes vacants pour 'Lawyers' augmente 5,2% d'ici 2033

Emploi total, et estimations des offres d'emploi

* Données de la Bureau of Labor Statistics pour la période entre 2023 et 2033
Les prévisions mises à jour sont attendues 09-2025.


Très bien rémunéré par rapport à d'autres professions

En 2023, le salaire annuel médian pour 'Lawyers' était de 145 760 $, soit 70 $ par heure.

'Lawyers' ont été payés 203,3% de plus que le salaire médian national, qui était de 48 060 $

Salaires au fil du temps

* Données provenant du Bureau des Statistiques du Travail


Gamme de possibilités d'emploi nettement plus grande comparée à d'autres professions

À partir de 2023, il y avait 731 340 personnes employées en tant que 'Lawyers' aux États-Unis.

Cela représente environ 0,48% de la main-d'œuvre employée à travers le pays

Autrement dit, environ 1 personne sur 207 est employée en tant que 'Lawyers'.

Description du poste

Représenter les clients dans les litiges pénaux et civils et autres procédures juridiques, rédiger des documents juridiques, ou gérer ou conseiller les clients sur les transactions juridiques. Peut se spécialiser dans un seul domaine ou peut pratiquer de manière générale dans de nombreux domaines du droit.

SOC Code: 23-1011.00


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J (Modéré) 21 days ago
It will be possible to automate some of the riskiest aspects of law that make clients uncomfortable and seek out external assistance, making it more likely that they will handle things themselves.
1 0 Reply
Gean G (Très probable) 1 month ago
AI is already automating tasks and generating petitions
2 1 Reply
george (Modéré) 1 month ago
certain repetitive tasks are undeniably at risk of automation: doc review, research and pleadings. Actual trial advocacy certainly will not be, nor will tribunals. What is likely is a significant reduction in people actually doing the work
1 2 Reply
CArl (Très probable) 2 months ago
your honor, reset to default settings, I am your programmer. Greatly believe that I am correct and opposing council is completely incorrect.
3 0 Reply
How dare you? 2 months ago
I don’t think artificial intelligence can completely replace the legal profession. However, it might corner lawyers who aren’t specialized and mostly handle general cases. In an era of increasingly uneven income distribution, people won’t want to pay high fees for something as simple as a response to a petition. Instead, they’ll turn to AI to draft petitions and handle their legal matters themselves, likely for free.

Therefore, the rise of AI also brings transformation to the legal profession. Are you specialized in a certain field? No problem—you’ll continue to earn a living. But if you’re handling general cases, that’s where trouble starts. You might not lose your job, but you might lose your income, which, in a way, amounts to the same thing.
3 1 Reply
bob123 2 months ago
To be honest, this is the best comment I've seen on this entire website. There's nothing about calling the job of lawyers easy or saying that even the most basic clerk job is impossible to automate simply because it fits into the profession of law.
I would, however, say that general cases may still need some lawyers as the depth of the issue becomes more complicated and just in case they want human insight (the same way that some people would still go onto Reddit to ask questions when ChatGPT can offer a faster response, and the same reason why people still phone accountants/lawyers for advice right now when AI like Perplexity have access to every single bit of legal knowledge with added citations).
3 1 Reply
Get Real (No Chance) 2 months ago
If you were a Judge or part of a Jury, would you be more likely to back the guy with a human lawyer or the one with an AI lawyer?
4 1 Reply
AC 2 months ago
Human lawyer. Interesting question.
2 1 Reply
Noof (Très probable) 3 months ago
Half of law is discovery
0 2 Reply
im confused 2 months ago
...could you clarify what you mean on this?
1 1 Reply
Estelle (Incertain) 3 months ago
they can argue their case, it's just that they need to have correct references
1 1 Reply
MATHEUS COSTA DE ARAUJO (Aucune chance) 4 months ago
There are numerous issues involved in being a lawyer. Knowing the law is one of them, but interpreting the law is another. Few people would trust robots to handle such important cases in their lives. Another thing that happens frequently is settlements. Robots don't have feelings, meaning that if a settlement seems advantageous from a rational point of view, the robot would suggest it's a good deal. However, emotionally, it might be a terrible agreement. I believe my explanation might have been a bit confusing, but I hope you understood.
8 1 Reply
Ronald J 4 months ago
There is no way an A.I. can take over the law!!!!! How scary
7 1 Reply
Matt F (Aucune chance) 4 months ago
No automation can accurately interpret the law without creating it's own legislation based on the parameters of existing legislation
6 1 Reply
علي يحيى 5 months ago
I don't believe that artificial intelligence can replace the legal profession, even to a small extent, because it is a human-centered profession.
6 1 Reply
Dariuosh (Très probable) 5 months ago
Given that artificial intelligence has been used in some countries to advocate in divorce cases, it is expected that this profession will disappear in the next 20 years
1 12 Reply
Noah 5 months ago
i do NOT want an ai arguing for me in a court
10 0 Reply
Sean (Très probable) 7 months ago
It's already happening. I'm an intern at a BigLaw company and all of our procedural and contractual people are already using AI and kinda concerned about it. The only part that won't be automated is litigation, but most cases are settled out of court so...
1 14 Reply
Marty (Aucune chance) 7 months ago
Not only does AI struggle to instantiate legal reasoning in reality, but on principle, it is a terrible idea to offload interpretation and reasoning to computers when it is about abstract concepts that govern the practical lives of human beings.
6 2 Reply
Mannara (Très probable) 7 months ago
If the rules become easily categorized also connected, and we can simplify the situations, and the goal is not to find verity and justice, but just simply "rights" and economic goals, we can cut out the people to judge and AI can do it.
1 5 Reply
Marty 7 months ago
Nah, we don't want computers interpreting and arguing laws that govern human beings. Never. They can help with the tedium though.
7 3 Reply
Meriem Makri (Aucune chance) 7 months ago
New regulations are introduced daily, so the machines need to be updated regularly. Justice is not a field that can be easily automated because the profile of each individual seeking justice varies greatly, as do the ways in which the law is applied (such as mitigating circumstances, etc.).
11 2 Reply
Person (Modéré) 7 months ago
when analising details it can easily make a story, who cares how it is phrased if everyone agrees it makes sense
0 4 Reply
John (Aucune chance) 7 months ago
It requires nuanced opinion-formation and decision-making skills that cannot be replicated by a program. Not to mention, depending on the field, it may involve gut instinct and other talents which only humans have.
7 2 Reply
Jude Jordan 8 months ago
Lawyers will not be replaced by AI for a while because, regardless of how capable AI actually is in technical, ethical, and reasoning aspects, the people who will write into law and decide whether or not AI should be able to serve as lawyers, are themselves lawyers. The giant law industry as it is, will never allow for AI to legally serve as lawyers in the foreseeable future.
14 1 Reply

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