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Risque d'automatisation calculé
Risque Imminent (81-100%) : Les professions à ce niveau ont une probabilité extrêmement élevée d'être automatisées dans un avenir proche. Ces emplois consistent principalement en des tâches répétitives et prévisibles, nécessitant peu de jugement humain.
Plus d'informations sur ce que représente ce score et comment il est calculé sont disponibles ici.
Sondage utilisateur
Nos visiteurs ont voté que c'est très probable que cette profession sera automatisée. Cette évaluation est davantage soutenue par le niveau de risque d'automatisation calculé, qui estime 88% de chances d'automatisation.
Que pensez-vous du risque de l'automatisation?
Quelle est la probabilité que Caissiers soit remplacé par des robots ou l'intelligence artificielle dans les 20 prochaines années ?
Le graphique suivant est inclus chaque fois qu'il y a un nombre substantiel de votes pour rendre les données significatives. Ces représentations visuelles affichent les résultats des sondages utilisateurs au fil du temps, fournissant une indication significative des tendances de sentiment.
Sentiment au fil du temps (trimestriel)
Sentiment au fil du temps (annuellement)
On s'attend à ce que le nombre d'offres d'emploi pour 'Cashiers' diminue 10,6% d'ici 2033
Emploi total, et estimations des offres d'emploi
Les prévisions mises à jour sont attendues 09-2025.
En 2023, le salaire annuel médian pour 'Cashiers' était de 29 720 $, soit 14 $ par heure.
'Cashiers' ont été payés 38,2% de moins que le salaire médian national, qui s'élevait à 48 060 $
Salaires au fil du temps
À partir de 2023, il y avait 3 298 660 personnes employées en tant que 'Cashiers' aux États-Unis.
Cela représente environ 2,2% de la main-d'œuvre employée à travers le pays
Autrement dit, environ 1 personne sur 46 est employée en tant que 'Cashiers'.
Description du poste
Recevoir et distribuer de l'argent dans des établissements autres que les institutions financières. Peut utiliser des scanners électroniques, des caisses enregistreuses ou des équipements similaires. Peut traiter les transactions par carte de crédit ou de débit et valider les chèques.
SOC Code: 41-2011.00
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Also most cashiers aren't only cashiers where i live at least
Say Walmart.. These cashiers will be replaced by the customers whom they currently serve. IT is already happening.
McDonalds and the like: These will most likely be replaced by inhuman automation, and most people will not even care as these people are the ones who brought it on themselves thinking that they DESERVE to make more per hour than someone who actually has a skill set. THIS TOO, is already starting to happen, and as I thought, most people are more than happy to do this task on their own.
At Walmart however, people are a little upset that self serve is overtaking jobs. Kinda cool how that works.
Karma Baby!
My position required asking if a customer has an account or the benefits of taking a servey. A person who doesn’t understand English might also misinterpret the robot if it’s not built to accommodate their language. Robots can also misinterpret speech impediments, or even alternative augmented communications. Sudden glitches can exacerbate this.
However, some English native speakers are very skilled in understanding and communicating with ppl who don’t speak English compared to the average English native speaker not familiar with their language. You don’t have to be familiar with a person’s native language in order to precisely interpret accents or charades, that is, better than other English native speakers, with or without writing. I could make some of those non English speaking customers understand that they’re being asked about a store account and that they can win money from a survey, with or without writing, and I don’t share an ethnic background with most of those customers. This can make the buying process quicker and less frustrating with human interaction.
Many of the customers mentioned have English speaking relatives or translators, and PCs have translators in virtually every language. The US has no official languages, so they find a way to maneuver without speaking English. Unlike PCs, store computers only have Spanish and English. (I was exposed to people from all continents.)
Verbal communication and body language are the most vital keys to cashiering with people if all languages, and that’s why we still have human cashiers.
Our inventory computer system renews every night and is thus sometimes not accurate, so an empathetic humanistic voice may calm a customer.
A number of native English speakers fear AI replacing cashiers, whether it’s machine breakdown, misinformation, possible machine complexity, or political motivation later in the future (since they might become more human like but won’t get paid, or have some disadvantageous algorithmic agenda.) In the future, customers may feel more comfortable attacking the machine than another person.
Sorry joke. In fact you're right. Most people quit their job because of a bad boss, not because of the job.
So, there would still need to be at least one human employed in every restaurant to handle complaints by customers who didn't get their orders -- such as the manager.
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