Technische Redakteure

Hohes Risiko
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(Unmittelbares Risiko)
(Mäßiges Risiko)
Average: 74%
bis zum Jahr 2033
80.050 $
oder 38,48 $ pro Stunde
ab dem 2023

Personen haben sich auch angesehen

Berechnetes Automatisierungsrisiko

94% (Unmittelbares Risiko)

Unmittelbares Risiko (81-100%): Berufe auf dieser Ebene haben eine extrem hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, in naher Zukunft automatisiert zu werden. Diese Jobs bestehen hauptsächlich aus repetitiven, vorhersehbaren Aufgaben, bei denen nur wenig Bedarf an menschlichem Urteilsvermögen besteht.

Weitere Informationen darüber, was dieser Wert ist und wie er berechnet wird, sind verfügbar hier.

Wir haben keine wichtigen Eigenschaften dieser Arbeit gefunden, die nicht leicht automatisiert werden können.


55% Chance auf vollständige Automatisierung in den nächsten zwei Jahrzehnten

Unsere Besucher haben abgestimmt, dass sie unsicher sind, ob dieser Beruf automatisiert wird. Die von uns erzeugte Automatisierungsrisikostufe deutet jedoch auf eine viel höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit der Automatisierung hin: 94% Chance auf Automatisierung.

Was denken Sie, ist das Risiko der Automatisierung?

Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Technische Redakteure in den nächsten 20 Jahren durch Roboter oder künstliche Intelligenz ersetzt wird?


Das folgende Diagramm wird überall dort eingefügt, wo eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Stimmen vorliegt, um aussagekräftige Daten darzustellen. Diese visuellen Darstellungen zeigen die Ergebnisse von Nutzerumfragen im Laufe der Zeit und geben einen wichtigen Hinweis auf Stimmungstrends.

Gefühlslage über die Zeit (jährlich)


Mäßiges Wachstum im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Die Anzahl der 'Technical Writers' Stellenangebote wird voraussichtlich um 4,0% bis 2033 steigen.

Gesamtbeschäftigung und geschätzte Stellenangebote

* Daten des Bureau of Labor Statistics für den Zeitraum zwischen 2021 und 2031
Aktualisierte Prognosen sind fällig 09-2024.


Hoch bezahlt im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Im Jahr 2023 betrug das mittlere Jahresgehalt für 'Technical Writers' 80.050 $, oder 38 $ pro Stunde.

'Technical Writers' wurden 66,6% höher bezahlt als der nationale Medianlohn, der bei 48.060 $ lag.

Löhne über die Zeit

* Daten vom Bureau of Labor Statistics


Mäßiges Spektrum an Arbeitsmöglichkeiten im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Ab dem 2023 waren 47.970 Personen als 'Technical Writers' in den Vereinigten Staaten beschäftigt.

Dies entspricht etwa < 0,001% der erwerbstätigen Bevölkerung im ganzen Land.

Anders ausgedrückt, ist etwa 1 von 3 Tausend Personen als 'Technical Writers' beschäftigt.


Verfassen Sie technische Materialien, wie Gerätehandbücher, Anhänge oder Betriebs- und Wartungsanleitungen. Kann bei der Layoutarbeit unterstützen.

SOC Code: 27-3042.00


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Max (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 5 months ago
Technical writing, in many cases, is already extremely structured and stylistically boring. A good technical writer writes like a robot. Consistency, controlled language, recurring text snippets, pre-defined text structures, etc., all make automation very easy.
The main challenge for an AI is not the technical writing. It is actually making sense of the source material. This will be the main job of technical writers: Explaining to the AI what it needs to write. Technical writers will increasingly be busy with post-editing AI written texts, which will be a very mind numbing task. It will also require fewer people and warrant lower pay.
If you want to know the future of technical writing, look at what has happened to technical translation. If you are a technical writer, you are headed the same way. You will operate AI tools and check the results for lousy pay because you are not actually doing the brain work. Get into nursing or open a funeral home. People will always get sick and die, that's a future-proof occupation.
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Steve (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 8 months ago
Explaining, proofreading, summarizing, are all jobs that even ChatGPT4.0 can do well. Once LLMs are available in local versions that don't reveal confidential info to the public, and have advanced a bit, technical writing will be generated mostly on-the-fly from user questions.

Curating and organizing the information to feed to the AI, and checking their output for accuracy, may be one of the few jobs left to tech writers.
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joe mama (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 9 months ago
obviously any one can write technical descriptions of stuff by explaining it to chatgpt and asking it to write that in technical terms
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Eyebrow 8 months ago
Much of the tech world keeps their documentation private, for customers only. If you are handing explanations to ChatGPT, you are going to lose your job for breaking confidentiality.
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Fabian (Mäßig) 10 months ago
Technical writing only works if the resulting texts fit the target group.

As technical writers we understand complex systems (as well as the engineer's gibberish that often comes with it) and are able to translate this into a form that is easily understood by the respective user groups, i.e. operators or maintenance personnel.

In my opinion AI nowadays can provide draft text to the technical writers. But it takes a human to process that into understandable content, because only a human can know what is necessary for others to profit from precise instructions and related warnings. Also when it comes to jurisdiction.

Who will be held accountable for injury or death caused by automated AI that simply pretends to be human-like but has otherwise no conscience? I mean, an AI can tell you that a stove is hot, but does this mean it really knows the consequences of touching it?

Some learned it the hard way, I doubt an AI can.
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Pawel (Mäßig) 12 months ago
While the promise of AGI is still remote, and LLM AIs are not great at giving accurate responses, we cannot rule out that there is a toolset which could do this job and one that somebody can come up with within the next 20 years. 20 years is a lonb time to refine a toolset.
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tech writer adjacent (Mäßig) 1 year ago
Because management/shareholders care more about dollars than quality, and apparently customers are getting used to it. Technical writers constantly fail to prove their value (with data), and are thus seen as not adding value. Technical documentation is seen as a 'gimme' (expectation of free resource that comes with the product), and thus valueless or worse.
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writer? (Niedrig) 1 year ago
When I came to this profession I was actually surprised how little writing it involved. Even if AI replaced the writing bit of my work completely (say, it would be able to create perfect content from whatever input I feed it - at which point most white collar jobs are doomed anyway, btw), I'd still have like 80% of my current workload to deal with myself. Coining job titles is elusive nowadays, but I'd say think bigger: technical communicator, information architect, information designer, content strategist, etc. I've done things from under those labels and much more - from simple coding to graphic design and basic video editing. It is kind of a 'jack of all trades' profession, or at least it can be, but in a good way - opens up many doors, and you could easily switch your focus elsewhere once part of your job is automated. Nobody is safe from automation, but here at least you have flexibility and transferable skills. '79%' is a joke. I transitioned to tech writing from a profession rated much lower, for the very reason that said profession is being automated out of the market right before my eyes. So take info on this website with a grain of salt. ;)
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David H. 1 year ago
This confirms that most people do not know what technical writers do. There is a lot of interdepartmental discussions and planning that cannot be automated.
I don’t see this role being completely automated in 10 years.
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shaan (Mäßig) 1 year ago
I asked ChatGPT few questions. From the responses i got from it, i feel its likely to replace Tech Writers in near future. As it will take less time to convert complex technical articles into simple language or vice versa.
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Psalm (Mäßig) 2 years ago
If AI can perform well enough and at a lower cost, our expertise will lose its value. In many offices, we are already considered a luxury. It will be even harder to justify our worth if AI can make the writing process less time-consuming and painful for engineers. Many jobs, not just technical writing, are seen as luxuries by employers who lack the necessary skills or time to do them properly. If AI can reduce time and costs while producing reasonable content with minimal input, what will be left for technical writers to do?

More importantly, why would anyone pay for a professional to do it?
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guest (Niedrig) 3 years ago
It's like saying teachers won't be needed because we will have textbooks to study from. Except we are talking here about replacing authors of textbooks (not to mention the fact that textbooks already exist and teachers are still there).
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Alen (Unsicher) 3 years ago
Writing requires creativity and contextual understanding of a particular work. Also, the audience of the written work is humans and it requires a certain sense of being able to understand another human to produce work that the humans can understand. So, I'm not really sure if robots would be able to do that unless they reach the level of intelligence that humans have.
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Liu Qin (Mäßig) 3 years ago
More and more technical documentation has become structural writing. Writing documentation is more and more like writing a code. AI will learn writing a code easily in the future.
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Mike 2 years ago
We are already using robotics to automatically generate software video demos from structured written content. Robotic writing will be a huge help initially, followed by even more.

We are already implementing automated structured reuse on a large scale. People should not underestimate the potential of computational linguistics when combined with machine learning and a knowledge graph-rich future.

Although intelligent content (structured content with human-declared intent) cannot be automated yet, we are already auto-classifying content with additional semantic metadata (taxonomies). AI/ML will continue to assist and eventually replace a significant portion of low-level content development, which will elevate the writer's role to that of an information architect/designer.

Object-oriented content will then become a service called Content-as-a-Service (CaaS), much like an electrical distribution grid.

In TechComm and MarComm, we have been evolving towards this model for many years.
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Mick Davidson (Unsicher) 4 years ago
There’s a massive human element to tech writing, but never underestimate technology and where it might be in five years time. Also don’t ignore wishful thinking and subject ignorance.
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Janet 4 years ago
Who will write about AI systems? AI itself?
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Mathew (Keine Chance) 4 years ago
Technical writing goes well beyond just writing the actual sentences.

I cannot fathom how AI would somehow be able to do all the things that are required to be done in order to complete a technical writing piece.

AI has already taken over the writing niche . . . people no longer need education to write, software helps them do it. That is all AI could ever do for a writer.
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Tad 5 years ago
Until both the end-user and the engineer are both automated there is no feasible way to fully automate this job. You can have some IT tech writer positions that become more efficient through perhaps some auto-text generation but expecting this to translate into any hardware based product is extremely difficult to automate
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Anthony 5 years ago
We already have artificial intelligence which is capable of blogging and reporting news articles without human beings being capable of detecting that this information has been written by what is effectively an algorithm, so it is incomprehensible (to me) that within the coming decades, for the concept of what it is to be a “writer” to remain unphased. I myself have worked as a writer and author and I can emphatically state that artificial intelligence is going to usher in a paradigm shift for those who are currently connected to the field of written work. The profession will remain intact until the end of the century, but swift and vast changes are to be had; this is an inevitability which we must accept, embrace, and use to empower modern day writers
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Mother (Niedrig) 5 years ago
Every company has their own standards for writing. The more successful writers are able to inject some personality into their writing.
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How will they take the job if you need to know the systems that you are writing about?
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