
Geringes Risiko
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(Geringes Risiko)
(Geringes Risiko)
Average: 29%
bis zum Jahr 2033
145.760 $
oder 70,07 $ pro Stunde
ab dem 2023

Personen haben sich auch angesehen

Berechnetes Automatisierungsrisiko

23% (Geringes Risiko)

Geringes Risiko (21-40%): Jobs auf dieser Ebene haben ein begrenztes Risiko der Automatisierung, da sie eine Mischung aus technischen und menschenzentrierten Fähigkeiten erfordern.

Weitere Informationen darüber, was dieser Wert ist und wie er berechnet wird, sind verfügbar hier.

Einige sehr wichtige Eigenschaften des Jobs sind schwer zu automatisieren:

  • Verhandlung

  • Überzeugung

Einige ziemlich wichtige Eigenschaften des Jobs sind schwer zu automatisieren:

  • Soziale Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit

  • Originalität


36% Chance auf vollständige Automatisierung in den nächsten zwei Jahrzehnten

Unsere Besucher haben abgestimmt, dass es eine geringe Chance gibt, dass dieser Beruf automatisiert wird. Diese Einschätzung wird weiterhin durch das berechnete Automatisierungsrisiko unterstützt, welches eine 23% Chance der Automatisierung schätzt.

Was denken Sie, ist das Risiko der Automatisierung?

Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Rechtsanwälte in den nächsten 20 Jahren durch Roboter oder künstliche Intelligenz ersetzt wird?


Das folgende Diagramm wird überall dort eingefügt, wo eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Stimmen vorliegt, um aussagekräftige Daten darzustellen. Diese visuellen Darstellungen zeigen die Ergebnisse von Nutzerumfragen im Laufe der Zeit und geben einen wichtigen Hinweis auf Stimmungstrends.

Gefühlslage über die Zeit (vierteljährlich)

Gefühlslage über die Zeit (jährlich)


Schnelles Wachstum im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Die Anzahl der 'Lawyers' Stellenangebote wird voraussichtlich um 5,2% bis 2033 steigen.

Gesamtbeschäftigung und geschätzte Stellenangebote

* Daten des Bureau of Labor Statistics für den Zeitraum zwischen 2021 und 2031
Aktualisierte Prognosen sind fällig 09-2024.


Sehr hoch bezahlt im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Im Jahr 2023 betrug das mittlere Jahresgehalt für 'Lawyers' 145.760 $, oder 70 $ pro Stunde.

'Lawyers' wurden 203,3% höher bezahlt als der nationale Medianlohn, der bei 48.060 $ lag.

Löhne über die Zeit

* Daten vom Bureau of Labor Statistics


Deutlich größerer Bereich an Arbeitsmöglichkeiten im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Ab dem 2023 waren 731.340 Personen als 'Lawyers' in den Vereinigten Staaten beschäftigt.

Dies entspricht etwa 0,48% der erwerbstätigen Bevölkerung im ganzen Land.

Anders ausgedrückt, ist etwa 1 von 207 Personen als 'Lawyers' beschäftigt.


Vertreten Sie Mandanten in Straf- und Zivilprozessen sowie anderen rechtlichen Verfahren, erstellen Sie Rechtsdokumente oder verwalten oder beraten Sie Mandanten bei rechtlichen Transaktionen. Sie können sich auf ein einzelnes Gebiet spezialisieren oder in vielen Rechtsgebieten breit gefächert praktizieren.

SOC Code: 23-1011.00


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Leave a comment

Get Real (No Chance) 3 days ago
If you were a Judge or part of a Jury, would you be more likely to back the guy with a human lawyer or the one with an AI lawyer?
0 0 Reply
Noof (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 8 days ago
Half of law is discovery
0 0 Reply
Estelle (Unsicher) 23 days ago
they can argue their case, it's just that they need to have correct references
0 0 Reply
MATHEUS COSTA DE ARAUJO (Keine Chance) 1 month ago
There are numerous issues involved in being a lawyer. Knowing the law is one of them, but interpreting the law is another. Few people would trust robots to handle such important cases in their lives. Another thing that happens frequently is settlements. Robots don't have feelings, meaning that if a settlement seems advantageous from a rational point of view, the robot would suggest it's a good deal. However, emotionally, it might be a terrible agreement. I believe my explanation might have been a bit confusing, but I hope you understood.
4 0 Reply
Ronald J 2 months ago
There is no way an A.I. can take over the law!!!!! How scary
5 0 Reply
Matt F (Keine Chance) 2 months ago
No automation can accurately interpret the law without creating it's own legislation based on the parameters of existing legislation
5 0 Reply
علي يحيى 2 months ago
I don't believe that artificial intelligence can replace the legal profession, even to a small extent, because it is a human-centered profession.
5 0 Reply
Dariuosh (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 3 months ago
Given that artificial intelligence has been used in some countries to advocate in divorce cases, it is expected that this profession will disappear in the next 20 years
1 10 Reply
Noah 2 months ago
i do NOT want an ai arguing for me in a court
8 0 Reply
Sean (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 4 months ago
It's already happening. I'm an intern at a BigLaw company and all of our procedural and contractual people are already using AI and kinda concerned about it. The only part that won't be automated is litigation, but most cases are settled out of court so...
1 12 Reply
Marty (Keine Chance) 4 months ago
Not only does AI struggle to instantiate legal reasoning in reality, but on principle, it is a terrible idea to offload interpretation and reasoning to computers when it is about abstract concepts that govern the practical lives of human beings.
5 1 Reply
Mannara (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 5 months ago
If the rules become easily categorized also connected, and we can simplify the situations, and the goal is not to find verity and justice, but just simply "rights" and economic goals, we can cut out the people to judge and AI can do it.
1 5 Reply
Marty 4 months ago
Nah, we don't want computers interpreting and arguing laws that govern human beings. Never. They can help with the tedium though.
6 2 Reply
Meriem Makri (Keine Chance) 5 months ago
New regulations are introduced daily, so the machines need to be updated regularly. Justice is not a field that can be easily automated because the profile of each individual seeking justice varies greatly, as do the ways in which the law is applied (such as mitigating circumstances, etc.).
10 1 Reply
Person (Mäßig) 5 months ago
when analising details it can easily make a story, who cares how it is phrased if everyone agrees it makes sense
0 3 Reply
John (Keine Chance) 5 months ago
It requires nuanced opinion-formation and decision-making skills that cannot be replicated by a program. Not to mention, depending on the field, it may involve gut instinct and other talents which only humans have.
7 1 Reply
Jude Jordan 6 months ago
Lawyers will not be replaced by AI for a while because, regardless of how capable AI actually is in technical, ethical, and reasoning aspects, the people who will write into law and decide whether or not AI should be able to serve as lawyers, are themselves lawyers. The giant law industry as it is, will never allow for AI to legally serve as lawyers in the foreseeable future.
12 1 Reply
Bigmonkey123 (Niedrig) 6 months ago
I think the puplic won’t really want a robot defending them
10 1 Reply
J 6 months ago
I worked in the job, and robots are nicer than many humans. And even professional receptionists.

They'll do less errors, and don't require sleep. No more receptionist that is away. Longer opening hours.

Why do you say robots have no empathy, you fillthy racist? They have it. Robots would probably beat you up.
1 17 Reply
'fillthy' racist, apparently 6 months ago
Robots have programmed empathy. They don't actually feel it, because it is a robot (could you guess?).
Not that I'd expect someone who doesn't even know the definition of 'racist' and just flings the word around however would know what empathy is...
And besides, you never even addressed what they said. They didn't even bring up empathy, as their point was about people not wanting a robot to defend them. You've brought up a completely nonsensical rebuttal to an argument that doesn't exist.
10 1 Reply
jim jim (Mäßig) 6 months ago
AI will know and understand the law better than any human could.
7 13 Reply
J (Keine Chance) 6 months ago
Being a lawyer requires understanding emotion, being able to improvise, and thinking out of the box.

These are the tasks that robots won't be able to fulfill for at least a decade from now.
9 1 Reply
J (Keine Chance) 6 months ago
Being a lawyer requires understanding emotion, being able to improvise, and thinking out of the box.

These are the tasks that robots won't be able to fulfill for at least a decade from now.
6 0 Reply
AIPredictor (Niedrig) 6 months ago
It is a low chance that a lawyer's job would be replaced by robots because of the fact that AI lacks the fundamental arguing skills and the "human" perspective into the side of things. An example of this would be if a lawyer is defending a client by saying the statement, "What would you do in this situation" and working your way up to it was the best decision they could have made. Also the robot lawyers would have to base their arguments off of data, which would mean their own lawyer would turn against them if having more proof for the other side
7 1 Reply

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