Bildende Künstler, einschließlich Maler, Bildhauer und Illustratoren

Mäßiges Risiko
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(Hohes Risiko)
(Geringes Risiko)
Average: 49%
bis zum Jahr 2033
59.300 $
oder 28,51 $ pro Stunde
ab dem 2023

Personen haben sich auch angesehen

Berechnetes Automatisierungsrisiko

64% (Hohes Risiko)

Hohes Risiko (61-80%): Arbeitsplätze in dieser Kategorie sind einer erheblichen Bedrohung durch Automatisierung ausgesetzt, da viele ihrer Aufgaben mit aktuellen oder nahen zukünftigen Technologien leicht automatisiert werden können.

Weitere Informationen darüber, was dieser Wert ist und wie er berechnet wird, sind verfügbar hier.

Einige sehr wichtige Eigenschaften des Jobs sind schwer zu automatisieren:

  • Originalität

Einige ziemlich wichtige Eigenschaften des Jobs sind schwer zu automatisieren:

  • Bildende Kunst

  • Fingerfertigkeit

  • Manuelle Geschicklichkeit


34% Chance auf vollständige Automatisierung in den nächsten zwei Jahrzehnten

Unsere Besucher haben abgestimmt, dass es eine geringe Chance gibt, dass dieser Beruf automatisiert wird. Die von uns erzeugte Automatisierungsrisikostufe deutet jedoch auf eine viel höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit der Automatisierung hin: 64% Chance auf Automatisierung.

Was denken Sie, ist das Risiko der Automatisierung?

Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Bildende Künstler, einschließlich Maler, Bildhauer und Illustratoren in den nächsten 20 Jahren durch Roboter oder künstliche Intelligenz ersetzt wird?


Das folgende Diagramm wird überall dort eingefügt, wo eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Stimmen vorliegt, um aussagekräftige Daten darzustellen. Diese visuellen Darstellungen zeigen die Ergebnisse von Nutzerumfragen im Laufe der Zeit und geben einen wichtigen Hinweis auf Stimmungstrends.

Gefühlslage über die Zeit (jährlich)


Mäßiges Wachstum im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Die Anzahl der 'Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators' Stellenangebote wird voraussichtlich um 4,0% bis 2033 steigen.

Gesamtbeschäftigung und geschätzte Stellenangebote

* Daten des Bureau of Labor Statistics für den Zeitraum zwischen 2021 und 2031
Aktualisierte Prognosen sind fällig 09-2024.


Mäßig bezahlt im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Im Jahr 2023 betrug das mittlere Jahresgehalt für 'Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators' 59.300 $, oder 28 $ pro Stunde.

'Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators' wurden 23,4% höher bezahlt als der nationale Medianlohn, der bei 48.060 $ lag.

Löhne über die Zeit

* Daten vom Bureau of Labor Statistics


Deutlich geringeres Angebot an Arbeitsmöglichkeiten im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen

Ab dem 2023 waren 10.910 Personen als 'Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators' in den Vereinigten Staaten beschäftigt.

Dies entspricht etwa < 0,001% der erwerbstätigen Bevölkerung im ganzen Land.

Anders ausgedrückt, ist etwa 1 von 13 Tausend Personen als 'Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators' beschäftigt.


Erstellen Sie originale Kunstwerke mit einer Vielzahl von Medien und Techniken.

SOC Code: 27-1013.00


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DS (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 1 month ago
Digital only artists are at risk. Less so, fine artists who produce an artifact
1 0 Reply
mofie (Unsicher) 5 months ago
While the human touch is a fundamental and necessary part of creating art in human societies, it's unclear if powerful people are willing to recognize it. To them, value is not in the art but the dollar.
7 0 Reply
Mannara (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 6 months ago
Besides robots and ai will never be able to "create" just imitating some part f it, also besides make art is a long way, a synthesis of a human's life, knowledge, experiments,... , the need for art and the people's bounded view of art makes art cheap and replaceable by pretty pictures. And when people will stop to create it will be a day of the end and humankind will lost itself.
1 0 Reply
IQ (Niedrig) 8 months ago
It's hard to make physical pieces look real as a robot.
3 0 Reply
Mannara 6 months ago
saddly it's not, you just need more money and better robot.
0 4 Reply
Stefano 6 months ago
I doubt it very much, they have no Love, Soul, Creativity, Human Touch and Empathy, they will NEVER have it
2 0 Reply
Electrick010 (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 1 year ago
Because sometimes society fails to recognize the difference between a crafted work and a revered one, they therefore resort to using AI for tasks because it is not as demanding compared to an artist (which I perfectly understand the requirements). In conclusion, it is likely that AIs will develop enough to perform more comprehensive tasks, but it will cost money.
1 0 Reply
defeated art major 1 year ago
we are in hell. genuinely. my job is going to become obsolete. nobody is going to care about human artists because companies always have and always will value the quickest, cheapest work. no matter what the correct answer is (that human-made art will always be superior to ai-generated images), all artists are going to be irreversibly ruined by the advance of ai. i have absolutely no hope for my future.
4 2 Reply
Astro 8 months ago
I have the same sentiments as you :(. What is even the point of being in this world if it sucks so much and WILL get worse?! The people at the top do not care about us. They just want to line their pockets in order to buy more materialistic s**t.
1 1 Reply
Seb (Mäßig) 1 year ago
primarily aesthetic value (not with design nor communication value). Many artists are thus likely to be replaced, even when the automated version is of lesser quality: a large percentage of the audience considers this quality difference negligible sadly.

So, can artists be replaced by AI? Not really. Will they be replaced anyway because people do not care about the lesser quality? Probably
1 3 Reply
Seb (Mäßig) 1 year ago
Art is seen as a commodity by many with primarily aesthetic value (not with design nor communication value). Many artists are thus likely to be replaced, even when the automated version is of lesser quality: a large percentage of the audience considers this quality difference negligible sadly
0 0 Reply
Core (Keine Chance) 1 year ago
Fine art is specifically traditional art. automating it would defeat the purpose.
2 0 Reply
Felk (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 1 year ago
Because AI ART is already taking over and things just haven’t started yet!
0 1 Reply
Mannara 6 months ago
it is not art. There is no artistic creation in the ai process. Not it doesn't even a tool, but it don't need too much to become one.
4 0 Reply
Fan of artists (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 1 year ago
At least for digital artists it seems possible. I was in denial but with newer image generators it has got rid of that creepy look AI generated content had. Now I believe it’ll only improve.
Automation of art will not only kill the dream jobs of many but will have devastating outcomes for various parts of our society/life. It will get ugly.
1 4 Reply
Vrushabh (Keine Chance) 1 year ago
Robots can do a print like painting not at all texture of painting or extra effect such was done only by painters or artists
6 0 Reply
Ritunjoy (Niedrig) 1 year ago
Fine art is more than just making a lovely picture; it is the connection, emotion, and story behind the painting that makes it unique. AI will never be able to replace this.
2 0 Reply
An aspiring artist (Niedrig) 1 year ago
Human emotion is what drives the creation of art. Yes AI can 'create' art, but it will never create it to express. It will only create it for the sake of creating it. Soulless, dull, and meaningless artwork.
8 0 Reply
A 5 months ago
I agree. AI is not alive.
3 0 Reply
Eduardo Henrique (Höchstwahrscheinlich) 1 year ago
I don't think "originality" is praised, so people will be satisfied enough with images produced by AI. I don't think Art will die, but there won't be jobs for fine artists in the future.
1 4 Reply
Stef (Unsicher) 1 year ago
Maybe the common way of doing this kind of jobs may be at some risk, specially if the people who wanna dedicate to this only rely on strategies that worked some time ago (referencing a lot to the ''cheap artists and clients''), also the ai scammers who want to have some kind of taste of the benefits in gaining form visuals.

Not going to disappear, but in some way getting harder for sure. Or not necessary that word of being impossible to have that job, just the fact that now only the ones who are always determined to learn and adapt no matter what, are the most likely to survive.
0 0 Reply
j (Mäßig) 1 year ago
Parts of this industry will be impacted and displaced. Especially I feel in digital illustration. Basic illustration tasks will be automated and used by both larger companies to save on costs and smaller due to lack of budgets. Setting aside copyright infringement, AI may impact 2d digital illustration.

Artists for personal expression on the other hand, probably will not be affected.
0 0 Reply
HG (Mäßig) 1 year ago
The field has different likelihood of replacement. Sculptors and painters are safer, while graphic artists, illustrators and photographers are at great risk. Any fine art that can be (mass) reproduced, that is not one-of-a-kind can "easily" be replaced by AI.
0 0 Reply
Atlas (Niedrig) 1 year ago
AI art pushback, copyright issues
1 0 Reply
Stefered (Keine Chance) 1 year ago
Artificial Intelligence and Robots Will Never Replace Artists. AI Have No Soul, Love, Heart, Mind, Creativity and Hands, Human Touch is Better.
1 0 Reply

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