
根据 492 票的投票结果
或每小时 $24.03
截至 2022



34% (低风险)




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  • 社会洞察力

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  • 帮助和照顾他人



我们的访客投票表示,他们不确定这个职业是否会被自动化。 然而,员工可能会在我们生成的自动化风险等级中找到安慰,该等级显示有34%的机会会被自动化。








预计"Real Estate Sales Agents"的工作空缺数量将在2032内增长5.3%


* 根据劳工统计局的数据,该数据涵盖了从2021到2031的期间。



在2022,'Real Estate Sales Agents'的年度中位数工资为$49,980,或每小时$24。

'Real Estate Sales Agents'的薪资比全国中位工资高7.9%,全国中位工资为$46,310。


* 来自美国劳工统计局的数据



截至2022,在美国有193,010人被雇佣为'Real Estate Sales Agents'。


换句话说,大约每766人中就有1人被雇佣为“Real Estate Sales Agents”。



SOC Code: 41-9022.00






Barbara McNeill (低)说
Finding a home is the most automated aspect the rest requires physical presence & soft skills that aren't easily transferred to a robot. Too many nuances & variables. Need for high emotional intelligence too.
Jul 15, 2023 at 12:21 上午
Jean B (极有可能)说
This can be easily answered. Yes, AI or some online template app will replace a great majority of realtors. Why? Just look at how people interact with other people currently. The human aspect, or human touch is not needed when selling a product someone already wants to buy. If you need any further insight, just look to how the vehicle sales field is changing.
Mar 10, 2023 at 08:17 下午
Rochelle (Highly Likely)说
If I need my hand held while buying real estate, I'll hire a therapist to comfort me through the process. At $200 per hour, a therapist is bargain compared to a realtor. I was a realtor, and this job is going to be automated for the vast majority of deals. For the complicated deals, the buyers are going to need lawyers, not Realtors.
Jan 26, 2023 at 05:55 上午
I think any transaction where the item can be assigned a hash "signature" can be added to a ledger and basically be traded on a blockchain. That will eventually make things like buying and selling cryptocurrency possible without a "middle man" needed. It seems like that is coming.
May 11, 2022 at 10:20 下午
Paul Binks说
I'm interested in becoming a commercial sales agent and reading many of these comments is quite discouraging. I'm of the opinion that no matter how much data is provided, there is a subjective element that only a human can understand. Making a decision on a multi-million dollar site would benefit from the role of an agent who has the technical and subjective knowledge that a robot doesn't.

I'm not sure to what degree, however.
Apr 28, 2022 at 09:27 下午
Former realtor 说
Got into this profession because of my distrust of realtors and got out for the same reasons. The role of the agent in the state I got licensed in, is to keep the deal together. IMO, it should be to serve the best interest of your clients. I was told by the broker not to show houses that offered a 1% commission. Back-door deals are real, especially within the same office. Trust your gut. Absolutely automate this industry.
Dec 01, 2021 at 12:24 上午
No Realtors will never be replaced. Still to this day there needs to be human interaction. Technology/ websites would have already replaced Realtors. Will there be changes in the real estate industry every year? Yes... 100%. If the day comes when Realtors are completely gone then there will be robots everywhere and there will be no jobs for anyone. Maybe I am a little biased because I am a Realtor, but people all over the country, everyday are seeking advice from Realtors. Why are they seeking real estate advice from Realtors if they are irrelevant?
Oct 30, 2021 at 03:45 上午
Alex (不确定)说
Certain people will always require a personalised and specialised service. The masses just want a cheap transaction.
Sep 03, 2021 at 04:50 下午
Jordan Thomas (低)说
Although you may be able to search and view properties online, receive a mortgage quote, even be pre-qualified online. A lot of reassurance can be provided by an experienced professional in the area you're looking to buy or sell. Buying or selling is a huge commitment and you want to feel confident in your move. I don't feel much confidence can come with handling this process solely yourself or even with a robot.
May 10, 2021 at 07:42 下午
Tara (低)说
The experience of having someone show you around a house cannot be replicated by robots, which is why I think there is a small chance of being replaced by AI
May 01, 2021 at 11:57 上午
Hamza Aziz (低)说
The human aspect of the job feels like it would be difficult to replace. Unless if someone is very knowledgeable about the housing market, Realtors would probably still be needed to handle most of the transaction. Most first time home buyers definitely need real estate agents to guide them through the process
Apr 23, 2021 at 11:06 下午
Andrew West说
Realtors are waiters. There is very little value-added having someone hold your hand. Of course it will be automated - the data for buyers is available and free.
Mar 17, 2021 at 02:22 上午
Sally (极有可能)说
Real Estate agents will go back to there role of self less drug addicts and prostitution-pimps. They are greasy and have no empathy towards people. Karma is real - strap on your corsets and let the games begin.
Jul 19, 2020 at 04:40 上午
Maybe you should focus on learning the proper usage of "their" before generalizing people as drug addled prostitutes and pimps. BTW, I am not an estate agent. I am just a person that buys real estate.
Sep 11, 2020 at 12:03 下午
lol what do you have against real estate agents
Feb 09, 2021 at 04:33 上午
Saul d Larrea说
Well, I'm a realtor and I genuinely care about my clients in the Detroit Metro area.

I'm not going to force anyone to buy anything. I prioritize financial wellness over any commission check. This is because I believe that I can get more business by treating people like humans, and not like targets.
Jul 17, 2022 at 02:11 上午
Dr. Ian H. (极有可能)说
AI coupled with drones and virtual assistants (pattern recognition, natural language processing, etc.) will 100% replace realtors within the next two decades.
Apr 17, 2020 at 04:23 下午
Bob the builder 说
Automate this job away already as my last two transactions I did more due diligence in finding my property while the realtor came along for the ride to collect a commission. Realtor will have to bring more to the table if they want to still provide value beyond showing as home, making a flyer, and worrying about their latest headshots.
Mar 01, 2020 at 09:54 下午
Yong Shun Peng (极有可能)说
Living in Singapore, Government have taken initiative such as the HDB Portal to sell resale flats. Carousell, A Singapore app has also started to take initiative by selling flats.
Nov 29, 2019 at 10:31 上午
100% realtors will be replaced. People look for honesty in a transaction. With the ridiculous amount of money going the realtors way if a sale goes through...yeah they would lie about items. Ai or robots deal with facts, no BS.
Why do you think realtors are collectively trying to phase out home inspectors in Canada?
They want that sale at any cost!
Now if there was a home inspection done before every sale by a properly trained and licensed Home Inspector pretty much guaranteed a monkey could sell the house. No disrespect as I have encountered several good agents over the years. Just the facts!
Nov 14, 2019 at 08:22 下午
adriano gutierrez说
Robots can't handle the personal human connection
Nov 12, 2019 at 09:37 下午
People will choose a robot that does not want commission. Realtors can take their personal human connection and shove it for the commission they were able to normalize.
Sep 24, 2020 at 08:20 下午
DD (极有可能)说
Homes can be sold online, the pricing can be fixed based on the fair market price value(AI can be built around it) and showing can be scheduled online as well between the sellers and buyers.
Oct 21, 2019 at 11:05 下午
lily (低)说
You cant have a robot show you a house and tell you why its a good house
Oct 02, 2019 at 12:41 下午
No it can by giving the good and bad things of the house in a papers, now almost of human beings can not be alive without computer 😂😂😂
Apr 09, 2020 at 07:21 上午



