
投票 评论 (41)
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或每小时 $47.84
截至 2023



30% (低风险)




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我们的访客投票表示,这个职业被自动化的可能性很低。 这个评估进一步得到了通过计算得出的自动化风险等级的支持,该等级预计有30%的机会实现自动化。









预计"Mechanical Engineers"的工作空缺数量将在2033内增长11.0%


* 根据劳工统计局的数据,该数据涵盖了从2023到2033的期间。



在2023,'Mechanical Engineers'的年度中位数工资为$99,510,或每小时$47。

'Mechanical Engineers'的薪资比全国中位工资高107.1%,全国中位工资为$48,060。


* 来自美国劳工统计局的数据



截至2023,在美国有281,290人被雇佣为'Mechanical Engineers'。


换句话说,大约每539人中就有1人被雇佣为“Mechanical Engineers”。



SOC Code: 17-2141.00






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Valentina C (低) 1 month ago
They prob wont take the job cs you need to see the machines, scan them to find the mistakes, and be reallly specialized on that area to find them, but its still very possible to do it. Im scared.
1 1 Reply
John (In college and worked in some factorys) (低) 4 months ago
I think some mechanical engineers will get replaced by the gain in efficiency that other engineers get form AI, a total AI/Robot taking of the job is not in the foreseeable future.
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Arthur Schroeder (没有机会) 7 months ago
It’s a very hard job and very complicated and I don’t think robots are automating that any time soon…
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Gavin (没有机会) 9 months ago
Artificial intelligence does not have the creativity needed or the ability to fully understand some of the problems people go through throughout the world.
1 1 Reply
Raúl (没有机会) 9 months ago
I think it has no chance because cars can have rust or other problems a robot can't understand and deal whit them.
3 1 Reply
Congo (没有机会) 10 months ago
Simply in this area of engineering there is no chance of robot or AI taking it. Maybe in the long run yes, but there is still a pretty long way of developing AI to substitute a mechanical engineer, for now and 1 or 2 decades is impossible. Maybe in the third decade or fourth but with a lot of funding and a lot of training. Because you need to think that to be able to make an AI/robot that can surpass or substitute a human it will need to be only focused on this area, not pretty cost-effective, for the AI industries.
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Cooper Johnston (没有机会) 11 months ago
there is no robot that can replicate the human thought process and thinking
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Burke (没有机会) 1 year ago
Mechanical Engineering, like all disciplines of engineering, requires the ability to make difficult ethical decisions regarding systems that affect all of society. This is something that not even the most advanced generalized AI of the future is capable of doing.

Engineering is also a profession, which means that its members set the standards for who can be called an engineer and take responsibility for their decisions. AI cannot make decisions in light of the weight of their actions. It is a tool, not a person, which ultimately undermines any semblance of accountability that is necessary for engineering to be a respectable and societally beneficial profession.
1 1 Reply
Michal (没有机会) 1 year ago
I believe mechanical engineering to be far too interdisciplinary (design, manufacturing, economics) to be fully automated a whole. I see AI taking over or speeding up certain specific tasks that mechanical engineers are burdened with, never their entire role.
1 1 Reply
Ninjamokama_3 (低) 1 year ago
There are way too many human aspects about engineering. It's next to impossible for AI to automate, let alone replace, every aspect of an engineer's job
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John F. Sutton (低) 1 year ago
This is a sometimes tough job and would be hard to automate for good reason such as:

1. Fixing stuff, this is complicated as it could literally be anything that could be broken about something.
2. Complexity, the more complex a job is, the more unlikely this job will be taken, this job is hard and absurdly complex sometimes.
3. Problems, this job can cause lots of issues with AI and it is the communication and bugs/viruses that could occur, the cost of these robots would be nuts and it would be hard to afford these machines.
4. Design, AI is a complex work of coding, there is one problem, how would they make the design of there robots that won't screw up how they work, they have to be just right to mimic a person and that would be hard to do.
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C (低) 1 year ago
Since Mechanical Engineering has to deal with problems beyond reasonable thinking and has to create something entirely new and possibly unrelated to any previous topic, AI could help but never replace a mechanical engineer
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dhaarini (不确定) 1 year ago
no trained machine has ever come too close to designing any whole equipment. but certainly, I feel there are specific jobs that could be automated like pressure, stress, strain detection and analysis
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d (没有机会) 1 year ago
The prompt is "next 20 years". No chance. There are so many industrial and mechanical problems that have yet to be solved, and AI right now simply trains on what's already been done and can then piece it together using predictions. Decent for language, OK but not great for art, horrible for design if you are actually trying to tackle a novel challenge. And if it's not novel... then what's the point? Just google it.
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b (低) 1 year ago
because we make the robot
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Cyril (适度) 1 year ago
As I said. It will certainly take over some tasks that are simple. So it reduce the need for so many ppl, but still the engineers are needed to decide what to do, or to revise AIs work
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ben (不确定) 1 year ago
some tasks can and some tasks cannot be automated by ai, such as critical thinking and originality.
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Thomas (低) 1 year ago
I am a maintenance enginner and I just don't see how AI would have the eye for detail or precision to do certain tasks that I do. Yes, robots mounted on an assembly line are one thing, so are surgical robots, but I work on many machines, each of which is completely different from the other. The amount of outside the box thinking that we use for problem solving, is what I think AI will struggle with. I guess the day that a robot can fix any other robot under any set of circumstances, is the day I lose my job.
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Jon Branch (适度) 2 years ago
While many aspects of the job will be automated, these automations will serve to aid ME’s not replace them.
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Nathan McDougall (低) 2 years ago
Because, Mechanicinisms are really complicated. I know that robots and A.I. are also really complicated, and may be capable, but the chances of them succeeding are really low, so why put something in a position power and authority when we know they will most likely fail.
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