
我们的访客投票表示,他们不确定这个职业是否会被自动化。 然而,我们生成的自动化风险等级表明自动化的可能性要高得多:有72%的机会会被自动化。
预计"Film and Video Editors"的工作空缺数量将在2033内增长4.7%
在2023,'Film and Video Editors'的年度中位数工资为$66,600,或每小时$32。
'Film and Video Editors'的薪资比全国中位工资高38.6%,全国中位工资为$48,060。
截至2023,在美国有29,240人被雇佣为'Film and Video Editors'。
这代表了全国就业劳动力的大约< 0.001%
换句话说,大约每5 千人中就有1人被雇佣为“Film and Video Editors”。
SOC Code: 27-4032.00
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Think of Film Editing or a Documentary. So many elements like different shots, camera angles, sfx, music, etc. need to be arranged creatively to tell a story in the best possible way. A lot of decision making is involved in every step.
This is purely art form and something which AI cannot replace...yet. Human brain is far more powerful for this type of task.
Repetitive tasks, yes...they can be automated with AI and it will help editors to reach their goal faster.
Watson made a Horror trailer a decade ago, and we haven't seen another AI cut trailer since then or seen any AI even attempt to make anything longer or more complex than a trailer.
Hey maybe by the time I retire we'll finally see a big, AAA studio AI edited movie, but that would be the entire marketing point and when the movie flops because it's just poorly put together (or hell just not a good movie) the suits will shift all the blame to AI technology, which they'll drop faster than 2D animation and relegate it to the 2060 equivalent of Direct to DvD movies.
We also know which clip fits better in a certain place, and which music and sound effect to use in the video.
AI has no emotions or feelings, so there's a very small chance, I think.
This will be challenging for a while, but eventually, the machine learning will have enough data to be able to reliably do this quickly. It will not replace anyone in Hollywood, except perhaps for certain classes of visual effects artists. However, it will replace over half of the video marketing industry.
As Google releases business-class versions of its Google Assistant that can have a conversation with a small business owner, find out what they want, and generate images and video creative for that business owner to serve in purchased digital advertisements. This will be an included service in order to sell more advertising to people who would have never had the funds to both purchase advertising and hire expensive marketing teams to create digital ads and videos.
Furthermore, the AI will be better at placing these ad buys than any human ever could. Already, we are almost there. And thus, all but the most expensive brands, primarily national brands, will replace their social media person or their small marketing team or even their regional marketing agency with one savvy person whose job it is to talk to an AI and get it to create the ads with the creative assets.
We are five years away from AI being able to create images at 24 frames per second, another two years from those videos being usable, another two years for them to be reliable, and then another one to three years for Google to figure out how to seamlessly integrate these learned machines into their ad platform.
It's not a total, across-the-board AI replacement, but the market for user-generated video will shrink dramatically.