
投票 评论 (36)
Average: 15%
或每小时 $29.61
截至 2023



7% (最小风险)




  • 狭窄的工作空间,尴尬的姿势


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我们的访客投票表示,这个职业被自动化的可能性很低。 这个评估进一步得到了通过计算得出的自动化风险等级的支持,该等级预计有7%的机会实现自动化。










* 根据劳工统计局的数据,该数据涵盖了从2023到2033的期间。






* 来自美国劳工统计局的数据








SOC Code: 47-2111.00


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Grumaz (低) 3 months ago
Very complex and hard to please the investor and to make it possible with the money he wants to spend.
So, pleasing people is tough
1 1 Reply
Fareed 5 months ago
The only thing that replace trades at this point is illegal immigrants but then there is the language barrier.
1 1 Reply
Matt 8 months ago
Absolutely zero chance of ‘taking’ the job, but definitely more machines will enhance the job. Think more and better of power tools, longer battery lives, etc.
1 1 Reply
John (没有机会) 11 months ago
Totally laughable. If AI is running the trades, which requires a huge amount of creativity and coordination to solve problems as well as dexterity, then jobs will only exist where AI doesn't.
5 1 Reply
Cindy 1 year ago
I believe the intricate details in the wiring of the actual building would be too difficult for a machine. Electricians have refined skills that are very difficult to master by just anyone! They go to school for a 5 year apprenticeship. These people are specialized professionals and we need to respect them and their profession!!
0 1 Reply
Nathan (没有机会) 1 year ago
I'm a young Electrician. for doing this job, you need to work in any kind of environment. sometimes you need to identify the problem so in order to do so, you will use your hands, body, creativity and of course, knowledge. A.I. will might stand a chance on replacing us if they probably come in a humanoid form xD
2 1 Reply
hoj (适度) 1 year ago
Humanoid Robots Cleaning Your House, Serving Your Food and Running Factories


This will happen shortly.
0 6 Reply
Jason (没有机会) 1 year ago
If you could automate trade work, then the world is pretty much all automated at that point. Think about how complicated this work is. Even though AI could feasibley figure out how to do this type of work, it's still pretty complicated and you would need crazy good robots to perform it. Then let's say you have the complex ai and robotics to do the job. When will that technology become affordable?

Buildings are constructed in a way that are not standardized. Sure some facilities could be engineered in such a way that would make robotics possible to work in, but I think this is a long way off. By the time Electricians are automated most jobs will be automated. I mean robots/Ai could do basic level clerical work before electrical construction/maintenance. I think some parts of this industry will be automated. Maybe running 500 mile lines can be done by some machines, but even so there will still need to be some kind of human supervision.

We're just not there yet. We won't be there for a while. As dumb as most construction jobs seem, they will probably be automated so far out from now that entry level lawyers have more to worry about since chatgbt can probably do basic level legal research. No machine is capable of doing much aside from maybe doing some basic prep work, which that is hardly going to replace an electrician as of now.

If anything it will just speed up jobs and potentially lower the industry, but I really don't see it making a big difference anytime soon.
2 1 Reply
Ben (适度) 2 years ago
particularly in the new installation space, I think they will be able to run cables, fit off etc... it will probably be harder in the maintenance area for a machine to make repairs.
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SAY NO TO PROGRAMMING (低) 2 years ago
Electricians are essentially a perfect blend of physical & mental work that just isn't easily replaceable as say programming is.
2 1 Reply
Kb 2 years ago
It seems that although certain technologies for robot dexterity are being developed, it will take a while for it to created and then theres the question of adoption speed. Don't get me wrong, if the technology is developed it WILL be adopted, probably just not immediantly.

So I wouldn't worry just yet in regards to the immediate future.

The next 2 decades though, im not sure.
0 1 Reply
Benoit (没有机会) 2 years ago
I think the 19% who said electricians could be replaced in the near future have very low knowledge of the complex tasks electricians have to perform. It requires a lot of thinking and makeshift problem solving along with various physical tasks that require dexterity, precision, balance and the ability to position your body in various positions only a human is capable of.
2 1 Reply
andy (适度) 3 years ago
As an electrician's apprentice, I can see how pre-fabrication AI could easily steal away the standard rough-in methods during construction. Residential housing can be streamlined easily since big developers are making the same design for 200,000 homes they build. If a standard was set that pre-fab components were to be used and shipped to the location, you wouldn't need people to wire it up.
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Dave (没有机会) 3 years ago
Maybe to assist with pulling wire and conduit bending perhaps. Don't think AI will replace electricians
1 1 Reply
Thomas Bach (没有机会) 3 years ago
Not a chance. I’m an industrial electrician working in the automotive industry. I’m taking care of about 100 robots ( I’m responsible for my 3 manufacturing lines ) and there’s no way any robot today can do what we do. Line operators are being replaced by robots but at the same time, there’s a need for more trades. Let’s be honest, somebody has to fix them. I think I’ll be able to retire safely. It will be a major jump in technology before robots can fix other robots in industrial applications.
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Kenneth 1 year ago
What about AI, and its rapid advancements?
0 1 Reply
allgone 1 year ago
Really not how AI progress works.

Reading comprehension went from not possible to human-level in a few years.

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yo lads (没有机会) 3 years ago
too hard to put a robot on a roof and not fall thru it, not happening anytime soon
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Jake D (没有机会) 3 years ago
Understanding electrical theory and the intricacies associated with it when you’re working in physical environments is way beyond what machines can do. Static electricity accumulates, grounds are needed, and a whole lot of work is put into just insulating and making electricity safe to interact with. As a lineman apprentice, I can’t imagine there’ll be a machine that can process all of that, let alone be physically capable of performing all the tasks associated with electrical work. It’s a pretty interdisciplinary field that requires a lot of critical thinking, a lot of consideration of your environment, and is incredibly dangerous.

Personally, I don’t think you can really assess the ability of this field to be automated unless you understand the actions we take to avoid getting shocked, to avoid breaking things, and the volume of equipment we use. It takes two years in trade school and four years in an apprenticeship to create a qualified electrician and even then, they are always learning. Expecting machines to pick up this work within even forty years, assuming technology keeps progressing linearly, is pretty unlikely.

I hope I’m not jinxing myself here but this does seem pretty stupid. I’m a smart guy and I routinely feel like an idiot on the job because there’s just so much to grasp and handle. Expecting a machine to be able to understand, let alone contextualize, and further implement this information is completely fantastical.
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Kenneth 1 year ago
Ai and robots are already as of this time starting to replace surgeons. Surgeons go through on average 12-15 years of schooling after highschool. The ai can already diagnose and preform surgeries better...
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Kade (没有机会) 3 years ago
When electricians, plumbers, and HVAC mechanics are automated, no one will have a job.
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Anthony Hallam (低) 3 years ago
theirs no way a robot has the dexterity to wire, and it doesn't even have the brain to spot a problem
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Kenneth 1 year ago
Yet Ai has the dexterity to perform heart and brain surgeries better than human surgeons and the brain to diagnose better than human doctors....
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1 (低) 4 years ago
In my opinion, the electrician is too complicated a job for robots, and in addition, the tasks of an electrician sometimes involve repairing robots, motors, or other types of machines. :)
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