Havayolu Pilotları, Yardımcı Pilotlar ve Uçuş Mühendisleri

Orta Risk
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Veya, Bu Mesleği Daha Ayrıntılı Keşfedin...
(Yüksek Risk)
(Düşük Risk)
Average: 51%
yıl 2033 itibariyle
veya saat başına $105,35
2023 itibariyle

İnsanlar ayrıca inceledi

Hesaplanmış otomasyon riski

65% (Yüksek Risk)

Yüksek Risk (61-80%): Bu kategorideki işler, görevlerinin çoğu mevcut veya yakın gelecekteki teknolojiler kullanılarak kolayca otomatikleştirilebileceği için otomasyondan önemli bir tehditle karşı karşıyadır.

Bu puanın ne olduğu ve nasıl hesaplandığına dair daha fazla bilgi burada 'da mevcuttur.

İşin bazı oldukça önemli özellikleri otomatikleştirmek için zordur:

  • El Becerisi

  • Sosyal Algılama

  • Parmak Becerisi

Kullanıcı anketi

Önümüzdeki iki on yıl içinde tam otomasyona geçme şansı 37%

Ziyaretçilerimiz, bu mesleğin otomatikleşme şansının düşük olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Ancak, oluşturduğumuz otomasyon risk seviyesi, otomasyonun çok daha yüksek bir ihtimal olduğunu öne sürmektedir: %65% otomasyon şansı.

Otomasyonun riski hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?

Havayolu Pilotları, Yardımcı Pilotlar ve Uçuş Mühendisleriın önümüzdeki 20 yıl içinde robotlar veya yapay zeka tarafından değiştirilme olasılığı nedir?


Aşağıdaki grafik, anlamlı veriler sunmak için yeterli miktarda oy bulunduğunda eklenir. Bu görsel temsiller, kullanıcı anket sonuçlarını zaman içinde göstererek duygu eğilimlerine dair önemli bir gösterge sağlar.

Zaman içindeki duygu durumu (yıllık)


Diğer mesleklere göre orta düzeyde büyüme

'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' iş ilanlarının sayısının 2033 yılına kadar 5,0% artması bekleniyor.

Toplam istihdam ve tahmini iş açılışları

* 2023 ve 2033 arasındaki dönem için İşgücü İstatistikleri Bürosu'ndan alınan veriler. Lütfen çevirinin mantıklı ve web sitesi kullanımı için uygun olduğundan emin olun.
Güncellenmiş projeksiyonlar 09-2025 tarihinde teslim edilmelidir..


Diğer mesleklere göre çok yüksek maaşlı

2023 yılında, 'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' için medyan yıllık ücret $219.140 idi, yani saat başına $105.

'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' ulusal medyan ücretin, $48.060 olduğu yerde, %356,0% daha yüksek bir ücret aldılar.

Zaman içindeki ücretler

* İşgücü İstatistikleri Bürosu'ndan alınan veriler.


Diğer mesleklere kıyasla orta derecede iş fırsatları

2023 itibariyle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde 93.670 kişi 'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' olarak istihdam edilmiştir.

Bu, ülke genelindeki istihdam edilen iş gücünün yaklaşık olarak %0,06%'ını temsil eder.

Başka bir deyişle, her 1 bin kişiden biri 'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' olarak istihdam edilmektedir.

İş tanımı

Sabit kanatlı uçakların uçuşunu genellikle programlı hava taşımacılığı rotalarında pilotluk etmek ve yönlendirmek, yolcu ve kargo taşımacılığı için gereklidir. Federal Hava Taşımacılığı sertifikası ve kullanılan belirli uçak türü için derecelendirme gerektirir. Bölgesel, ulusal ve uluslararası havayolu pilotlarını ve havayolu pilotlarının uçuş eğitmenlerini içerir.

SOC Code: 53-2011.00


Leave a comment

Dan (Ilımlı) 2 months ago
I'm a commercial pilot, I work in the industry for the last 20 years.
Capacity to AI takeover already exist but passanger trust will take longer to be achieved.
1 0 Reply
John (Düşük) 4 months ago
A computer can only do so many algorithms. Let's say a situation happens and the computer/AI is there to slove the problem and it does.... but what happens when the problem is outside of the box and the algorithm doesn't know what to do. This is where is can turn catastrophic. This is where pilots come in to play and think outside the box plus their fighting for their lives so they will do everything to get home to their families and their passengers also.

20 years it will start with cargo flights.

Another 10 years after maybe commercial flights.

If an accident happens like where two planes go down due to MCAS designed by boeing. This probably set it back years for automation.

Look at Sully landing on the Hudson can a computer do that?

Miracle on the Hudson that was down to skill and knowledge and a brilliant Captain and First Office.
1 1 Reply
Mason Braswelle (Hiç şansı yok) 5 months ago
The amount of things pilots have to do in order to ensure safe flights is astounding, not to mention that if something were to go wrong, what would the robot even do?
1 0 Reply
Jeremy (Düşük) 6 months ago
Although the actual flight operation can be managed by AI, there is always the chance that the AI will fail at controlling the plane. Also there is always different situations for landing and takeoff, AI won't always be able to predict and maneuver the next move.
1 0 Reply
rorik 7 months ago
consider that nothing manufactured by humans are perfect, with such a reality, you cannot assume that a robot/ai could do it's job flawlessly. there are ethical decisions in emergencies that must be made in the cockpit that an ai simply cannot do. furthermore, redundancy is a core value in aviation, and until human manufacturing is perfect (arguably wont ever be), a pilot will always be needed in the cockpit as a form of redundancy in case the manufactured systems malfunction.
2 1 Reply
dan (Düşük) 7 months ago
ask yourself this question, how would you feel if the most beloved person to you was on a plane controlled by a robot that could be hacked, glitch, or malfunction
0 1 Reply
Anonymous 9 months ago
The technology exists, but is it socially acceptable? It’s similar to how self driving cars have been a thing since the late 90s (couldn’t believe it either), and have become more mainstream in the last few years. Pilots will probably lose their jobs when people become comfortable flying in fully autonomous aircraft. However, emergencies can still happen, so it will probably take even longer for machines to take over.
1 2 Reply
bob (Son derece muhtemel) 9 months ago
1 word autopilot
1 6 Reply
L 7 months ago
Who said that an autopilot is more reliable than a human captain?
0 1 Reply
Anonymous (Ilımlı) 9 months ago
Because pilots even today have a sizeable portion of the piloting during flight cut out for them with autopilot and it is already so trustworthy and efficient that they can sleep around a half hour while autopilot is on before being woken up by an alarm. Though this is balanced out by takeoff and landing which is much more tricky to automate and there is still the need for pilot input during emergencies
0 2 Reply
LBFEBNL (Ilımlı) 9 months ago
If wanted, the aircraft manufacturer could easily develop a computer to follow all the instructions that pilots need to follow too, like taxiing, departure (still needs human help), cruising (already taken over by autopilot but still needs human help if an emergency happens), and landing.

That is for the pilot. For the co-pilot, it is highly likely because the A.I. doesn't need to do all the instructions; they just do half of it, and the rest the pilot will handle.

For the flight engineer, I think it has a lower chance of getting replaced by A.I. or some sort of computer.

But this is overall just my opinion.
0 2 Reply
p 9 months ago
flight engineers arent a thing anymore... they havent been very common since like 90s
1 1 Reply
James (Ilımlı) 9 months ago
Yeah the 64% chance scares my freind who is a pilot
0 2 Reply
criag (Hiç şansı yok) 9 months ago
There are many airlines that want soft, silky landings and not slammy, hard, ai- landings
1 1 Reply
Josh (Düşük) 9 months ago
It is a very complex job that requires concentration and multitasking of witch a robot can't di
1 1 Reply
1 9 months ago
although i agree a robot cant do everything a pilot has to do robots are still much better at multitasking than humans ever will be
0 1 Reply
. (Düşük) 1 year ago
you will always need humans incase something happened. its possible but not in the next 20 years
0 1 Reply
Luca (Son derece muhtemel) 1 year ago
Automated flight is already a well-established reality, the pilot on board serves only to reassure passengers who are not yet accustomed to the idea of a completely automated flight.
0 4 Reply
Oxtin Poss 11 months ago
We are no where near completely autonomous flight. We barely have self-driving cars, which are normally confined to certain parameters. There are so many variables and things that could go wrong, that it simply isn’t viable yet.
1 1 Reply
boo (Düşük) 1 year ago
Automation has the ability to control events in a certain context, and wouldn't be able to handle an emergency or malfunction, considering the usual age of aircraft computers.
0 1 Reply
Harry (Düşük) 1 year ago
Landing and take off needs accurate readings and a lot of man power we also need to understand the runway so it my not be
0 1 Reply
KickinTyres (Düşük) 1 year ago
The public's perception of safety is intrinsically connected to having human pilots in the cockpit.
0 1 Reply
Ayden (Hiç şansı yok) 1 year ago
New plane can fly it self but they still need pilot or co pilot to make sure nothing is going wrong especially when it is landing
0 1 Reply
Alneez (Ilımlı) 1 year ago
Airbus Project Dragonfly
0 2 Reply

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