Kirurger, alla andra

Minimal risk
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(Minimal risk)
(Låg risk)
Average: 14%
från år 2033
Medianlönen för detta yrke är för närvarande okänd
26 370
från och med 2023

Personer tittade också på

Beräknad automatiseringsrisk

0,0% (Minimal risk)

Minimal risk (0-20%): Yrken i denna kategori har en låg sannolikhet att automatiseras, eftersom de vanligtvis kräver komplex problemlösning, kreativitet, starka mellanmänskliga färdigheter och en hög grad av manuell skicklighet. Dessa jobb involverar ofta komplexa handrörelser och exakt koordination, vilket gör det svårt för maskiner att replikera de nödvändiga uppgifterna.

Mer information om vad detta betyg är, och hur det beräknas finns tillgängligt här.

Vissa mycket viktiga egenskaper hos jobbet är svåra att automatisera:

  • Att hjälpa och ta hand om andra

  • Manuell Fingerfärdighet

  • Fingerfärdighet

Vissa ganska viktiga egenskaper hos jobbet är svåra att automatisera:

  • Social Perceptiveness - Social Förståelse

  • Originalitet


28% procent chans för full automatisering inom de närmaste två decennierna

Våra besökare har röstat att det är en låg chans att detta yrke kommer att automatiseras. Detta bedömning stöds ytterligare av den beräknade automationsrisknivån, som uppskattar 0,0% chans för automation.

Vad tror du är risken med automatisering?

Vad är sannolikheten att Kirurger, alla andra kommer att ersättas av robotar eller artificiell intelligens inom de närmaste 20 åren?


Följande graf inkluderas där det finns en betydande mängd röster för att ge meningsfull data. Dessa visuella representationer visar användaromröstningsresultat över tid och ger en viktig indikation på sentimenttrender.

Känslor över tid (årligen)


Måttlig tillväxt jämfört med andra yrken

Antalet 'Surgeons, All Other' lediga jobb förväntas att öka med 4,3% till 2033

Total sysselsättning och uppskattade jobböppningar

* Data från Bureau of Labor Statistics för perioden mellan 2021 och 2031
Uppdaterade prognoser beräknas 09-2024.


Lägre utbud av jobbmöjligheter jämfört med andra yrken

Från och med 2023 var det 26 370 personer anställda som 'Surgeons, All Other' inom USA.

Detta representerar cirka < 0,001% av den anställda arbetskraften i hela landet

Sagt på ett annat sätt, runt 1 av 5 tusen personer är anställda som 'Surgeons, All Other'.


Alla kirurger listas inte separat.

SOC Code: 29-1249.00


Sök jobb i ditt lokala område

Om du funderar på att starta en ny karriär, eller vill byta jobb, har vi skapat ett praktiskt jobbsökverktyg som kanske kan hjälpa dig att hitta den perfekta nya rollen.

Sök jobb i ditt lokala område


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Dolly 1 month ago
There will be a relationship between the robot performing the treatment and a human assistant. Human will be needed to supervise the robot, to develop new methods and to provide a safety net in case of mistakes. It is easier and cheaper to train a robot, and such technologies already exist. In most medical professions, a person will remain as a researcher and a connecter with patient through empathy. The robot will provide better quality medical care and is less likely to make mistakes; unfortunately, here mistakes costs a life.
0 0 Reply
Dfyy (Måttlig) 2 months ago
Because robots are getting increasingly good at precise jobs. They could do surgery in some cases.
0 0 Reply
CAROLINE (Måttlig) 5 months ago
Because you see AI is developing .There are already technology that helps with surgery so that may DEVELOPE.
0 1 Reply
chat we're so cooked 8 months ago
I've read through the comments, and most people say that "AI will cause accidents and fatalities" without considering how a single hand twitch could end your life. Machine error happens less than human error, after all.

Also, surgeons don't require the same empathy factor as something like psychologists. The 0% replacement rate seems absurd, considering how much AI will advance in the next twenty years. Surgeons may be the ones to operate and give instructions to the machines, but this job (like basically every other job under the sun) will be hit hard by AI.
10 9 Reply
Balaj (Låg) 8 months ago
Nobody would want a robot to perform a surgery on them
4 7 Reply
TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES (Måttlig) 8 months ago
robots are already helping, and eventually they may be able to do surgeries by themselves, but somebody has to control the robots too
3 1 Reply
Economist (Mycket troligt) 8 months ago
Incentive to replace highest paid employees with upfront investment combined with low maintenance costs - economic incentive will outweigh liability risk as technologies and data sets advance
0 0 Reply
m (Mycket troligt) 9 months ago
It is highly likely. Many robotic technologies are now being used in operations. A surgeon will only be controlling the robot, and afterward, in about 20 years, will be independently automated.
0 0 Reply
NAZLY GARCÉS MURILLO (Ingen chans) 9 months ago
Because I believe that surgeons will be the ones operating the machines, given that these machines cannot take control of themselves and generate real and healthy results for the patients.
0 1 Reply
Jabobski (Ingen chans) 10 months ago
Accidents in programing could cause fatal damage and lots of deaths
0 0 Reply
Jimmy (Ingen chans) 1 year ago
because robots are most likely to make mistakes and kill people
0 0 Reply
Dr Suggon Deeznots 3 months ago
no robot surgeon has ever killed a person, but doctors make mistakes all the time. you nincompoop
2 0 Reply
atharv 2 months ago
i agree
0 0 Reply
Hamood (Ingen chans) 1 year ago
Too complicated to make a robot that can do many surgeries. Too risky to put a robot in healthcare.
0 0 Reply
Malala (Ingen chans) 1 year ago
Too many regulations in the medical industry
0 0 Reply
Playmylevel (Mycket troligt) 1 year ago
There are already robots that have been developed for surgery, and using robots instead of humans can allow for way more precision
2 1 Reply
Jabobski Mahomi Skibidias Rizzi Misimgablo 10 months ago
depends what type of surgery the robot will be performing
0 0 Reply
Andrew (Ingen chans) 1 year ago
You need the interaction between the doctor and patient to read the body language and emphasise with him and have a perception about the pain
0 0 Reply
Anonymous 2 years ago
Surgeons won't be automated for a long time. Also, do you really think people would trust a robot? I sure wouldn't. All it takes is one malfunction or software error and you're finished.
2 0 Reply
MJ 1 year ago
I mean, all it takes is one slip of the hand for you to be finished as well. In the future, I don't see why AI would be less accurate than humans, as they don't have to account for human error. Surgery having a 0% automation risk is ludicrous. Of course you wouldn't trust it right now since AI is still in it's infancy age, but it will get far better than we could possibly imagine.
2 0 Reply
Elon Musk 1 year ago
well, do you think humans don't have errors and make mistakes? Do you even understand how AI and robotics work? Doesn't sound like it.
0 0 Reply
000 10 months ago
But like, aren't surgeons highly trained for like eight years or more or something? They are way more reliable than a robot swinging around in your open chest. I don't think you understand how skilled surgeons really are.
1 1 Reply
Alexandra (Mycket troligt) 3 years ago
We already have startups like Star, which want to automate and democratize surgeries. Even though we aren't there yet, I think that automated surgery can increase surgery quality while driving down prices.
1 1 Reply
Karl 1 year ago
I wouldn't lend much credence to that. Even if automated surgery were an option it would still require extensive supervision from actual surgeons. Surgeries are volatile endeavors involving volatile individuals. Possibilities that robots alone won't be able to account for at least for decades to come.
1 0 Reply

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