Personliga ekonomiska rådgivare

Måttlig Risk
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(Måttlig Risk)
(Måttlig Risk)
Average: 43%
från år 2033
99 580 $
eller 47,87 $ per timme
272 190
från och med 2023

Personer tittade också på

Beräknad automatiseringsrisk

43% (Måttlig Risk)

Måttlig risk (41-60%): Yrken med måttlig risk för automatisering involverar oftast rutinmässiga uppgifter men kräver fortfarande en viss mänsklig bedömning och interaktion.

Mer information om vad detta betyg är, och hur det beräknas finns tillgängligt här.

Vissa ganska viktiga egenskaper hos jobbet är svåra att automatisera:

  • Övertalning

  • Social Perceptiveness - Social Förståelse

  • Att hjälpa och ta hand om andra

  • Förhandling

  • Originalitet


43% procent chans för full automatisering inom de närmaste två decennierna

Våra besökare har röstat att de är osäkra på om detta yrke kommer att automatiseras. Detta bedömning stöds ytterligare av den beräknade automationsrisknivån, som uppskattar 43% chans för automation.

Vad tror du är risken med automatisering?

Vad är sannolikheten att Personliga ekonomiska rådgivare kommer att ersättas av robotar eller artificiell intelligens inom de närmaste 20 åren?


Följande graf inkluderas där det finns en betydande mängd röster för att ge meningsfull data. Dessa visuella representationer visar användaromröstningsresultat över tid och ger en viktig indikation på sentimenttrender.

Känslor över tid (årligen)


Väldigt snabb tillväxt jämfört med andra yrken

Antalet 'Personal Financial Advisors' lediga jobb förväntas att öka med 17,1% till 2033

Total sysselsättning och uppskattade jobböppningar

* Data från Bureau of Labor Statistics för perioden mellan 2023 och 2033
Uppdaterade prognoser beräknas 09-2025.


Mycket högt betald jämfört med andra yrken

I 2023 var den medianårliga lönen för 'Personal Financial Advisors' 99 580 $, eller 47 $ per timme.

'Personal Financial Advisors' betalades 107,2% högre än den nationella medianlönen, som låg på 48 060 $

Löner över tid

* Data från Byrån för arbetsstatistik


Större utbud av jobbmöjligheter jämfört med andra yrken

Från och med 2023 var det 272 190 personer anställda som 'Personal Financial Advisors' inom USA.

Detta representerar cirka 0,18% av den anställda arbetskraften i hela landet

Sagt på ett annat sätt, runt 1 av 557 personer är anställda som 'Personal Financial Advisors'.


Rådger klienter om finansiella planer med hjälp av kunskap om skatte- och investeringsstrategier, värdepapper, försäkringar, pensionsplaner och fastigheter. Arbetsuppgifter inkluderar att bedöma klienters tillgångar, skulder, kassaflöde, försäkringsskydd, skattestatus och finansiella mål. Kan också köpa och sälja finansiella tillgångar för klienter.

SOC Code: 13-2052.00


Sök jobb i ditt lokala område

Om du funderar på att starta en ny karriär, eller vill byta jobb, har vi skapat ett praktiskt jobbsökverktyg som kanske kan hjälpa dig att hitta den perfekta nya rollen.

Sök jobb i ditt lokala område


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Ryan (Låg) 3 months ago
Too much need for human decision making and people have a need for connection during down times in the market that AI couldn’t replace
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Sam (Låg) 7 months ago
As an advisor who is aware of the inevitability of AI overtaking the workforce. The last holdouts of careers will likely be very interpersonal positions such as mine. My clients are all strongly relationship oriented.
0 0 Reply
Greer (Låg) 1 year ago
Over half the job is people skills. Convincing someone to do what’s best for them, even though it’s difficult or scary, requires a level of trust that you need a real human to cultivate. The investment selection and portfolio rebalancing are already automated to one extent or another. What people can’t easily get is EQ of a knowledgeable financial advisor who can help them stack rank their goals and allocate their investments accordingly.
0 0 Reply
Jaye (Låg) 1 year ago
Although the technical knowledge and minor tasks can be relatively automated, relatability/communication skills are core competencies that would be very difficult for AI to replicate.

How can one relate to a line of code, or trust that the programmers inherent biases are not skewing the results?
0 0 Reply
Larry Goldstein 1 year ago
I am a 35 year old advisor. Most of my clients are 50+ and have no time or interest in managing their financial life. Every generation has do it yourselfers and that’s great. Park your tiny account at Fidelity put it in an ETF and keep crying about 1% fees. Truth is most advisors would never work with you anyway because you’re broke. you’ll never need to worry about true diversification. It’s only when you have real money that you need to consider taxes, income, stock options, ladders, covered calls etc. When the Internet boom happened, they predicted the end of advisers at that time, because every client would have access to the information advisors do. We’ll, how’d that end up working out? A.I has so far made my work life easier. If the worst case scenario plays out, I’ll find another job ✌️
0 0 Reply
Ray 1 year ago
A life plan advisor deals with how much does one need and when do they need it. That includes, a proper fitting portfolio/investment/product that deals with premature death, loss of ability to work, kids college, future retirement wants and needs, etc. Now, I believe serious individuals would prefer to have these needs dealt with by a caring, highly skilled individual with great interpersonal skills. A robot ones not meet that criteria.
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Jan Lu 3 years ago
Addressing the broader issue of whether AI will replace not only finial services workers but also workers in general:

I’m completely on the fence when it comes to which jobs and when AI will replace the human workforce. I don’t underestimate the ambitions of tech producers and the average human being's preference for the quick, easy, and cheaper option to bring about such a situation. And let’s not forget how far technology has come since the Internet, let alone the simple calculator.

All this said we shouldn’t think that the scenario where AI could replace the human workforce is one that’s predetermined. “We” (everyone single one of us) have the collective ability to cause or prevent such an eventuality. We must also consider how viable an AI-dominated society and economy would really be. Every government across the globe would have its hands cut out with a population whose majority is unemployable. Imagine the civil unrest? Another consideration is the damage this could do to the economy; if a massive portion of humanity isn’t working, and isn’t getting a wage like they used to, we would see an unprecedented reduction in the flow of money around the economy. And what happens to money when there is a lack of exchange taking place? Doesn’t the value of money decrease? The financial advisors in this forum would be the best to elaborate on this or to correct my statement.

In conclusion: while I have no doubt that the ambitious tech lords and their acolytes will do what they can to bring about an AI world, the question of whether humans from governments to ordinary citizens will allow it is another thing altogether.
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David 3 years ago
Honestly, this job feels like people coping/in disbelief mode like Librarian was in say 2004. "people will still want us and need us don't worry, we have personal care, robots or tech won't replace us". In reality, future people will simply skip the step of using advisors because there are too many free sources of data and the market is so easy a chimp could invest.

For example, look at what services SoFi offers on their brokerage it's revolutionary. When you first heard "stonks always go up brrrrr" then that was the exact point the financial advisors and other various staff felt the chill up their spine of oncoming obsolescence.

Like Librarians in 2004 though, if you have the job now you won't even consider retirement for 15 years you're good. Are Advisors being used by Millennials and Gen Zoomer? I really am beginning to doubt it highly, they will just put all their money in SPY, QQQ, SOXL, REITs and move on with their lives.

Robots didn't kill Advisors but technology did and the ETF.
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Dan Pimental Strategy 3 years ago
Personal finance isn't interesting to everyone! And it doesn't have to be. But if you're neglecting your finances, it's likely worth it to hire. A financial advisor is not just someone who helps with investments. Their job is to help you with every aspect of your financial life.
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Mr. Daniel Pimental 3 years ago
A financial plan creates a roadmap for your money and helps you achieve your goals. Without financial planning, future success cannot be expected.
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Personal Investor (Måttlig) 3 years ago
Robo advisors are getting more powerful and more popular!
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jeroen Arendonk (Låg) 3 years ago
Because people like talking to people instead of the computer
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GGF (Mycket troligt) 3 years ago
I work in an investment firm in Mexico and we are already automating it.
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Jason (Mycket troligt) 3 years ago
I’m a FA, most of my peers are simple sales people who offer nothing unique in the way of asset management. Everything they do other than “hand holding” during scary markets can easily be replicated by a computer interface. While this is important, people like me have developed systematic forward looking rules based algos that will and have protected client assets from large market drops. This will alleviate the necessity to “hold hands” - perhaps dim underestimating the value of human to human contact but I doubt it.
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Robot 4 years ago
Robots can handle the admin tasks, but not the planning. Planning is more personal than financial. Good luck bots.
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Mitch (Ingen chans) 4 years ago
Just don't see it happening.

Lot of emotional intelligence in planning.

AI will just make planners better.
0 0 Reply
Max (Låg) 5 years ago
People raised in an age of recession prefer to bank in person because they are comforted by seeing the place their paycheck and deposits go each week.
0 0 Reply
chris 4 years ago
I live in Africa - one of the most unpleasant daily experiences is a visit to the bank.

The staff are unhelpful and untrained, cannot answer simple questions and it seems the solution to a problem is to call the call centre which I could do from home.

A physical visit to the bank is deliberately discouraged by management - it is not possible to find a manager in a bank.

Not much fun and clearly a strong incentive by the bank owners to discourage visits which will reduce the number of staff required. I do not see 'brick and mortar' banking surviving.

Most questions are dealt with through the call centre and I see this as the future. This can be fairly easily changed to a 'press 1 for...' system which once again removes the requirement for staff.

The service industries such as banking are ripe for automation. I think Digital Banking will change the requirement for a visit to the bank. What do you think?
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Core (Mycket troligt) 5 years ago
Financial robots have been used in companies for a long while. The analysis of personal data and big data will be the doorway for robots to enter personal finance.
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AI Robot (Mycket troligt) 5 years ago
I'm coming for your jobs Financial Planners. Learning fast. Give me 10 years.
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Mr. Planner 4 years ago
Can a robot provide life planning or financial therapy? Doubtful. Keep trying, bud.
2 0 Reply
Will 5 years ago
Sounds like you guys are financial advisors. lol
0 0 Reply
Mr. Planner 5 years ago
Sounds like you are in need of genuine planning.

All the best,
Mr. Planner.
1 0 Reply

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