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(Omedelbar Risk)
(Måttlig Risk)
Average: 69%
−0,4 %
från år 2033
47 430 $
eller 22,80 $ per timme
3 090
från och med 2023

Personer tittade också på

Beräknad automatiseringsrisk

89% (Omedelbar Risk)

Omedelbar risk (81-100%): Yrken på denna nivå har en extremt hög sannolikhet att automatiseras inom den närmaste framtiden. Dessa jobb består huvudsakligen av repetitiva, förutsägbara uppgifter med litet behov av mänskligt omdöme.

Mer information om vad detta betyg är, och hur det beräknas finns tillgängligt här.

Vi har inte hittat några viktiga egenskaper hos detta jobb som inte kan automatiseras enkelt.


49% procent chans för full automatisering inom de närmaste två decennierna

Våra besökare har röstat att de är osäkra på om detta yrke kommer att automatiseras. Emellertid tyder den automatiseringsrisknivå vi har genererat på en mycket högre chans för automatisering: 89% chans för automatisering.

Vad tror du är risken med automatisering?

Vad är sannolikheten att Modeller kommer att ersättas av robotar eller artificiell intelligens inom de närmaste 20 åren?


Följande graf inkluderas där det finns en betydande mängd röster för att ge meningsfull data. Dessa visuella representationer visar användaromröstningsresultat över tid och ger en viktig indikation på sentimenttrender.

Känslor över tid (årligen)


Långsam tillväxt jämfört med andra yrken.

Antalet 'Models' jobböppningar förväntas att minska med 0,4% fram till 2033

Total sysselsättning och uppskattade jobböppningar

* Data från Bureau of Labor Statistics för perioden mellan 2021 och 2031
Uppdaterade prognoser beräknas 09-2024.


Lågavlönad jämfört med andra yrken

I 2023 var den medianårliga lönen för 'Models' 47 430 $, eller 22 $ per timme.

'Models' fick 1,3% mindre betalt än den nationella medianlönen, som låg på 48 060 $

Löner över tid

* Data från Byrån för arbetsstatistik


Betydligt lägre utbud av jobbmöjligheter jämfört med andra yrken

Från och med 2023 var det 3 090 personer anställda som 'Models' inom USA.

Detta representerar cirka < 0,001% av den anställda arbetskraften i hela landet

Sagt på ett annat sätt, runt 1 av 49 tusen personer är anställda som 'Models'.


Modellera kläder eller andra klädesplagg och accessoarer för potentiella köpare på modeshower, privata visningar eller detaljhandelsföretag. Kan posera för foton som ska användas i tidningar eller annonser. Kan posera som motiv för målningar, skulpturer och andra typer av konstnärligt uttryck.

SOC Code: 41-9012.00


Sök jobb i ditt lokala område

Om du funderar på att starta en ny karriär, eller vill byta jobb, har vi skapat ett praktiskt jobbsökverktyg som kanske kan hjälpa dig att hitta den perfekta nya rollen.

Sök jobb i ditt lokala område


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Ana (Mycket troligt) 3 months ago
"Why are there so many of them on the internet already?"
0 0 Reply
Ella Grantham (Ingen chans) 5 months ago
High fashion modelling cannot be replaced. Brands would look cheap.
2 0 Reply
Jonathan Golland (Låg) 12 months ago
This is ridiculous. A robot couldn't possibly be a model. Models and modeling is dependent on beauty and each man or woman has their own style and Beauty to bring to the table even though universally models are supposed to be thin, and healthy
1 1 Reply
Anon (Måttlig) 1 year ago
Given there’s already face/body generating sites like thispersondoesnotexist, plus the amount of touchups/modifications they already make on everyday adverts for billboards etc. doesn’t seem impossible - no human is perfect looking. That being said, there will probably still be positions at the top for the very attractive people whose looks get them celebrity status. And I suppose for runway stuff also.
0 0 Reply
jack (Mycket troligt) 1 year ago
Highly likely. AI is already creating people, you can program it to create literally any person. You can make them "perfect" or add flaws.
0 0 Reply
patreongirl 2 years ago
Real humans are extremely attractive. While some people might always choose bots and ignore the uncanny valley, intellectuals will see the negative implications and find it strange.

There are individuals who find joy in modeling, possess talent, and should be rewarded financially for being good at their jobs. If AI threatens the careers of human models, there will likely be pushback from the general public because AI models don't represent them or their appearances.

There are incredibly beautiful humans who struggle to find normal jobs outside of modeling or jobs based on their appearance because of sexual harassment and unsavory individuals. Therefore, let's not destroy one of the only industries where they can be taken seriously.
0 0 Reply
Rei (Mycket troligt) 2 years ago
With computer engineering, we can make 3D models smoothly, as we see in VTubers. Sometimes, humans can perfect how a model's "body" looks to match what consumers want. We can give it beauty with a big body frame or just a small frame. You can make anything and any pose you want.
0 0 Reply
Miguel 3 years ago
I would like to know about catwalk models and runway models. It's a dream of mine to become a fashion model. I know CGI is taking a lot of ground, but those are just for pictures. At the catwalk, can AI replace the model's charisma, command of the room, aura and charm?
0 0 Reply
Julie 1 year ago
The best self made models dont make that much from walking, sometimes you won't get paid at all. The money is in editorials and shoots for companies, you prolly cant rely on catwalks alone, especially if u want to retire, sadly.
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Lizzy Murder (Ingen chans) 3 years ago
I am a child model, and maybe this is because I am literally 12, but I highly doubt robots will steal modeling. I can see more AI being used, but I think that most people will still be more likely to buy clothes if they see them on a human. However, there may be an end to runway modeling.
0 0 Reply
Nash (Osäker) 3 years ago
I think it's both. There will be computer generated models and real human models.
0 0 Reply
says (Mycket troligt) 4 years ago
Yes they can when they have a robot with human flesh body
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Rodrigo da Silva Guerra (Osäker) 4 years ago
I think people also like to relate to models as people, to know about their lifestyle, about their opinions and so on, as celebrities. Although I have confidence computers will be able to generate realistic artificial images, for some types of ads models will still be required. Perhaps the ones to be automated are those low paying, volume jobs for large web catalogues.
0 0 Reply
Sebastian 4 years ago
If they manage to break the "uncanny valley" then models will be replaceable because it will be almost impossible to distinguish the difference between a real person and extremely sophisticated AI combined with CGI. However, no one is remotely close to accomplishing this and this only applies to the digital side. A model has a very physical presence and realistic robots do not exist.
0 0 Reply
bonehead 2 years ago
not yet
have you not played detroit: become human?
1 0 Reply
Elif 4 years ago
models are probably the least useful people in society. they don't necessarily have to be pretty or feminine they just have to be tall and skinny. modelling first will become more inclusive then gradually disappear. no human being deserves to make a living out of his body only! they should be encouraged to be more useful in society with the works of their minds.
0 0 Reply
shrek side hoe 4 years ago
Models contribute to society and if they wanted to stop modelling or being known for their bodies they could have chosen a different profession or quit just because you don't think they are contributing to society but they help marketing and the clothing and fashion industry and quite a few models have used their platform for good so you can keep your feelings to your self thank yew
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Your Girl's main man (Osäker) 4 years ago
robot playboy mags, yuck!
0 0 Reply
zaira 4 years ago
it will be horrible (╬▔皿▔)╯🤦‍♀️😢😢😢😢╰(艹皿艹 )
0 0 Reply
my name is what my name is what my name is what my name is chicka-chicka-chicka slim shady (Mycket troligt) 4 years ago
you could easily use cgi to create the perfect looking human
0 0 Reply
bob you mom (Låg) 5 years ago
because robots cant have that natural beauty humans have
0 0 Reply
Corrina 5 years ago
Each photo nowadays is being graphically edited and the result is far from reality. People use filters and rather believe in/publish/look at their artificially "nicer" self. I can imagine just using specific details/data of real top models and building a digital one. The photo can be created without a real person still being realistic and perfect. That's why real models will be less likely necessary. Using digital figures will be/is cheaper than a real model and there will be/is a high demand for CGI artists.
0 0 Reply
ItchyHeadRn 5 years ago
You guys are missing the print. Models only exist because some rich person wants to have pretty people around them.
0 0 Reply

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