
Hög Risk
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(Hög Risk)
(Hög Risk)
Average: 78%
−5,0 %
från år 2033
39 680 $
eller 19,08 $ per timme
2 858 710
från och med 2023

Personer tittade också på

Beräknad automatiseringsrisk

79% (Hög Risk)

Hög risk (61-80%): Jobb i denna kategori står inför ett betydande hot från automatisering, eftersom många av deras uppgifter lätt kan automatiseras med nuvarande eller nära framtida tekniker.

Mer information om vad detta betyg är, och hur det beräknas finns tillgängligt här.

Vissa ganska viktiga egenskaper hos jobbet är svåra att automatisera:

  • Förhandling

  • Övertalning

  • Social Perceptiveness - Social Förståelse


77% procent chans för full automatisering inom de närmaste två decennierna

Våra besökare har röstat för att det är troligt att detta yrke kommer att automatiseras. Detta bedömning stöds ytterligare av den beräknade automationsrisknivån, som uppskattar 79% chans för automation.

Vad tror du är risken med automatisering?

Vad är sannolikheten att Kundtjänstrepresentanter kommer att ersättas av robotar eller artificiell intelligens inom de närmaste 20 åren?


Följande graf inkluderas där det finns en betydande mängd röster för att ge meningsfull data. Dessa visuella representationer visar användaromröstningsresultat över tid och ger en viktig indikation på sentimenttrender.

Känslor över tid (årligen)


Mycket långsam tillväxt jämfört med andra yrken.

Antalet 'Customer Service Representatives' jobböppningar förväntas att minska med 5,0% fram till 2033

Total sysselsättning och uppskattade jobböppningar

* Data från Bureau of Labor Statistics för perioden mellan 2023 och 2033
Uppdaterade prognoser beräknas 09-2025.


Mycket lågt betald jämfört med andra yrken

I 2023 var den medianårliga lönen för 'Customer Service Representatives' 39 680 $, eller 19 $ per timme.

'Customer Service Representatives' fick 17,4% mindre betalt än den nationella medianlönen, som låg på 48 060 $

Löner över tid

* Data från Byrån för arbetsstatistik


Betydligt större utbud av jobbmöjligheter jämfört med andra yrken

Från och med 2023 var det 2 858 710 personer anställda som 'Customer Service Representatives' inom USA.

Detta representerar cirka 1,9% av den anställda arbetskraften i hela landet

Sagt på ett annat sätt, runt 1 av 53 personer är anställda som 'Customer Service Representatives'.


Interagera med kunder för att ge grundläggande eller förberedd information som svar på rutinmässiga förfrågningar om produkter och tjänster. Kan hantera och lösa allmänna klagomål. Exkluderar individer vars huvudsakliga uppgifter är installation, försäljning, reparation och tekniskt stöd.

SOC Code: 43-4051.00


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SYDNEY MERRILL (Mycket troligt) 1 year ago
2 0 Reply
Ghizlane (Mycket troligt) 1 year ago
This is a task that Can definitely be replaced by IA. The thing is that for now, IAs don't have the ability to empathize. Once they'll figure out how to show some soft skills m, CSRs will be replaced for sure.
2 0 Reply
Mr Umphries (Låg) 2 years ago
I think it's very unlikely. I've been in the industry for over 25 years, in different capacities and levels. I can confirm that customers want to talk to a human being who understands them, not some automated script just going through the paces.

I've seen this done by so many colleagues who were not committed to the task, or who even sounded like robots themselves.
1 1 Reply
Daniel M. (Mycket troligt) 2 years ago
There are chat bots already. This type of technology will only evolve with time.
0 0 Reply
JOHN MARK H. MANUEL (Mycket troligt) 2 years ago
It is highly likely because people in the 4IR are most likely to be tech-savvy.

With their technical skills, they can be assisted using applications. Nowadays, these are used to address service issues mechanically.
1 0 Reply
Raj (Låg) 3 years ago
Talking to a real person can be more helpful than talking to a robot because a robot is limited to its programming. However, a human feels more satisfied when speaking to another human.
1 0 Reply
Christmas (Osäker) 3 years ago
Human needs human contact
1 0 Reply
cagatay (Mycket troligt) 4 years ago
I am currently working at one of the biggest online shopping site in Turkey and I can tell you that robots or AI would even do a better job in this role. Companies are already started looking for replacement of human affect.
1 0 Reply
Dhiraj Temkar (Mycket troligt) 4 years ago
Based on Recommendation ML models and various routing ML models. Its highly likely that these jobs can be automated in a sense of more repetitions, similarities in a solution of a problem to some other solution for some other problem and the availability of enormous data of employee logs on what actions were taken to solve a particular problem.
0 0 Reply
CC (Mycket troligt) 4 years ago
This will defiantly be automated in the next 20 years. I have worked in call centres for over 5 years. Listen to Google Duplex A.I. assistant.
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Tar (Låg) 4 years ago
I see my company struggling with automation of my work. Started a few years ago and we are still only at the beginning. It lasts long and helps only keep our workload on acceptable level, helps coping with increasing workload, preventing only very few repetitive task types.
0 0 Reply
anon - CSR (Måttlig) 5 years ago
I think it depends on the complexity of the products or services but I can see most of these jobs being automated
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Lori (Osäker) 5 years ago
I think us humans give Customer Service Industry a personal touch! People do not want to have to deal with a robot!
0 0 Reply
Ramon G Valdez Jr (Mycket troligt) 5 years ago
The Ai technology is already here and being used widely in the customer service space. When current company execs realize how flawless it is in the way it handles situations, all human CSR's will be having to look for another means of work. I was an happy & unhappy CSR for nearly 15 years and found a type of work that will not be replace by AI or any robot.
0 0 Reply
MC Lacson (Låg) 5 years ago
Robots don't have empathetic skills.
0 0 Reply
Sarah (Ingen chans) 5 years ago
We do need customer service representives to ask a question about a product for them via in-person, email or telephone. That's why robots shouldn't take this job away.
0 0 Reply
Kurt 5 years ago
googlebot phone call https://youtu.be/D5VN56jQMWM soon you won’t know the difference.
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Anon (Måttlig) 5 years ago
The number of representatives required will probably be cut down drastically as automated phone systems improve. Furthermore, the main group that can't use automate systems efficiently are seniors, and 20 years from now most seniors will probably be a fair bit more tech savvy than those of today.
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Viktor 5 years ago
Presidential hopeful Andrew Yang says call center employees are doomed. Please comment on that, if you're in the industry.
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im not replaceable 1 year ago
i think this will be highly dependent on the type of customer service being provided and the services/products being offered by the company as a whole that are requiring the customer support. automated phone systems have been a thing for a long time now, and for just as long, there have been resources available and sought out on how to avoid those systems and actually talk to someone. just search for "speak to a human"...

one thing ai will never be able to do is actually "be" human. while there are plenty of scenarios where "acting human-like with a high degree of accuracy" will be more than sufficient, and probably preferable than paying for a human to provide the same mundane tasks which really should be automated, if actually connecting with your customers in a real way would have any value to your business, hiring a real person to make those connections cant be substituted easily.
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Lori 5 years ago
I think people want to talk to a person and the future will not be all robots. I think it will be predominately humans that we want to talk to.
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Sir Prize 5 years ago
This is a comment. It depends on the complexity of the product and customer relations, but I think it is highly likely that the future of customer service will be automated.
0 0 Reply
Matthew Watson 6 years ago
I would say this job needs alot of judgement as many give false complaints or they have real problems. This job is about reporting and solving problems. However many tasks are repetitive so this job could go as well. Perhaps it could evolve
0 0 Reply
Ramon G Valdez Jr 5 years ago
AI technology will replace human involvement in the Customer service industry very soon. With algorithmic tech the AI will be able to respond to sense of happiness to hostility and will be able to respond sounding like a human being. Just take a listen to this AI clip from Google - https://youtu.be/D5VN56jQMWM
0 0 Reply

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