Kommersiella och industriella formgivare

Låg risk
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(Måttlig Risk)
(Låg risk)
Average: 39%
från år 2033
76 250 $
eller 36,66 $ per timme
30 810
från och med 2023

Personer tittade också på

Beräknad automatiseringsrisk

47% (Måttlig Risk)

Måttlig risk (41-60%): Yrken med måttlig risk för automatisering involverar oftast rutinmässiga uppgifter men kräver fortfarande en viss mänsklig bedömning och interaktion.

Mer information om vad detta betyg är, och hur det beräknas finns tillgängligt här.

Vissa ganska viktiga egenskaper hos jobbet är svåra att automatisera:

  • Originalitet

  • Övertalning

  • Social Perceptiveness - Social Förståelse


31% procent chans för full automatisering inom de närmaste två decennierna

Våra besökare har röstat att det är en låg chans att detta yrke kommer att automatiseras. Detta bedömning stöds ytterligare av den beräknade automationsrisknivån, som uppskattar 47% chans för automation.

Vad tror du är risken med automatisering?

Vad är sannolikheten att Kommersiella och industriella formgivare kommer att ersättas av robotar eller artificiell intelligens inom de närmaste 20 åren?


Följande graf inkluderas där det finns en betydande mängd röster för att ge meningsfull data. Dessa visuella representationer visar användaromröstningsresultat över tid och ger en viktig indikation på sentimenttrender.

Känslor över tid (årligen)


Långsam tillväxt jämfört med andra yrken.

Antalet 'Commercial and Industrial Designers' lediga jobb förväntas att öka med 3,1% till 2033

Total sysselsättning och uppskattade jobböppningar

* Data från Bureau of Labor Statistics för perioden mellan 2021 och 2031
Uppdaterade prognoser beräknas 09-2024.


Högavlönad jämfört med andra yrken

I 2023 var den medianårliga lönen för 'Commercial and Industrial Designers' 76 250 $, eller 36 $ per timme.

'Commercial and Industrial Designers' betalades 58,7% högre än den nationella medianlönen, som låg på 48 060 $

Löner över tid

* Data från Byrån för arbetsstatistik


Lägre utbud av jobbmöjligheter jämfört med andra yrken

Från och med 2023 var det 30 810 personer anställda som 'Commercial and Industrial Designers' inom USA.

Detta representerar cirka < 0,001% av den anställda arbetskraften i hela landet

Sagt på ett annat sätt, runt 1 av 4 tusen personer är anställda som 'Commercial and Industrial Designers'.


Designa och utveckla tillverkade produkter, såsom bilar, hushållsapparater och barnleksaker. Kombinera konstnärlig talang med forskning om produktanvändning, marknadsföring och material för att skapa den mest funktionella och tilltalande produktdesignen.

SOC Code: 27-1021.00


Sök jobb i ditt lokala område

Om du funderar på att starta en ny karriär, eller vill byta jobb, har vi skapat ett praktiskt jobbsökverktyg som kanske kan hjälpa dig att hitta den perfekta nya rollen.

Sök jobb i ditt lokala område


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incandescent_waller (Låg) 5 months ago
The thing more requires originality, something hard for AI to achieve
0 0 Reply
Ian D. Velázquez (Låg) 1 year ago
AI will never have the social awareness and emocional human understanding to replace an industrial designer
0 0 Reply
Oscar Humano (Låg) 1 year ago
Parameters and ideas can be shared between humans and robots. Since sensory levels are still predominantly in humans and design is based on sensations and experiences, robots need to feed on human sensations and experiences.
0 0 Reply
Nicolas 1 year ago
I see how many classic "low-level" design tasks can be automated. Design agencies that specialize in the isolated styling of consumer goods for various smaller companies or brands will probably need far fewer employees in the future.

Of course, modern designers work in a multidisciplinary manner and communicate between the various fields of product development. They are not as isolated as the qualities listed above suggest, so I doubt they will become extinct too quickly.

Companies are unlikely to risk their money and reputation on AI wild shots without some form of sentient consideration. Despite this, I bet some will try it anyway, and I am honestly eager to see them succeed.

Advanced creative tasks like innovation management and the expansion of the product portfolio are too important for companies to leave exclusively to tools right now. This job will likely adapt and merge a lot more with engineering and management disciplines.

It is normal for jobs to change with technology.
0 0 Reply
Zaber (Låg) 2 years ago
Designing industrial products that people use every day is a complex task. It requires a lot of real-world field research, which an AI confined within the boundaries of machines cannot comprehend or execute. In my opinion, AI will certainly be a blessing for industrial designers and others. A vast amount of data can be processed with great insights in a very short amount of time, adding massive value to the work of designers.

However, the human-like quality of AI, like Chat GPT3 and others, is still primitive in capacity, even though their articulation is top-notch, to say the least. Even then, it is not enough to design products at the capacity that humans currently are capable of.

Certain design fields will probably struggle to reduce their dependency on humans, like graphic design, illustrations, and animation design. However, fields like product or industrial design, architecture, and the like are not likely to be replaced any time soon.

For now and in the foreseeable future, I see AI as a personal assistant to industrial designers rather than a threat.
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Wnm (Mycket troligt) 2 years ago
AI is as good as its inputs. As more data from the design world is entered, the better AI will become at generating creative solutions and output.
1 0 Reply
Zhusepe (Måttlig) 2 years ago
Recent developments with AI show that it's fully feasible to automate product design.

Given a certain prompt and a starting image, an AI could create thousands of designs, each better than the last one.
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Alex (Låg) 2 years ago
Automation will streamline the process for industrial design. So, while companies might hire fewer designers to accomplish the same output of work, the work itself will never be completely automated. This is due to how fundamental the product is to the bottom line of a company's profit.

New CAD tools will optimize and speed up the development process. Consequently, companies will hire fewer employees and expect more from them. This could lead to worker burnout and exploitation becoming even more common, due to the limited staff.

Prospective employees, in addition to having exceptional artistic skills, will also be expected to have proficiency in programming.
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Nitin (Osäker) 3 years ago
Industrial design is both about beauty and function. We have tools already that could simulate and rank the functional efficiencies. Data science could play a role in outlining the patterns of large-scale users' likings, which individual designers might not be able to do.
0 0 Reply
Oscar Os 4 years ago
En ingles o español creo que no se entiende que es una profesión que tiene muchos factores que difícilmente se pueden generar algoritmos, el arte a mi parecer es la ultima línea de los algoritmos, el diseño industrial contempla Ciencias y artes. Tan lógico como que cualquiera puede tener una propuesta a muchos requerimientos en la industria.

In English or Spanish I think it is not understood that it is a profession that has many factors that it is difficult to generate algorithms, art in my opinion is the last line of algorithms, industrial design contemplates Sciences and arts. As logical as that anyone can have a proposal to many requirements in the industry.
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Raúl Palafox 4 years ago
industrial design could be developed by robots till the algorithms decide how we should love
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Marco (Ingen chans) 4 years ago
Design is an art, it's subjective, there's no way a machine can replace this job.
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Omar 3 years ago
What? I know that some of the young graphic designers and some students consider themselves artists but you should know that that isn't art. Some types of design use elements of art, but that doesn't make it art.
0 0 Reply
w 2 years ago
Graphic design isn't the same as industrial design. Yes, it is an art in many ways.

In my humble opinion, it falls under creative technology. It doesn't matter what you are actually designing; you're always going to, in the end, design a new way of living.
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the (Låg) 4 years ago
creation of original ideas is one of the few things that I see machines having a hard time doing
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Jon (Låg) 5 years ago
Industrial Designers could use robots or design them for automation
0 0 Reply
Alex 4 years ago
not in my home
0 0 Reply

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