
Minimal risk
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(Minimal risk)
(Låg risk)
Average: 15%
från år 2033
95 890 $
eller 46,10 $ per timme
327 950
från och med 2023

Personer tittade också på

Beräknad automatiseringsrisk

0,0% (Minimal risk)

Minimal risk (0-20%): Yrken i denna kategori har en låg sannolikhet att automatiseras, eftersom de vanligtvis kräver komplex problemlösning, kreativitet, starka mellanmänskliga färdigheter och en hög grad av manuell skicklighet. Dessa jobb involverar ofta komplexa handrörelser och exakt koordination, vilket gör det svårt för maskiner att replikera de nödvändiga uppgifterna.

Mer information om vad detta betyg är, och hur det beräknas finns tillgängligt här.

Vissa ganska viktiga egenskaper hos jobbet är svåra att automatisera:

  • Originalitet

  • Förhandling

  • Övertalning

  • Social Perceptiveness - Social Förståelse


30% procent chans för full automatisering inom de närmaste två decennierna

Våra besökare har röstat att det är en låg chans att detta yrke kommer att automatiseras. Detta bedömning stöds ytterligare av den beräknade automationsrisknivån, som uppskattar 0,0% chans för automation.

Vad tror du är risken med automatisering?

Vad är sannolikheten att Civilingenjörer kommer att ersättas av robotar eller artificiell intelligens inom de närmaste 20 åren?


Följande graf inkluderas där det finns en betydande mängd röster för att ge meningsfull data. Dessa visuella representationer visar användaromröstningsresultat över tid och ger en viktig indikation på sentimenttrender.

Känsla över tid (kvartalsvis)

Känslor över tid (årligen)


Snabb tillväxt jämfört med andra yrken

Antalet 'Civil Engineers' lediga jobb förväntas att öka med 6,5% till 2033

Total sysselsättning och uppskattade jobböppningar

* Data från Bureau of Labor Statistics för perioden mellan 2021 och 2031
Uppdaterade prognoser beräknas 09-2024.


Mycket högt betald jämfört med andra yrken

I 2023 var den medianårliga lönen för 'Civil Engineers' 95 890 $, eller 46 $ per timme.

'Civil Engineers' betalades 99,5% högre än den nationella medianlönen, som låg på 48 060 $

Löner över tid

* Data från Byrån för arbetsstatistik


Betydligt större utbud av jobbmöjligheter jämfört med andra yrken

Från och med 2023 var det 327 950 personer anställda som 'Civil Engineers' inom USA.

Detta representerar cirka 0,22% av den anställda arbetskraften i hela landet

Sagt på ett annat sätt, runt 1 av 463 personer är anställda som 'Civil Engineers'.


Utför ingenjörsuppgifter i planering, design och övervakning av konstruktion och underhåll av byggnadsstrukturer och anläggningar, såsom vägar, järnvägar, flygplatser, broar, hamnar, kanaler, dammar, bevattningssystem, pipelines, kraftverk och vatten- och avloppssystem.

SOC Code: 17-2051.00


Sök jobb i ditt lokala område

Om du funderar på att starta en ny karriär, eller vill byta jobb, har vi skapat ett praktiskt jobbsökverktyg som kanske kan hjälpa dig att hitta den perfekta nya rollen.

Sök jobb i ditt lokala område


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Brad 5 months ago
Physics engine and evolutionary algorithms and away goes civil engineering. Most engineering problems are now CS problems.
0 10 Reply
Blake (Låg) 6 months ago
I voted low because, while technology definitely improves efficiency, civil engineering relies heavily on human insight and problem-solving. We face too many unique challenges and ethical considerations that AI just isn't equipped to handle yet. So far, I haven’t seen any solid evidence that machines can fully take over what we do.
1 2 Reply
Nerds 7 months ago
Yeah no, civil engineers have to go to the job site and actually talk to the specific client and know what questions to ask so there isn’t really any possibility I see them getting replaced
1 2 Reply
benny (Låg) 9 months ago
It’s not something easy to make an ai do but it is definitely something they could do with hard work.
0 2 Reply
will (Mycket troligt) 11 months ago
Civil engineering has its problems but there are set solutions to each problem because each one has already been discovered and solved. A computer could easily design a building roadways and other infrastructure taking into account maximum efficiency
0 6 Reply
L 7 months ago
Will your wrong because of the creativity, need to talk with client, having to go on site, etc
0 2 Reply
The Superior Will 8 months ago
Lol no. AI would not know any specifics and client requirements. It also does not know any existing information of a site unless civil engineers provide that. A computer also cannot be liable for any failed design. Nice try buddy.
0 2 Reply
SIDNEY ROGERIO BENEDINI (Ingen chans) 1 year ago
There´s no way to be replaced by a robot, because the occupation requires many kinds of solutions based on questions that depends on the cronogram, time, situation of construction, environment, chash flow, policy, etc.
0 2 Reply
Arpit (Osäker) 1 year ago
3D Printers are reality, and automated design sheets are also available yet getting the understanding of the client requirement and handling the projects will need the specialised personells. And it also require Empathy towards the constantly changing demand of the clients.
0 2 Reply
Jimin (Låg) 1 year ago
I think 20% of load will decrease due to automation like 3d printing and other ai,
But there is still dificult ,structural stand-point you can integrate with software and on site you can use 3d printing however current technology didn't have options to use reinforcement so there is always dought about onsite structural integrity.
0 2 Reply
kalpeshkumar (Ingen chans) 1 year ago
cause field work is not a thing for the ai to handle and there is physical involvement so much .
0 2 Reply
dew (Mycket troligt) 1 year ago
3D print technology would make it cheaper and easier to build things prefabricated
0 2 Reply
Will 8 months ago
You're so funny. Plenty of things can't be just 3D printed. Do you think Civil Engineers only build small barns?
2 2 Reply
Yashir (Ingen chans) 1 year ago
Civil Engineering is just because of Creativity. Man power places a Vital Role
1 1 Reply
Omar (Mycket troligt) 1 year ago
The robots will design the buildings without any common error like what happens with humans.
0 2 Reply
Nerds 7 months ago
Omar respectfully that isn’t true and not how it works, you have to work with clients and figure out what THEY want not just copy and paste buildings
1 1 Reply
D Lee (Måttlig) 1 year ago
There's a lot of civil engineering processes that are redundant and repetitive. A lot of this can be replicated and automated by ML and AI.

The ultimate review/signing of plans will still require humans. (until the machines decide otherwise)
0 1 Reply
Emerson Mauricio (Låg) 2 years ago
The commands will still be from the Engineer. Robots and AI will only make the work faster and more efficient.
1 1 Reply
Hari (Låg) 2 years ago
This job is all about creativity and presence of mind.
1 1 Reply
RCE (Låg) 2 years ago
Many engineers require a lot of human thinking, as well as considering other engineering projects and the type of work that will be done with the project.

The ability to plan ahead and the intelligence to consider different outcomes without failure is something most people want a human doing.
0 1 Reply
Javed (Låg) 2 years ago
It depends on which particular divisions you are involved with. Engineering design, yes, we can already see some automation here. Construction, nah, not in this lifetime. Contract and Project Management, haha, good luck robots/AI's.
2 1 Reply
Moritz Mayr (Mycket troligt) 3 years ago
There is no creative process involved, at least to my knowledge. The architect designs the building and can give the constraints under which AI has to optimize the building, statics, material consumption and more. What an engineer does is highly mathematical and predictable and can be done better by computer than by humans.
0 3 Reply
Nerds (no chance) 7 months ago
Dude it’s pretty obvious what kind of specific things that ai can assist with but also they definitely can’t completely replace the field
2 1 Reply
Josh 8 months ago
AI can only assist civil engineers, not take the jobs.
0 1 Reply
Sameer 12 months ago
A computer can adhere to the constraints given by the architect but a civil engineer analyses them properly and I don’t think so there’s any chance AI can take over this profession. One more thing is negotiation and curation involved in this job…
0 1 Reply
Glenn (Låg) 3 years ago
Civil engineers need high creativity and robots are just programmed to do a specific task again and again
0 1 Reply
Reily (Låg) 3 years ago
It is expected that this activity of reasoning, execution and visual and instant supervision will not be replaced by teams that do not manage immediate reactions or alternative solutions to current problems.
0 1 Reply

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