Pilotos de Linhas Aéreas, Copilotos e Engenheiros de Voo

nível de risco
Com base em 1.162 votos
pelo ano 2032
ou $101,81 por hora
a partir de 2022

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Risco de automação

65% (Alto Risco)

Alto Risco (61-80%): Empregos nesta categoria enfrentam uma ameaça significativa da automação, pois muitas de suas tarefas podem ser facilmente automatizadas usando tecnologias atuais ou de futuro próximo.

Mais informações sobre o que é essa pontuação e como ela é calculada estão disponíveis aqui.

Algumas qualidades bastante importantes do trabalho são difíceis de automatizar:

  • Destreza Manual

  • Percepção Social

  • Destreza dos Dedos

Enquete do usuário

41% chance de automação completa nas próximas duas décadas

Nossos visitantes votaram que estão incertos se esta ocupação será automatizada. No entanto, o nível de risco de automação que geramos sugere uma chance muito maior de automação: 65% chance de automação.

O que você acha que é o risco da automação?

Qual é a probabilidade de que Pilotos de Linhas Aéreas, Copilotos e Engenheiros de Voo seja substituído por robôs ou inteligência artificial nos próximos 20 anos?


Os seguintes gráficos são incluídos sempre que há uma quantidade substancial de votos para fornecer dados significativos. Essas representações visuais exibem os resultados das pesquisas de usuários ao longo do tempo, fornecendo uma indicação significativa das tendências de sentimentos.

Sentimento ao longo do tempo (anualmente)


"Crescimento rápido" em relação a outras profissões

Espera-se que o número de vagas de emprego para 'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' aumente 6,0% até 2032

Emprego total e estimativa de vagas de emprego

* Dados do Bureau de Estatísticas do Trabalho para o período entre 2021 e 2031
As projeções atualizadas são devidas 09-2023.


Muito bem remunerado em relação a outras profissões

Em 2022, o salário anual mediano para 'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' foi de $211.790, ou $101 por hora

'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' receberam 357,3% a mais do que o salário médio nacional, que era de $46.310

Salários ao longo do tempo

* Dados do Bureau de Estatísticas do Trabalho


Faixa moderada de oportunidades de emprego em comparação com outras profissões

A partir de 2022 havia 89.580 pessoas empregadas como 'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers' dentro dos Estados Unidos.

Isso representa cerca de 0,06% da força de trabalho empregada em todo o país

Dito de outra maneira, cerca de 1 em 1 mil pessoas são empregadas como 'Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers'.

Descrição do trabalho

Pilote e navegue no voo de aeronaves de asa fixa, geralmente em rotas de transportadoras aéreas programadas, para o transporte de passageiros e cargas. Requer certificado de Transporte Aéreo Federal e classificação para o tipo específico de aeronave utilizada. Inclui pilotos de linhas aéreas regionais, nacionais e internacionais e instrutores de voo de pilotos de companhias aéreas.

SOC Code: 53-2011.00


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Deixe um comentário

. (Baixo) diz
you will always need humans incase something happened. its possible but not in the next 20 years
Feb 22, 2024 at 04:26
Luca (Altamente provável) diz
Automated flight is already a well-established reality, the pilot on board serves only to reassure passengers who are not yet accustomed to the idea of a completely automated flight.
Dec 03, 2023 at 03:43
boo (Baixo) diz
Automation has the ability to control events in a certain context, and wouldn't be able to handle an emergency or malfunction, considering the usual age of aircraft computers.
Nov 29, 2023 at 02:09
Harry (Baixo) diz
Landing and take off needs accurate readings and a lot of man power we also need to understand the runway so it my not be
Nov 11, 2023 at 12:01
KickinTyres (Baixo) diz
The public's perception of safety is intrinsically connected to having human pilots in the cockpit.
Sep 25, 2023 at 07:07
Ayden (Sem chance) diz
New plane can fly it self but they still need pilot or co pilot to make sure nothing is going wrong especially when it is landing
Sep 02, 2023 at 04:11
Alneez (Moderado) diz
Airbus Project Dragonfly
Aug 11, 2023 at 02:55
C.L.M. (Sem chance) diz
It is not a technological issue, it is a sociological, legislative, and regulatory one.

People are too anxious to get on a plane without another human being up front with their life and safety on the line. This will be even more true as we move through the inevitable accidents during automation of ground transportation. At least that's what I heard as an FAA research scientist working on future drone airspace research projects.
Jul 15, 2023 at 05:31
Captam (Altamente provável) diz
The “need for the human touch“ when things “go wrong“ with a flight is arguably correct However this function can be provided perfectly adequately from a remote control room. The human does not need to be sitting in the cockpit. The ability to fly precision drone operarions from control rooms thousands of miles away proves this. Flights can be totally automated but when an abnormality occurs, the controllers (who oversee multiple flights)can be alerted, and intervene renotely if necessaey.
Jun 23, 2023 at 01:59
MKD (Baixo) diz
Social licence
Complex decision making
Unknown and unforeseen circumstances requiring reactions not programmed
May 21, 2023 at 05:33
Landon (Baixo) diz
Too many FAA regulations for something so untested
Apr 20, 2023 at 08:25
Allen (Sem chance) diz
The consequences of having a 'computer's problem are too dire. It may be that there will only need to be a single pilot instead of a co-pilot backup. There will always be a human pilot when transporting humans.
Mar 26, 2023 at 07:48
Corey Snyder (Sem chance) diz
Human factor is often blamed for air crashes, however the Human factor is truly the only thing that can prevent accidents in the complex air traffic system. An AI is not capable of making the philosophical and logical decisions that a required crew member on an aircraft has to be able to make. A theoretical AI that could add up every single factor in an Instant still could not make a rational choice that would balance deontological and consequentialist philosophies.
Mar 18, 2023 at 12:58
mike (Baixo) diz
it is just too risky, to put so many peoples lives on the line of an AI with no emotion is a madness
Mar 09, 2023 at 05:19
John Ostrum (Incerto) diz
Not because of issues with flying the plane, but more for issues with landing the planes. Also, the insurance would be nightmarish, and ATC would need to be changed.

In addition, the ATC lines are done through phone or broadband, so integrating an AI would require a continent-wide overhaul in the infrastructure necessary to actually integrate the AI. This would be needed even if one that was commercially viable as a pilot were to start existing.

Furthermore, testing the AI would involve crashing planes, as well as making planes that had fully modified hardware to accommodate an AI. It's not impossible for certain, not by a long shot, but the steps to get there are noticeably less cost-efficient than just training more pilots.

So, it probably won't happen for a while.
Feb 03, 2023 at 10:46
Jarrod (Incerto) diz
Aviation is slower-moving than other industries due to regulation, safety requirements, and perception.

I could see cargo aircraft being fully automated well before passenger flights. Modern aircraft are largely automated from a systems perspective. However, the decision-making, particularly during emergencies or edge cases (where information can be conflicting or confusing), is where human pilots are still definitely required.

I think the chance of passenger flights being fully automated within 20 years is slim.
Jan 31, 2023 at 05:46
Michael (Altamente provável) diz
AI is advancing rapidly and is on track to replace pilots within 10 years.
Jan 21, 2023 at 02:47
a-flight-worker (Sem chance) diz
People want humans as the final safety net for airplanes. When things go wrong, computers can get confused. I work on airplanes alongside pilots. We still have to reboot (yes, "turn it off and on again" reboot) planes fairly regularly to fix simple problems. For instance, the lights may not respond to control buttons properly. Light controls that have only three states: on, dimmed, or off, can get messed up and seemingly can only be fixed by rebooting the entire airplane.

In the event of an emergency, people trust in other people. Automation will happen to a degree with pilots, but it will require massively improved AI and other systems to be stress-tested extensively before the two-body system used today is replaced with a no-body system.
Jan 10, 2023 at 08:35
Tyler (Baixo) diz
Because I feel like there are other occupations in aviation, or other careers, that would become automated before pilots do.

The cost of the technology at the beginning will also be really high, so it will take a while for it to become widely used after the price comes down.
Jan 09, 2023 at 03:18
V (Altamente provável) diz
Every new plane that comes out is increasingly automated. Also, as time passes, there's less and less crew in the flight deck. Think about flight engineers, for example.
Jul 06, 2022 at 03:03

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