Architekci, z wyjątkiem architektów krajobrazu i morskich

Minimalne Ryzyko
Dokąd chciałbyś się udać dalej?
Podziel się wynikami z przyjaciółmi i rodziną.
Lub, zbadaj ten zawód bardziej szczegółowo...
(Minimalne Ryzyko)
(Niskie ryzyko)
Average: 16%
do roku 2033
93 310 $
lub 44,86 $ za godzinę
111 170
od 2023

Ludzie również oglądali

Obliczone ryzyko automatyzacji

0,0% (Minimalne Ryzyko)

Minimalne ryzyko (0-20%): Zawody w tej kategorii mają niskie prawdopodobieństwo automatyzacji, ponieważ zazwyczaj wymagają one skomplikowanego rozwiązywania problemów, kreatywności, silnych umiejętności interpersonalnych oraz wysokiej sprawności manualnej. Te prace często wiążą się z złożonymi ruchami rąk i precyzyjną koordynacją, co utrudnia maszynom naśladowanie wymaganych zadań.

Więcej informacji na temat tego, czym jest ten wynik i jak jest obliczany, jest dostępne tutaj.

Niektóre bardzo ważne cechy pracy są trudne do zautomatyzowania:

  • Oryginalność

Niektóre dość ważne cechy pracy są trudne do zautomatyzowania:

  • Spostrzegawczość Społeczna

  • Sztuki Piękne

  • Negocjacje

  • Perswazja

Ankieta użytkownika

33% szansa na pełną automatyzację w ciągu najbliższych dwóch dekad

Nasi goście zagłosowali, że jest małe prawdopodobieństwo, iż ten zawód zostanie zautomatyzowany. To ocena jest dodatkowo wspierana przez obliczony poziom ryzyka automatyzacji, który szacuje 0,0% szansę na automatyzację.

Jakie są Twoje zdanie na temat ryzyka automatyzacji?

Jakie jest prawdopodobieństwo, że Architekci, z wyjątkiem architektów krajobrazu i morskich zostanie zastąpione przez roboty lub sztuczną inteligencję w ciągu najbliższych 20 lat?


Poniższy wykres jest zamieszczany wszędzie tam, gdzie istnieje znaczna liczba głosów, aby przedstawić istotne dane. Te wizualne reprezentacje pokazują wyniki ankiet użytkowników w czasie, dostarczając istotnych wskazówek dotyczących trendów nastrojów.

Nastroje w czasie (rocznie)


Bardzo szybki wzrost względem innych profesji

Liczba ofert pracy na stanowisku 'Architects, Except Landscape and Naval' ma wzrosnąć 7,8% do 2033

Całkowite zatrudnienie oraz szacowane oferty pracy

* Dane z Biura Statystyki Pracy za okres pomiędzy 2023 a 2033
Zaktualizowane prognozy mają być dostępne 09-2025.


Bardzo wysoko opłacany w porównaniu do innych profesji

W 2023, mediana rocznej pensji dla 'Architects, Except Landscape and Naval' wynosiła 93 310 $, czyli 44 $ za godzinę.

'Architects, Except Landscape and Naval' otrzymali wynagrodzenie wyższe o 94,2% od średniej krajowej, która wynosiła 48 060 $

Płace z biegiem czasu

* Dane z Biura Statystyki Pracy


Większy zakres możliwości pracy w porównaniu do innych zawodów

Od 2023 roku zatrudnionych było 111 170 osób na stanowisku 'Architects, Except Landscape and Naval' w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

To oznacza około 0,07% zatrudnionej siły roboczej w całym kraju.

Inaczej mówiąc, około 1 na 1 tysiąc osób jest zatrudnionych jako 'Architects, Except Landscape and Naval'.

Opis stanowiska pracy

Planuj i projektuj struktury, takie jak prywatne rezydencje, budynki biurowe, teatry, fabryki i inne nieruchomości strukturalne.

SOC Code: 17-1011.00


Szukaj pracy w swojej lokalnej okolicy

Jeśli myślisz o rozpoczęciu nowej kariery lub szukasz zmiany pracy, stworzyliśmy przydatne narzędzie do wyszukiwania pracy, które może Ci pomóc zdobyć tę idealną nową rolę.

Szukaj pracy w swojej lokalnej okolicy


Leave a comment

Sawyer (Niski) 7 months ago
It needs to pour your soul into it to really make a breakthrough. Robots don't have souls
1 1 Reply
Mark (Nie ma szans) 9 months ago
There is no possible way for AI to take over architecture. To start, a computer cannot hold legal liability. AI doesn’t create; it only copies and reproduces. On a regular basis, my job requires unique solutions and details that cannot be pulled from other sources.

We need to take too many unrelated factors into account for any particular design, versus the cost and time it would take for an AI to be developed to take the job. It would never be profitable for the AI developer. Besides, they wouldn't want the liability risk we have for a mistake that can cost lives.
1 2 Reply
Ben Bailey (Niepewny) 1 year ago
I would love to have AI assist in automating the aspects of Architecture that are tedious, like making sure everything is up to code or automatically adjusting things after moving something else, but I fear that people will become lazy and let AI do the job for them.
1 1 Reply
Aleksandra (Umiarkowany) 1 year ago
Projects' created by humans will be for the 1% of richest people who will have a fantasy and need to show off that their projects was done the "expensive way" by a human and not 80/20 rule by AI. What people don't understand is that atm 80% of society is more faulty than AI. Working with AI is a bliss comparing to working with a majority of employees as well as moody specialists on the market is simply a bliss. And we're only starting here...
0 2 Reply
Mark (Niepewny) 1 year ago
Until recently (through March and April 2023), and after having seen the work that Dall-e 2 had produced, I thought it incredibly likely. The argument that architects would still be required seemed to hinge on "you need to interface with a human to get a building built", but I don't think that's true (if a client could save tens of thousands of dollars by inputting their requests on a keyboard, rather than talking to a person, they'd opt for the latter). However, the one aspect of the job that's overlooked is LIABILITY. Currently architects are legally liable for the work they produce, and any failings over that work. AI offers no LIABILITY -- and I highly doubt the software design companies who are producing that AI are willing to accept liability -- and until someone, or a team of someones, is willing to accept that legal responsibility, AI shouldn't be able to threaten that job. However, I said "could go either way" because it's highly possible that people are so stupid, that they would sign a contract that frees the AI architect of liability if it meant they could save a few dollars on fees.
0 1 Reply
phamiliar 1 year ago
It is likely that AI could be the architectural designer and code checker while a civil engineer is responsible for the life and safety of the overall design. I think the job won't necessarily go away its just that there will be many production staff jobs that will be eliminated.
0 3 Reply
Yoshimata R 1 year ago
This will not be popular, but our firm already uses AI: clients type in or speak their ideas and examples The programs we use come up with a myriad of solutions that the clients themselves can then configure and reconfigure at will with all structural processes, including loadbearing etc. built-in throughout the process. 16 of the 38 people at our firm have been laid off since this started.
1 1 Reply
HMS (Nie ma szans) 2 years ago
Architects are a lot like an artist. AI cannot create cannot something that requires human originality. No two architects are the same, just as two pieces of art are not the same. Architecture requires you to put creativity, originality, emotion, and the social aspect into your work.
0 1 Reply
Architect Downow 2 years ago
Architectural and Interior Design are both iterative processes.
AI will improve this process, detail all the structural draws, and create layouts and floorplans more efficiently than ever.

With solar, water, food and waste visions that now only a few architects embrace in projects.
Leed will be integrated in AI and civil engineering as well.

I guess in the future, anyone can design a house with the help of AI.

Architects, Lawyers and Doctors, the tríade of "good money" will fall.
And me and my boys are working to achieve this as soon as possible.

0 1 Reply
sama 2 years ago
An architect is more than a concept or a few words. It's about thinking, conceptualizing, and making it a reality.
0 0 Reply
:))) (Umiarkowany) 2 years ago
Currently, as a student at one of the top architecture schools, I can observe how the most successful students utilize AI. It's clear to see how it improves their workflow and design progress, even as early as 2022.

Already, AI can handle most of the work for an architect. I believe that the next 20 years will further popularize AI within the profession, reducing the amount of work done manually.
0 1 Reply
king rocker (Bardzo prawdopodobne) 3 years ago
LOL it's already dead. Almost no one hires architects now, there are so many tools that already do their job. Wake up, it's game over for this one. The site is way behind the times.
0 0 Reply
Sameer 1 year ago
AI isn’t that capable to satisfy the client with the structure design… however it could help to make the work easy but it can’t overtake the profession.
1 1 Reply
I'dRatherNotInputAName 1 year ago
"LOL it's already dead."
Source? Or did it come to you in a dream?
0 1 Reply
Sebastian from Argentina (Niski) 5 years ago
Creativity from architects mind couldn't be replaced by AI, But some typical architecture room plans, could be systematized by machine learning on cad programs, like actual libraries of equipment, it could be library of rooms, baths, etc.
0 1 Reply
J (Niepewny) 5 years ago
Depends on the kind of architecture, the way that the industry itself thinks about what architecture means (an engineering/optimization problem versus art, desire to rapidly customize vs work on the process with other humans) and what clients demand.
0 1 Reply
pgm777 5 years ago
computerisation will help and not hinder the architectural profession. Automisation is something that has no place
0 0 Reply
Lilly (Niski) 5 years ago
I think it would be quite hard for robots to take clients ideas for architecture and turn it into a floorplan since there are billions of ways to build a house.
0 0 Reply
David J Gill 5 years ago
More effective design software will raise productivity and reduce the number of staff required to complete project documents.
0 1 Reply
Marta 2 years ago
I totally agree. Students and young professionals may have problem with finding a job. Nowadays, they usually do repetitive CAD drawings/models (the main concept was designed by e.g. senior architect), and it all can be automated, especially with BIM
0 1 Reply
Dean B 6 years ago
This is an art form that’s practical so I don’t see it going
0 1 Reply

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