Agenti di vendita di assicurazioni

Alto Rischio
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(Rischio Imminente)
(Rischio Moderato)
Average: 69%
entro l'anno 2033
59.080 $
o 28,40 $ all'ora
a partire da 2023

Le persone hanno anche visualizzato

Rischio di automazione calcolato

80% (Rischio Imminente)

Rischio Imminente (81-100%): Le professioni in questo livello hanno un'altissima probabilità di essere automatizzate nel prossimo futuro. Questi lavori consistono principalmente in compiti ripetitivi e prevedibili con scarsa necessità di giudizio umano.

Ulteriori informazioni su cosa sia questo punteggio e su come viene calcolato sono disponibili qui.

Alcune qualità piuttosto importanti del lavoro sono difficili da automatizzare:

  • Persuasione

  • Trattativa

  • Percezione Sociale

Sondaggio degli utenti

57% possibilità di completa automazione nel prossimo ventennio

I nostri visitatori hanno votato che non sono sicuri se questa professione sarà automatizzata. Tuttavia, il livello di rischio di automazione che abbiamo generato suggerisce una possibilità di automazione molto più alta: 80% possibilità di automazione.

Cosa pensi sia il rischio dell'automazione?

Qual è la probabilità che Agenti di vendita di assicurazioni venga sostituito da robot o intelligenza artificiale nei prossimi 20 anni?


Il seguente grafico è incluso ovunque ci sia una quantità sostanziale di voti per rendere i dati significativi. Queste rappresentazioni visive mostrano i risultati dei sondaggi degli utenti nel tempo, fornendo un'indicazione significativa delle tendenze di sentimento.

Sentimento nel tempo (annuale)


Crescita rapida rispetto ad altre professioni

Il numero di offerte di lavoro per 'Insurance Sales Agents' dovrebbe aumentare 6,1% entro il 2033

Occupazione totale e stime delle offerte di lavoro

* Dati provenienti dal Bureau of Labor Statistics per il periodo tra 2021 e 2031
Le previsioni aggiornate sono previste per 09-2024.


Retribuito moderatamente rispetto ad altre professioni

Nel 2023, il salario annuo mediano per 'Insurance Sales Agents' era di 59.080 $, o 28 $ all'ora.

'Insurance Sales Agents' hanno ricevuto un salario 22,9% superiore al salario mediano nazionale, che si attestava a 48.060 $

Salari nel tempo

* Dati provenienti dal Bureau of Labor Statistics


Gamma di opportunità lavorative notevolmente maggiore rispetto ad altre professioni

A partire dal 2023 c'erano 457.510 persone impiegate come 'Insurance Sales Agents' negli Stati Uniti.

Questo rappresenta circa il 0,30% della forza lavoro impiegata in tutto il paese

In altre parole, circa 1 su 331 persone sono impiegate come 'Insurance Sales Agents'.

Descrizione del lavoro

Vendi assicurazioni sulla vita, sulla proprietà, contro infortuni, sulla salute, automobilistiche, o altri tipi di assicurazione. Potresti indirizzare i clienti a broker indipendenti, lavorare come broker indipendente, o essere impiegato da una compagnia di assicurazioni.

SOC Code: 41-3021.00


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Nicolas Luksetich (Incerto) 6 months ago
There are certain details about commercial and private lines that require a humans touch. Most could be put together by AI though
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Anon (Molto probabile) 1 year ago
I voted highly likely. The timeframe is 20 years, and AI tools are already highly advanced, and will continue to grow. Voice automation is a thing, and will improve to the point where you won't even know you're talking to AI bot. AI can contextualize the information. As for claims handling, I think that will be taken over by AI, which removes the need for an agent advocate. An AI can read through a policy and fully understand whether or not coverage exists for a claim. If there is a grey area of coverage, it can be sent to a legal department to reword the policy forms for future policies. Additionally, in grey area situations, the AI bot can calculate the risk of lawsuit, and risk of losing, risk of over all cost of denying and fighting a claim, vs settling with the insured - all in an instant.

As for the insurance agent, AI can easily understand and sell a product. One could argue that using AI will increase the risk of E&O. That may be true, but 1) AI will improve and the E&O risk will greatly decrease and 2) The cost to use AI, and pay the salary of one or a team of specialists to maintain the AI will save so much on employee salaries (AI +3-5 people can easily replace 100+ agent departments) that the cost for E&O deductibles and possible E&O premium increase is outweighed. 100 agents making $60k/year = $6,000,000 saved.
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Jeff (Moderato) 1 year ago
This was a year ago, but as "training" we worked with an AI that pretended to be a customer. It was very rudimentary, but with the advances of AI we have seen in the last year I could see it learning what good sales agents do and replicate it. So within 10 years it could basically replicate what a standard agent does or possibly exceed them since it doesn't have feelings and will push the product harder than humans will.
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Logan (Molto probabile) 1 year ago
The questions, at least in my country, asked by the insurance agents are the same. How much do you want when you die, is this amount enough for your future offspring, how much is enough to not burden your family, you should get X times your salary for this plan.

An AI can do the same. Key in custom values and voila, a carefully crafted plan will be ready for you. And it may even analyse existing clients and suggest the most suitable plan for you. If you feel unsure about their decision and have more spare cash, you can raise the premium and decide to insure more.
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Antonio (Basso) 2 years ago
I voted for a small chance. However, as an agent, while what we do in a nutshell may be easy, you lose that human aspect. A robot will have no empathy. I have sold policies where I helped people get certain discounts that a robot wouldn't have done for them.

Also, yes, you can buy insurance online, but I can't tell you how many times I had to go fix a problem or amend a policy because someone did it online and did not fully understand what they were doing.
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Jim 3 years ago
As an Independent Agent, I have had people leave us and go to a "direct" company for a small savings. It's funny though, when they are involved in an accident or any other type of claim they will call me for help dealing with their company. There is not anyone advocating for them or getting them through the claim process. It is then they understand the need for an agent and usually come back.

Claims are the product we sell. No claims, no need for an Agent or a company for that matter
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Alejandro Lechere 3 years ago
Esto tiene que ver mucho en donde se desarrolle la practica, en lugares donde la digitalizacion sea cultural, va a avanzar. Hay que ver como impacta en la decision de los clientes, lo que se contrata es algo intangible y es un servicio a futuro a cumplir el contrato. Por lo que la base puntual de esto es la confianza, la solidez de la empresa(imagen), pero lo sociocultural tiene que ver, la infraestructura de cada pais, tambien, si bien puede avanzar en paises desarrollados, puede que tenga trabas por otro lados. La globalizacion genera cambios de por si, pero su entorno juega en contra. Si bien la calidad de servicio personal generalmente es de mejor calidad, no por eso, va a ser mas rapida y eficiente. Creo que pueden ser mejores socios, pero a corto plazo, lo veo mas dificil que a largo.

Si nos quedan 20 años, me quedo contento, con eso. Los que amamos dicha actividad, cuando las empresas en este caso de Argentina, dan un paso para lo virtual, se encuentran con muchos problemas. (El fraude es uno de los principales costos) como tambien el costo operartivo (comisiones estructura de las empresas), pero si la ecuacion es bajar el costo, y esto hace subir los fraudes, no veo la ventaja.

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Bobby G (Basso) 4 years ago
People can buy any type of insurance without an agent now. And yet, agents still make a living. Unless companies no longer employ or accept applications from agents, there will still be sales by agents
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Keith 4 years ago
There will always be top companies willing to commission a good insurance broker. The companies that hire on salary and our captive are the ones who make the shift. These companies know good sales people drive revenue. We can use quote tech and other tech to service more people. AI will never sale as fast as a person because? There is zero emotion. As long as you have the ability to get a license, use tech to your advantage, and buy leads you’re safe for decades.
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Dr. Yo (Nessuna possibilità) 5 years ago
You cannot sell life insurance on advertisement, it creates anti-selection. Mostly those who are more likely to die will respond to the sales pitch. The sales PERSON should convince someone who absolutely don't need this product and will never use it for themselves to buy it - then it becomes profitable. The process is too emotional to outsource it to AI.
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Luiz Antonio (Nessuna possibilità) 5 years ago
I voted 'no chance' because insurance sales are very personal and based on trust. The A.I. can have all the technical knowledge to do this. But it can't physically meet with clients, take them to dinner, understand their personal problems, and earn their trust. Although i believe A.I. will help increase insurance sales in the next two decades.
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Bobby G 4 years ago
There are those people (Group 1) who can understand things by reading and doing for themselves and there are people (Group 2) who hate reading or who read stuff and become more confused or still cannot use what they've read to make a decision. AI will not be able to help many in the 2nd group, so therefore, these people will need someone to explain it to them. Currently, anyone can get any type of insurance on their own, either by using the internet or calling directly to the company and use the company's in house agent. And yet, independent agents are still able to make a living. So, therefore, unless agents will no longer be employed and companies only employ AI, agents, especially independent agents, will still exist. So, Luiz, there will be some loss of Group 2 to AI (maybe 25%), you are partially correct
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Swifty 5 years ago
Auto, Home, and Travel insurance is already being automated now in Poland. The Polish company LINK4 is already doing it.

And like another has said referring to Amazon, all Amazon has to do is optimize Alexa so she can talk back to you and ask you all the questions needed to properly underwrite and sell you your policy.

Another company to take a look at is Spixii
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Billy Johnson (Basso) 5 years ago
Robots won't be bright enough to go through the nuances of a specific and unique risk like insurance is. Perhaps for something simple like auto insurance but not for home, business, life, health, etc that is far more personalized to each person walking through the door.
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Chris Duncan 5 years ago
Where insurance is a commodity with more standardized coverages (BOP, Work Comp, Life, retail property, auto) for personal lines and small commercial, the disintermediation of insurance agents and brokers is already happening in the insurtech world. However, for complex risks and custom insurance for large companies (complex property, liability, product liability, D&O, even "advisor" driven complex decisions like health insurance), it'll be a while. So, rapid change in internet enabled sales and service of routine solutions, but more custom work, still needs advisors.
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Bill Purmort 5 years ago
The world of risk transfer will continue to be very complex and a artificial replacement may add to the transaction but will never replace it
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Your Friendly Neighbourhood Insurance Broker 5 years ago
Until it does - look at these online insurer's and brokers. Policy Genius in the US offers quotes across many P&C and Life companies already.

As a client who has unlimited access to information and reviews online, I can spend an hour's time myself comparing 10+ different companies from my couch and never have to step into an insurance office (which face it is extremely dull no matter who you are).

Big players like TD are disrupting the market in Canada with their self serve online P&C products and another of the big ones in Canada, The Co-operators, is pushing their group plans which are completely self serve and offer steep discounts compared to their regular products (I've seen less than half price). Which they can do because they cut out the middle man.

Amazon has also been speculated to start dabbling in the insurance business. Bezos is a conqueror and once he comes for you, it is only a matter of time.

When companies stand to save millions of dollars per year, it will happen. And it will happen quicker than you think.
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Bobby G 4 years ago
"Your Friendly Neighbourhood Insurance Broker says When companies stand to save millions of dollars per year, it will happen". As if AI doesn't cost money to program. And the changes in prices and regulations have to be programmed in every year. The savings won't be that much. This is not a repetitive procedure like building a car. I think you are oversimplifying the sale of insurance. With competing products, people need to understand or some want someone to simplify it and tell them what is best for them. AI cannot do that.
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Bryan Cryznski 5 years ago
You're acting like you're smart enough to pick coverage for yourself. Never has there been an industry where people know less than insurance. It's people like you who think you can do it from your couch that are always crying when they have a loss because they chose cheap over adequate coverage on the internet and you'll be complaining to a robot/call center that doesn't care.
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Ryan 5 years ago
"Never has there been an industry where people know less than insurance." Bold statement there, Bryan. I'd hazard to say that the medical field, in many instances, are far and away more complicated and 'less known' than insurance. But, sure. Let's work with that premise.

Have you worked with AI and algorithms and machine learning before? I can tell you that personal insurance, with as many different factors that there can be, there certainly are solutions for all of the coverage requirements and options. If an insurance company can build in redundancy-proof errors, it wouldn't be a stretch at all to implement those redundancy-proofs to an online, automated, customer-driven platform to purchase insurance.

As soon as a client enters their license number, we can extract their license history, claims history, insurance history and conviction history. AI could easily take out the important information and calculate accordingly.

Who cares if they choose the insurance that isn't the best for them? Is that your personal responsibility to worry about what everyone chooses for every aspect of their life? Caveat emptor. Google it. Read it. Understand it.

There are many, many industries that take advantage of general ignorance. You've made a straw man argument that does not stand up to actual scrutiny. Brokers are on the way out. It is a matter of time, not opinion.
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Ryan M. 4 years ago
"Brokers are on the way out. It is a matter of time, not opinion." Bold statement there, Ryan. You've identified real threats to a broker's career choice without proving the certainty of your conclusion. I believe a decent term for someone who emphatically predicts the future without appropriate evidence is "fraud". AI will be a viable option for purchasing insurance, and so will brokers. Who will win out? I don't know, but it's a very big space with more than enough room for robots and humans alike.
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