
Rischio Minimo
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Oppure, esplora questa professione in maggiore dettaglio...
(Rischio Minimo)
(Rischio Minimo)
Average: 17%
entro l'anno 2033
56.350 $
o 27,09 $ all'ora
a partire da 2023

Le persone hanno anche visualizzato

Rischio di automazione calcolato

17% (Rischio Minimo)

Rischio Minimo (0-20%): Le professioni in questa categoria hanno una bassa probabilità di essere automatizzate, poiché richiedono tipicamente la risoluzione di problemi complessi, creatività, forti competenze interpersonali e un alto grado di destrezza manuale. Questi lavori comportano spesso movimenti manuali intricati e una coordinazione precisa, rendendo difficile per le macchine replicare i compiti richiesti.

Ulteriori informazioni su cosa sia questo punteggio e su come viene calcolato sono disponibili qui.

Alcune qualità piuttosto importanti del lavoro sono difficili da automatizzare:

  • Destrezza delle Dita

  • Destrezza Manuale

Sondaggio degli utenti

17,5% possibilità di completa automazione nel prossimo ventennio

I nostri visitatori hanno votato che c'è una minima possibilità che questa professione venga automatizzata. Questa valutazione è ulteriormente supportata dal livello di rischio di automazione calcolato, che stima una possibilità di automazione del 17%.

Cosa pensi sia il rischio dell'automazione?

Qual è la probabilità che Falegnami venga sostituito da robot o intelligenza artificiale nei prossimi 20 anni?


Il seguente grafico è incluso ovunque ci sia una quantità sostanziale di voti per rendere i dati significativi. Queste rappresentazioni visive mostrano i risultati dei sondaggi degli utenti nel tempo, fornendo un'indicazione significativa delle tendenze di sentimento.

Sentimento nel tempo (annuale)


Crescita moderata rispetto ad altre professioni

Il numero di offerte di lavoro per 'Carpenters' dovrebbe aumentare 4,2% entro il 2033

Occupazione totale e stime delle offerte di lavoro

* Dati provenienti dal Bureau of Labor Statistics per il periodo tra 2023 e 2033
Le previsioni aggiornate sono previste per 09-2025.


Retribuito moderatamente rispetto ad altre professioni

Nel 2023, il salario annuo mediano per 'Carpenters' era di 56.350 $, o 27 $ all'ora.

'Carpenters' hanno ricevuto un salario 17,2% superiore al salario mediano nazionale, che si attestava a 48.060 $

Salari nel tempo

* Dati provenienti dal Bureau of Labor Statistics


Gamma di opportunità lavorative notevolmente maggiore rispetto ad altre professioni

A partire dal 2023 c'erano 700.290 persone impiegate come 'Carpenters' negli Stati Uniti.

Questo rappresenta circa il 0,46% della forza lavoro impiegata in tutto il paese

In altre parole, circa 1 su 216 persone sono impiegate come 'Carpenters'.

Descrizione del lavoro

Costruire, erigere, installare o riparare strutture e infissi realizzati in legno e materiali simili, come forme di calcestruzzo; strutture edilizie, tra cui partizioni, travi, montanti e capriate; e scale in legno, telai di finestre e porte, e pavimenti in legno duro. Potrebbe anche installare armadi, rivestimenti, cartongesso e isolamento a battente o a rotolo. Include i costruttori di paratie che costruiscono porte o paratie (muri o partizioni di ventilazione) in passaggi sotterranei.

SOC Code: 47-2031.00


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Nicolas (Nessuna possibilità) 4 months ago
"It is something precise and with a very high degree of complexity."
0 2 Reply
Brian (no chance) (Nessuna possibilità) 9 months ago
I've worked in carpentry for a few years. Seen most aspects of carpentry from my father. He was the person who designed, made, install custom cabinets.

Maybe an integration where we use it to show a client a design or how which wood would be better.

If you ask me whether they'll replace my job, I heavily doubt it, however I do believe AI will be useful to both carpenters and clients alike.
1 2 Reply
chippy dan (Nessuna possibilità) 2 years ago
I'm a chippy, ok furniture can be done by ai, but renovating a house is different, lot's of different repairs
1 2 Reply
Lukas (Incerto) 2 years ago
Some jobs will definitely be occupied but in the premium segment, where there are extreme accuracy requirements and complex furniture, people will always be needed and wanted even if the jobs could be done by robots.
1 1 Reply
Jared Y (Nessuna possibilità) 2 years ago
A robot cannot build a house, piece by piece.

I'd like to see a robot put breakers into an electrical panel, lay tile in a tight bathroom, hang a cabinet, or install a four-piece crown moulding.

Sure, you can get a 3D-printed concrete house, but you still have to run electrical and plumbing, among other things.

I don't see it happening.
0 2 Reply
KevinR 2 years ago
I would have loved having a couple of robots do the heavy lifting during my 27 years as a carpenter.

AI and ML are here to stay, and I believe the jobs that are created from the advancement of technology will far outweigh the losses. There will also be better jobs that give us a better quality of life.

Don't forget, we'll be building differently with 3D printing.
0 2 Reply
T (Basso) 2 years ago
Carpenters do so many different things that require complex ranges of motion.

Some tasks could be replaced but it will likely be a while before robots fully replace human carpenters.
0 2 Reply
Darren Maxwell 4 years ago
Carpentry will never die completely but the money will/already has....
Skirting Architrave handrails will all be pre cut your already starting to see it now so Everything will be pre fab inevitably the pay scale will just go down and down
0 1 Reply
Katlynn 5 years ago
Why do robots have to take our jobs

What happens when we can't do a job then we can't make money to support us.
0 2 Reply
W R 3 years ago
Universal Basic Income, Andrew Yang had a plan for this.
0 3 Reply
Will 3 years ago
@Katlynn Don't you know we wont have to work everything will be free like it would be if the world was communist
0 2 Reply
S 4 years ago
That's where welfare comes in.
0 3 Reply
Jason (Basso) 5 years ago
I would agree with installers which are most carpenters today as I am not I am a custom designer/build from furniture to homes to custom interiors I can build anything from raw materials

There are few carpenters left like me I never feel when the economy, tanks
0 2 Reply
BOB da Builder (Nessuna possibilità) 5 years ago
movement /and split dissensions over thousands of variables
0 2 Reply
Nick Bronnenmayer (Basso) 5 years ago
I have a lot of different tasks to do and moving to my working positions needs climbing or crawling. Standard houses can be made bi robots, but repairing a 100 year's old roof will stay a job for humans more than 30 years.
0 2 Reply
Drew 2 years ago
Not unless they just build the whole roof system that they can use a crane
0 2 Reply
Kieran Green (Basso) 5 years ago
I can see it likely that new build houses will be built by robots but I do t think they will be able to retro fit houses which have already been built by humans. And there are still and will be millions of houses to retro fit in decades to come.
0 2 Reply
Manuel Castillo (Nessuna possibilità) 5 years ago
Computers will never be able to problem solve real world situations when it comes to construction whether it's structural, finish and or scenic. Carpenters will not and cannot be replaced by computer.
0 2 Reply
Henrik Nielsen 5 years ago
I mean, its possible, BUT it will require a robot that can move as freely as humans, think with the same level of intelligence and "emotion" as humans (as a captender making a tough call, you think what would the client like, maybe i should focus on making this look good, But how does a robot know what "looks good" under extremely specific situations)

Every job is different, from the setting/location, weather, what and how the client wants, improvising and changing cuts/plans/drawing based on the house/job. No carpenter has ever made a cut without accounting for errors in the house from previous construction.

robots might replace carpenders, electricians, plummers, and all these trades. BUT it will not be easy, like at all. would you hire a robot to do the job a human can do, but worse?
0 2 Reply
Mike 5 years ago
What you describe as the human element "emotion" is nothing more than an organic algorithm. It will be created in machines and its possible that AI and robots may be able to develop more "emotion" than even humans are capable of. The short of the long is that robots and AI will become better at absolutely everything, and in ways that we will never be able to even comprehend. It's best to just work at what we can while we still can, and to understand that the future will be nothing like this blast off we're in the midst of.
0 2 Reply
zack 5 years ago
0 2 Reply
He 6 years ago
Carpentry is a skilled trade. There's no mass production, you have to think carefully, and good communication is also necessary.
0 2 Reply
TJ 6 years ago
no way, no how

there's just too many variables involved on a day to day basis, not to mention robotics is pretty far away from having viable robots that can actually do the work.
0 2 Reply

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