Artistes des effets spéciaux et animateurs

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(Haut Risque)
(Risque Modéré)
Average: 64%
par l'année 2033
99 060 $
ou 47,62 $ par heure
29 940
à partir du 2023

Les gens ont également vu

Risque d'automatisation calculé

70% (Haut Risque)

Risque Élevé (61-80%) : Les emplois dans cette catégorie font face à une menace significative de l'automatisation, car beaucoup de leurs tâches peuvent être facilement automatisées en utilisant les technologies actuelles ou proches du futur.

Plus d'informations sur ce que représente ce score et comment il est calculé sont disponibles ici.

Certaines qualités assez importantes du travail sont difficiles à automatiser :

  • Originalité

Sondage utilisateur

59% chance de pleine automatisation au cours des deux prochaines décennies

Nos visiteurs ont voté qu'ils ne sont pas sûrs si cette profession sera automatisée. Cependant, le niveau de risque d'automatisation que nous avons généré suggère une probabilité beaucoup plus élevée d'automatisation : 70% de chances d'automatisation.

Que pensez-vous du risque de l'automatisation?

Quelle est la probabilité que Artistes des effets spéciaux et animateurs soit remplacé par des robots ou l'intelligence artificielle dans les 20 prochaines années ?


Le graphique suivant est inclus chaque fois qu'il y a un nombre substantiel de votes pour rendre les données significatives. Ces représentations visuelles affichent les résultats des sondages utilisateurs au fil du temps, fournissant une indication significative des tendances de sentiment.

Sentiment au fil du temps (trimestriel)

Sentiment au fil du temps (annuellement)


Une croissance modérée par rapport à d'autres professions

On s'attend à ce que le nombre de postes vacants pour 'Special Effects Artists and Animators' augmente 4,3% d'ici 2033

Emploi total, et estimations des offres d'emploi

* Données de la Bureau of Labor Statistics pour la période entre 2023 et 2033
Les prévisions mises à jour sont attendues 09-2025.


Très bien rémunéré par rapport à d'autres professions

En 2023, le salaire annuel médian pour 'Special Effects Artists and Animators' était de 99 060 $, soit 47 $ par heure.

'Special Effects Artists and Animators' ont été payés 106,1% de plus que le salaire médian national, qui était de 48 060 $

Salaires au fil du temps

* Données provenant du Bureau des Statistiques du Travail


Gamme inférieure d'opportunités d'emploi par rapport à d'autres professions

À partir de 2023, il y avait 29 940 personnes employées en tant que 'Special Effects Artists and Animators' aux États-Unis.

Cela représente environ < 0,001% de la main-d'œuvre employée à travers le pays

Autrement dit, environ 1 personne sur 5 mille est employée en tant que 'Special Effects Artists and Animators'.

Description du poste

Créez des effets spéciaux ou des animations en utilisant du film, de la vidéo, des ordinateurs ou d'autres outils et médias électroniques pour une utilisation dans des produits tels que des jeux informatiques, des films, des clips musicaux et des publicités.

SOC Code: 27-1014.00


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Wish = AI (Très probable) 2 months ago
They are already being replaced. Just look at the DISNEY movie, Wish.
0 0 Reply
Gojo 4 months ago
No chance, anime is way better and ai will never replace what we love
3 1 Reply
Awang razak (Incertain) 4 months ago
Ai generated videos were kinda bad and a person with mediocre movements and they lack the capacity developements hell nah just think about alan beckers developements for youtube animatings he did a good job on that imagine asking ai to make a stick figure how will do it? instead they draw a litteral stick and can they do tom and jerry? instead they draw a real human person named tom and jerry or could be a cat and a mouse it depends.
0 0 Reply
Ele (Low) 8 months ago
As an artist, I'd give some doubt to this because I've seen the ropes done behind animation. Sure, AI can recreate animation, but at the same time it will not hold a candle to the quality human-made animation has. The way it constantly shifts between several art styles because it farms stolen media it's been fed which leads to major inconsistencies. Much more, it's rather impossible to make an "original" animated short made entirely out of AI. Why? Consistency (and originality) are the reason. I find that AI "generalizes" images to be able to create an image, which is difficult especially when it comes to pushing facial expressions because AI needs to farm hundreds of images to "understand" how to recreate the image. I don't think it's possible in the long run either because at some point in time IF society and the industry as a whole decides to just USE AI for everything, there's gonna be a lot of "inbreeding" happening. AI will feed on other AI because there's not gonna be anymore human-made images it can freely farm off of which results to the most whacked quality you'd think of. AI will make the most general looking animation that can ever exist, but that thing will lack the soul, the humanity, human-made animations have.
14 0 Reply
Sundew (Modéré) 9 months ago
Because a.i can already generate videos n stuff
1 6 Reply
August Nelson (Modéré) 9 months ago
With all the art AIs we already have, it is inevitable.
1 4 Reply
human (Faible) 9 months ago
originality and high quality
4 1 Reply
Moss (Incertain) 9 months ago
Ai is smart, but also stupid. In time it could, but we dont know for sure.
1 3 Reply
bob (Modéré) 9 months ago
ai is getting better at making automated vidseos
0 3 Reply
Aaron (Aucune chance) 9 months ago
This requires soul and robots can’t replicate the soul that humans produce. Bad or otherwise.
8 1 Reply
Aizen 9 months ago
I saw a lot of highly likely comments, so as an artist I thought I should give my point of view.
I don’t think ai can replace these types of jobs as if you wanted to actually make a movie or series, you would still need a good plot and a storyboard and color for at least one frame and for the ending and beginning scene or else how would you make a movie that follows the exact plot and looks that you want. (if your an in-between artists.. uhhhh-)
an example would be any ghibli film. even if ai were to create a movie and make it look exactly the same, it’s not as appealing because every ghibli film not only takes years to make but uses traditional animation and hand draw each frame and that’s what makes it appealing and different from other films not because an ai made it in just 5 seconds.
8 0 Reply
Ahmed (Très probable) 9 months ago
Simply because of the hyper realistic AI that’s making these videos it’s becoming hard to tell what is real and what isn’t personally I think it’s going to be worse but it’s a high chance it may take over
1 5 Reply
Jason Chen (Très probable) 10 months ago
sora ai and generative video models can have a text input create any video or film imagery now, hence no need for armies of humans creating these works of digital art.
1 4 Reply
P3S4NT (Très probable) 10 months ago
ai art, it steals pieces of art without permission and merges them into something else.
1 4 Reply
Max Sky (Modéré) 11 months ago
ai animation could become super avalible from OpenAI Sora, ngl its scary,
0 3 Reply
no >:( (Faible) 11 months ago
copyright and laws and stuff
4 1 Reply
Max Sky 11 months ago
it could change in the future you never know.
0 4 Reply
Bryan (student) 11 months ago
With the amount of new technology and AI coming through the years, people may think about robotic replacement in the industry of artists/designers. I don’t completely agree with them (maybe because I do want to make it my job in the future) but there will always have a limit and as we all know, technology, AI, computer, programming, etc… are made by humans. For me, technology should assist humans, doing daily task for example. But not replace them. And as we all says, they don’t have the originality, creativity of human being.
1 0 Reply
Ro (Très probable) 1 year ago
Sora AI
0 3 Reply
james adamson 1 year ago
Everyone here is looking at this from the perspective of a creative. I am also in that bucket, but when the bean counters see something cheaper and more efficient the little nuances and facets of human beauty and creativity will not be considered.
A powerful and forceful director/CEO/MD on board could swing that in human creativity's favour, but look at all the areas in production where the money goes for the lowest common denominator.
Art and money are not good bedfellows and AI art like plastic and industrial streamlining are where we are headed unfortunately.( IMHO.)While we got a bit cleverer at being efficient we will also get A LOT cheaper a lot saddder and A LOT more unpleasant on the eye!

From DaVinci to plastic impressions and AI interpretations of beauty.
I'm thinking of the film Brazil and a horrendous retail park I visited in LA! Gaudy gossip magazines cheap toy shops and the show Black Mirror!
0 0 Reply
armando camero 1 year ago
you'll be replaced by AI if the client is okay with 'good enough' . but you won't if the client needs minor detail adjustments and lots of precision and control
0 0 Reply

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