Agents de patrouille de police et de shérif

niveau de risque
Basé sur 476 votes
par l'année 2032
65 790 $
ou 31,63 $ par heure
655 890
à partir du 2022

Vous voulez ce résumé sur votre site? Code d'intégration :

Risque d'automatisation

5% (Risque Minimal)

Risque Minimal (0-20%) : Les professions dans cette catégorie ont une faible probabilité d'être automatisées, car elles exigent généralement une résolution complexe de problèmes, de la créativité, de solides compétences interpersonnelles et un haut degré de dextérité manuelle. Ces emplois impliquent souvent des mouvements de main complexes et une coordination précise, rendant difficile pour les machines de reproduire les tâches requises.

Plus d'informations sur ce que représente ce score et comment il est calculé sont disponibles ici.

Certaines qualités très importantes du travail sont difficiles à automatiser :

  • Aider et Prendre Soin des Autres

Certaines qualités assez importantes du travail sont difficiles à automatiser :

  • Perceptivité Sociale

  • Persuasion

  • Négociation

  • Originalité

Sondage utilisateur

22% chance de pleine automatisation au cours des deux prochaines décennies

Nos visiteurs ont voté qu'il y a peu de chances que cette profession soit automatisée. Cette évaluation est davantage soutenue par le niveau de risque d'automatisation calculé, qui estime 5% de chances d'automatisation.

Que pensez-vous du risque de l'automatisation?

Quelle est la probabilité que Agents de patrouille de police et de shérif soit remplacé par des robots ou l'intelligence artificielle dans les 20 prochaines années ?


Le(s) graphique(s) suivant(s) sont inclus là où il y a un nombre substantiel de votes pour fournir des données significatives. Ces représentations visuelles affichent les résultats des sondages des utilisateurs au fil du temps, fournissant une indication significative des tendances de sentiment.

Sentiment au fil du temps (annuellement)


Une croissance lente par rapport à d'autres professions.

On s'attend à ce que le nombre de postes vacants pour 'Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers' augmente 3,1% d'ici 2032

Emploi total, et estimations des offres d'emploi

* Données de la Bureau of Labor Statistics pour la période entre 2021 et 2031
Les prévisions mises à jour sont attendues 09-2023.


Hautement rémunéré par rapport à d'autres professions

En 2022, le salaire annuel médian pour 'Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers' était de 65 790 $, soit 31 $ par heure.

'Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers' ont été payés 42,1% de plus que le salaire médian national, qui était de 46 310 $

Salaires au fil du temps

* Données provenant du Bureau des Statistiques du Travail


Gamme de possibilités d'emploi nettement plus grande comparée à d'autres professions

À partir de 2022, il y avait 655 890 personnes employées en tant que 'Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers' aux États-Unis.

Cela représente environ 0,44% de la main-d'œuvre employée à travers le pays

Autrement dit, environ 1 personne sur 225 est employée en tant que 'Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers'.

Description du poste

Maintenir l'ordre et protéger la vie et les biens en appliquant les lois et ordonnances locales, tribales, étatiques ou fédérales. Effectuer une combinaison des devoirs suivants : patrouiller une zone spécifique ; diriger la circulation ; délivrer des convocations de circulation ; enquêter sur les accidents ; appréhender et arrêter des suspects, ou servir les processus légaux des tribunaux. Comprend les officiers de police travaillant dans les établissements d'éducation.

SOC Code: 33-3051.00


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matthew fitzgerald (Faible) dit
robo cops wouldn't work because you would have to program them to have emotions, so they don't go into overdrive and kill or destroy everything.
Jan 11, 2024 at 02:31
Deputy Dredd (Faible) dit
the question is would people find an automated law enforcement officer more credible than a human police officer. I think there will be more Artificial intelligence added to the job but not all automation as we currently understand computers
Dec 21, 2023 at 12:46
Sam dit
The public will likely never allow it to pass the legislature due to lack of trust for the technology.
Jul 12, 2023 at 05:36
Caleb (Faible) dit
Many aspects of this profession require a human element (i.e., emotional intelligence, de-escalation, interviewing, rapport building, etc.) that current AI technology is incapable of reproducing at this time.
May 18, 2023 at 12:31
Philip Low (Faible) dit
Although unlikely I do believe that more technology will be Implemented into day to day policing and such tasks as processing criminals may become automated but a lot of the human elements will never be automated.
May 12, 2023 at 07:10
Kirsten dit
Where I am from, they have automated speed radars and red light traffic cameras. Both of which will capture the vehicle registration and issue a ticket. Just saying. I agree it's safe from full take-over, but some changes will present.
Feb 01, 2023 at 06:48
Martin dit
Partially replaced for sure. There will likely always be some people, but you can replace a lot of the monotonous work with machines. Cameras and sensors can spot speeders and light runners. The new Boston Dynamics robots can do backhand springs. One cop could send a host of A.I. swarm bots to a crack house and handle it like a video game. Quadcopters, mechanical mice with cameras and microphones, armed dog bots, humanoid arrest bots, and self-driving cars.
Aug 28, 2021 at 08:28
Will dit
Over a year and NOBODY made a "Robocop" reference? The internet has disappointed me once again.
Jul 20, 2021 at 08:16
Steve W. dit
Imagine a cop that doesn't get emotional, doesn't have an ego, doesn't care about politics, and never uses the excuse, "I was afraid for my life."

Yes, we need AI-controlled robotic cops immediately. Many lives will be saved.
May 12, 2021 at 04:35
Sam dit
“Many lives”

In 2022 only about 1,000 deaths caused by police officers occurred and most were justified. There’s over 700,000 police officers to date, which comes out to less than 1% of all police officers in the entire USA.

You’re being completely ridiculous.
Jul 12, 2023 at 05:32
Antonio dit
Ok buddy 😂
Mar 02, 2024 at 08:12
Angel Vollant (Aucune chance) dit
No chance. Policing requires critical thinking, logic, situational assessment and decision-making which can’t fit into a program. When a police officer sees someone committing a crime, it’s up to them to decide what to do. If a man’s smoking pot alone in the park, do they deserve to be arrested? The cop will go up to them, talk a bit, leave a warning and may or may not leave a ticket depending on how the man acts. If he’s polite and cooperative, the officer will probably let him off with a warning. If he’s erratic and violent, he’ll arrest him. A robot, however, won’t think that far. Sees someone committing a crime (smoking pot) and simply arrest him. If he doesn’t comply, use violence. They’re programmed to do what the programmer put into it. If someone has a knife, take them out. Simple as that. Doesn’t matter if it’s a woman defending herself against an abuser. The robot’ll see a knife and shoot her. Robocop explained it very well. Police officers need compassion and emotions. If you could program a robot to do that, you’ve got yourself a human.
Dec 09, 2020 at 07:32
Anon dit
It's over 3 years since your post. AI has greatly progressed. I don't think anyone in 2020 thought AI would be where it is now. AI can easily do all the critical thinking, logic, situational assessment and decision-making, and it might not be available yet, but it is apparent that it can fit inside a program. What is more difficult is that policing requires a physical presence. Robotics just isn't there yet, and even if it ever does get there, you'd basically need a highly expensive robot to replace each individual officer. Whereas AI on a single server with access to multiple phone lines (and ai voice automation) can easily replace a 100+ person office.

It's not impossible for AI to take over policing, but due to economic factors, it is likely one of the least at-risk professions to be taken over by AI
Feb 06, 2024 at 02:33
mister sir dit
I think it's good that they have a low chance of being replaced by robots because although humans can be biased, humans make better decisions and can pick up on clues or emotions better.
Nov 05, 2020 at 01:08
My name isn't your bidness. (Incertain) dit
There is a lot of talk about things like the androids from D:BH so I think it could go either way if artificial intelligence is improved.
Oct 09, 2020 at 08:36
Khan (Faible) dit
Competent police officers require human communication skills and human coordination (for the later see the old “robots struggle to walk up stairs” problem)
Apr 06, 2020 at 03:01
frankie (Faible) dit
as police need to have good decision making skills as robots do not
Mar 10, 2020 at 02:35
Anonomous (Faible) dit
Feb 20, 2020 at 06:05
Meep (Incertain) dit
Because if you only go up to 20 years from now it may change past then.
Jan 06, 2020 at 04:15
Lachlan Beck (Aucune chance) dit
Because Robots lack the feeling of emotions and aren't able to be empathetic to other humans or robots therefore they lack a key skill of being an officer
Sep 03, 2019 at 11:42
Hope Pringle dit
Yeah, I want to see a person behind the badge, not some dumb robot who can feel for the victims or people in general! I want to be a police officer when I grow up NO robot will take my job. I will not let that happen!
Aug 15, 2019 at 02:27
Ben dit
A computer has the capacity to think thousands of times faster than a human. When AI and robotics reach the level of performing the job... People can't compete. Almost perfect job performance...or a human... You choose. Computers aren't stressed out, they have no bias... They are, in every way capable of being better at the job...
Aug 25, 2019 at 03:58
MArc (Aucune chance) dit
When on a traffic stop or responding to a domestic dispute or whatever, people want to see a real human being, not some dumb robot that has no emotion. Us humans want the ability to communicate with each other not some robot.
May 06, 2019 at 04:30

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