مضيفو الطيران

خطر الأتمتة
مستوى المخاطرة
بناءً على 418 صوت
طلب العمل
بحلول العام 2032
63,760 $
أو 30.65 $ في الساعة
اعتبارا من 2022
نقاط الوظيفة

هل تريد هذا الملخص على موقعك؟ الرمز المضمن:

خطر الأتمتة

38% (مخاطر منخفضة)

مخاطر منخفضة (21-40%): الوظائف في هذا المستوى تحمل خطراً محدوداً للأتمتة، حيث تتطلب مزيجاً من المهارات التقنية والمهارات المركزة على الإنسان.

مزيد من المعلومات حول ما هذه النتيجة، وكيف يتم حسابها متوفرة هنا.

بعض الصفات المهمة جدا للوظيفة صعبة التحويل إلى الأتمتة:

  • مساحة عمل مزدحمة، وضعيات غير مريحة

  • مساعدة ورعاية الآخرين

بعض الصفات المهمة جداً للوظيفة صعبة التحويل إلى أتمتة:

  • الإدراك الاجتماعي

  • إقناع

استطلاع رأي المستخدمين

فرصة 39% للأتمتة الكاملة خلال العقدين القادمين

أصوات زوارنا تشير إلى أن هناك فرصة ضئيلة لأن يتم تحويل هذا المهنة إلى الأتمتة. يدعم هذا التقييم أيضًا بواسطة مستوى خطر الأتمتة المحسوب، الذي يقدر بـ 38% فرصة للأتمتة.

ما هو رأيك في مخاطر الأتمتة؟

ما هي احتمالية أن يتم استبدال مضيفو الطيران بالروبوتات أو الذكاء الاصطناعي في غضون العشرين سنة المقبلة؟


يتم تضمين الرسم البياني (الرسوم البيانية) التالي في أي مكان يوجد فيه عدد كبير من الأصوات لتقديم بيانات ذات مغزى. تعرض هذه التمثيلات المرئية نتائج استطلاعات الرأي للمستخدمين على مر الزمن، مما يوفر دليلاً هاماً على اتجاهات الشعور.

المشاعر على مر الزمن (سنوياً)


نمو سريع جدا بالنسبة للمهن الأخرى

من المتوقع أن يزداد 20.8% عدد فرص العمل المتاحة لـ 'Flight Attendants' بحلول 2032

التوظيف الكلي، وفتحات الوظائف المقدرة

* بيانات من مكتب إحصاءات العمل للفترة ما بين 2021 و 2031
من المتوقع تحديث التوقعات في 09-2023.


ذو أجر عالي بالمقارنة مع المهن الأخرى

في 2022، بلغ الأجر السنوي الوسيط لـ 'Flight Attendants' 63,760 $، أو 30 $ في الساعة

تم دفع "Flight Attendants" بمقدار 37.7% أعلى من الأجر الوسيط الوطني، الذي بلغ 46,310 $

الأجور على مر الزمن

* بيانات من مكتب إحصاءات العمل


نطاق أوسع لفرص العمل مقارنة بالمهن الأخرى

بحلول 2022 كان هناك 108,480 شخص يعملون كـ 'Flight Attendants' داخل الولايات المتحدة.

هذا يمثل حوالي 0.07% من القوى العاملة الموظفة في جميع أنحاء البلاد

بتعبير آخر، حوالي 1 من كل 1 ألف أشخاص يعملون كـ 'Flight Attendants'.

وصف الوظيفة

راقب سلامة مقصورة الطائرة. قدم الخدمات لركاب الطائرة، واشرح معلومات السلامة، وقدم الطعام والمشروبات، واستجب للحوادث الطارئة.

SOC Code: 53-2031.00


إذا كنت تفكر في بدء مهنة جديدة، أو تبحث عن تغيير وظائفك، فقد قمنا بإنشاء أداة بحث عملية قد تساعدك في الحصول على الدور الجديد المثالي.

ابحث عن وظائف في منطقتك المحلية


اترك تعليق

يقول Anonymous (من المحتمل جدا)
You automate the plane to give instructions during turbulence and emergencies. Ease passengers into by updating the seats, rows, and overhead panels with attendants still onboard. From a safety perspective what is 2 attendants per class going to do for 20+ people, nothing other than give instruction and help 1 or 2 women and children. After introducing passengers to those improvements kick it up a notch and introduce 1 robot attendant for every 1 human attendant. This robot would initially be programmed to serve drinks and snacks. You would order it prior to the flight and on your phone or TV during the flight. Now that you have safety and procedures programmed right in to the plane and passengers have interacted with it over the last 10 years with a few iterations to their programming over time and passengers have been able to be served by a robot, the in cabin experience can now be fully automated. You could even design the robots to be smaller in size to fit more than two attendants in the class. Ultimately decreasing burnout by human staff, boarding times, the time it takes to get to the customer, etc.
Mar 23, 2024 at 12:38 م
يقول PK (لا فرصة)
FAA requires a crew member 1 for every 50. Flight attendant position is based on safety and security designated by FAA not customer service!!!
Jan 29, 2024 at 02:41 ص
يقول tony (منخفض)
You're still going to need human intervention in an emergency. There are too many changes on a moments notice during flight to completely trust it to AI.
Jun 02, 2023 at 08:39 م
يقول Philip (غير مؤكد)
I think aspects of the job could be automated but parts of the job won't be
May 12, 2023 at 06:40 م
يقول Sofie (من المحتمل جدا)
Humans can decide quicker in an emergency situation, but robots can take a while.

Plus, robots can't do such things as CPR or use a first aid kit, for example. So, it's pretty risky.
Aug 08, 2022 at 06:37 م
يقول h (منخفض)
AI and robots could mess up emergencies and need a connection to stay "alive"
Dec 31, 2021 at 01:27 ص
يقول A flight attendant (منخفض)
By federal law (FAA), there needs to be 1 flight attendant per 50 seats on a plane. The number can never decrease even with robots. Good luck getting those robots to handle medical emergencies or breaking up fights between ignorant passengers or helping all you ungrateful passengers evacuate during an emergency in 90 seconds or less with no ability of rational thought LOL
Dec 06, 2021 at 04:31 م
يقول Collin Tredo (منخفض)
This job requires a friendly human face, people will be less comfortable having to talk to and trust a robot/AI when they get on a plane.
May 17, 2021 at 05:00 م
يقول A (لا فرصة)
Flight attendants use their knowledge to solve a situation given the surprise factor... it’s impossible to programme a robot that knows how to act in front of a surprise factor situation.

And by the way flight attendants are there to save u not to make u happy.

First priority is safety the If it’s possible the service time will come.
Apr 10, 2021 at 10:07 ص
يقول Spiros (لا فرصة)
Flight attendants are there for one specific reason: safety. For this, human presence is important
Apr 10, 2021 at 01:55 ص
يقول Erebus (منخفض)
It involves emotional labour which only a human is capable of.
Mar 24, 2021 at 05:52 م
يقول JP (معتدل)
With the global pandemic focusing minds on the amount of human contact passengers have on flights, I could see cabin crew being reduced in number to improve safety, with a Purser and assistant at each end of the aircraft being supplemented by robots which would handle more of the non-emergency workload. Robots would reduce the expense of accommodating cabin crew at destinations and would be able to clean the cabin autonomously using UV lights to disinfect the cabin air and surfaces.
Aug 02, 2020 at 04:53 م
يقول A flight attendant (لا فرصة)
Will absolutely not happen. What most do not realize is that flight attendants are on board for safety. It's just not something that can be replaced by robots.
Jul 22, 2020 at 08:27 ص
يقول Ebork (من المحتمل جدا)
Flight attendants make or break flying. They'll be robots soon enough.
Jan 03, 2020 at 11:48 ص
يقول THM
Flight attendants make your flying safe you ignorant.
Jun 27, 2020 at 09:20 ص
يقول Izme;-;
I think that is wrong you see robots can also break easy, if there is a drunk passenger or causing harm robots can break with their wires. In medical procedures or any emergency humans would be faster than the robots having to mechanically bend down taking longer than humans.
Mar 31, 2021 at 08:21 ص
يقول JD (من المحتمل جدا)
With the lousy customer service and the awfully attitudes these "air stewards(esses)" possess nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised that a machine will end up doing their job not only more quickly and efficiently, but for little to no cost of maintenance on said droids compared to paying salaries w/ benefits, retirement, etc & dealing with greedy unions, to people who don't do their job properly and are not even qualified to in the first place.

Given the recent horrific experiences passengers had to endure from these "flight attendants", I see machines replacing these incompetent humans in the future. It'll save the airlines plenty of revenue and avoid lawsuits and having to pay these poorly trained service attendants for mediocre to dismal services provided.

The only ones to blame would be the flight attendants themselves, because a machine did a better job than they ever would.
Apr 20, 2019 at 05:36 ص
يقول Karen
When you have a heart attack on the plane who’s going to administer first aid to you? A robot? A flight attendant is there to save your ass not kiss it and their customer service is based on your attitude. It goes both ways
May 05, 2019 at 06:17 ص
يقول GG
JD deserves the most awful flying experiences after the rudeness he showcased here.
May 09, 2019 at 04:11 م
يقول MC
JD I don't know what airline you have been flying on. I have been involved in the airline industry for over forty years, have traveled on numerous air carriers, and have never experienced what you have described in terms of lacking flight attendant professionalism, training, emergency, and medical preparedness.

I have witnessed a decline in the manners and decorum of the passengers traveling. Possibly, the added stress to passengers of airport safety procedures has taken a toll on their nerves. I remember when friends and family could accompany passengers to the gate. Now, the seats are packed in like sardines in a can.

Airline competition made the way for no-frills service and more passengers in smaller seats on airplanes. This has taken a toll on everyone's stress levels. Still, I see friendly FAs who are doing their best to accommodate everyone onboard and assuage those who are already frazzled by the time they take their seats.

A robot may make the dispersion of in-flight commodities easier but it can never take care of all of the emergencies that FAs are trained to handle, the medical emergencies, the duplicate and other seating problems, the myriad of human interactions that FA's handle, unaccompanied children, wheelchair passengers, interaction with cockpit and ground staff, etc., etc. the list goes on, not even considering a major emergency like a hijack incident.

You have vastly underestimated the uber-selective hiring, initial and ongoing training that FAs have. Did you know that they have to take FAA-mandated emergency testing yearly on every airplane which they are qualified to work and pass the test with a 90-100% grade. This includes physical testing in airplane simulators., first aide, resuscitation and cardio procedures etc.

If you see an FA behaving in the unprofessional manner you have described, you should write a letter to the airline about that employee.
Jul 16, 2023 at 10:31 ص

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الأشخاص قاموا أيضاً بالمشاهدة

مبرمجي الكمبيوتر
طيارو الخطوط الجوية، الطيارون المساعدون، ومهندسو الطيران
مصممي الجرافيك