محللون ماليون واستثماريون

خطر الأتمتة
مستوى المخاطرة
بناءً على 1,140 صوت
طلب العمل
بحلول العام 2032
95,080 $
أو 45.71 $ في الساعة
اعتبارا من 2022
نقاط الوظيفة

هل تريد هذا الملخص على موقعك؟ الرمز المضمن:

خطر الأتمتة

79% (مخاطرة عالية)

مخاطرة عالية (61-80%): الوظائف في هذه الفئة تواجه تهديدًا كبيرًا من التحول الى الأتمتة، حيث يمكن أتمتة العديد من مهامها بسهولة باستخدام التكنولوجيا الحالية أو التكنولوجيا المستقبلية القريبة.

مزيد من المعلومات حول ما هذه النتيجة، وكيف يتم حسابها متوفرة هنا.

لم نجد أي صفات هامة لهذه الوظيفة لا يمكن أتمتتها بسهولة.

استطلاع رأي المستخدمين

فرصة 54% للأتمتة الكاملة خلال العقدين القادمين

صوت زوارنا بأنهم غير متأكدين إذا كان سيتم أتمتة هذه المهنة. ومع ذلك، يشير مستوى خطر الأتمتة الذي أنشأناه إلى فرصة أعلى بكثير للأتمتة: 79% فرصة للأتمتة.

ما هو رأيك في مخاطر الأتمتة؟

ما هي احتمالية أن يتم استبدال محللون ماليون واستثماريون بالروبوتات أو الذكاء الاصطناعي في غضون العشرين سنة المقبلة؟


يتم تضمين الرسم البياني (الرسوم البيانية) التالي في أي مكان يوجد فيه عدد كبير من الأصوات لتقديم بيانات ذات مغزى. تعرض هذه التمثيلات المرئية نتائج استطلاعات الرأي للمستخدمين على مر الزمن، مما يوفر دليلاً هاماً على اتجاهات الشعور.

المشاعر على مر الزمن (ربع سنوي)

المشاعر على مر الزمن (سنوياً)


نمو سريع بالنسبة للمهن الأخرى

من المتوقع أن يزداد 8.6% عدد فرص العمل المتاحة لـ 'Financial and Investment Analysts' بحلول 2032

التوظيف الكلي، وفتحات الوظائف المقدرة

* بيانات من مكتب إحصاءات العمل للفترة ما بين 2021 و 2031
من المتوقع تحديث التوقعات في 09-2023.


مدفوع بشكل كبير جداً بالمقارنة مع المهن الأخرى

في 2022، بلغ الأجر السنوي الوسيط لـ 'Financial and Investment Analysts' 95,080 $، أو 45 $ في الساعة

تم دفع "Financial and Investment Analysts" بمقدار 105.3% أعلى من الأجر الوسيط الوطني، الذي بلغ 46,310 $

الأجور على مر الزمن

* بيانات من مكتب إحصاءات العمل


نطاق أكبر بشكل ملحوظ من فرص العمل مقارنة بالمهن الأخرى

بحلول 2022 كان هناك 291,370 شخص يعملون كـ 'Financial and Investment Analysts' داخل الولايات المتحدة.

هذا يمثل حوالي 0.20% من القوى العاملة الموظفة في جميع أنحاء البلاد

بتعبير آخر، حوالي 1 من كل 507 أشخاص يعملون كـ 'Financial and Investment Analysts'.

وصف الوظيفة

قم بإجراء تحليلات كمية للمعلومات المتعلقة ببرامج الاستثمار أو البيانات المالية للمؤسسات العامة أو الخاصة، بما في ذلك تقييم الأعمال.

SOC Code: 13-2051.00


إذا كنت تفكر في بدء مهنة جديدة، أو تبحث عن تغيير وظائفك، فقد قمنا بإنشاء أداة بحث عملية قد تساعدك في الحصول على الدور الجديد المثالي.

ابحث عن وظائف في منطقتك المحلية


اترك تعليق

يقول A Man (معتدل)
Analyst Mainly Scoop up the Random Info of the world into financial data sets. This part can be done well but not information gathering part
Apr 19, 2024 at 04:41 م
يقول Marten (من المحتمل جدا)
It is basically just looking at numbers and analysing them, wich can easily be done by an AI.
Aug 18, 2023 at 05:27 م
يقول Atanu (لا فرصة)
AI has no innovative power. It is a trend model. There is a diference in innovation and training
Mar 21, 2023 at 08:31 ص
يقول Random (غير مؤكد)
CEOs like to have someone talk them through the reporting documents
Jan 18, 2023 at 05:27 ص
يقول Greasy Banker
What I'm seeing in the comments on finance jobs in general is people don't expect them to be automated away, they WANT them to be automated away. Industry outsiders look from the outside in and estimate 0 human component, or simply discount any skills or talent a banker may have without even knowing what they do. Bankers get a bad rap, and I understand why, but if you want to talk overpaid positions, get alook at the IT sector right now and tell me what you see. That market will get saturated like everything else. Bankers don't have a monopoly on highly paid positions.
Aug 30, 2022 at 02:31 م
يقول Tom
Bankers want soft skills but people who don't work in the field think there's no human component. It's a world of mystery to most people so of course they don't understand the nuances of the job and think it can be automated. Same with accountants. Bookkeeping can be automated but judgement, planning, and drawing inferences from the data is probably not happening in our lifetime unless quantum computing speeds up AGI.
Jan 05, 2024 at 09:45 م
يقول Rafael Beckhauser (منخفض)
because the planning, budgeting and forecasting (performance, demand, cash flow) are evolving with business intelligence and data driven. people are going to use their skills in python or sql. INCLUDING TREASURY MANAGEMENT; it is evolving in more data analysis and supply chain. MATH AND STATS SKILLS are essential including RISK MANAGEMENT as well.
Apr 04, 2021 at 04:12 م
يقول Kohyar Shaikh (منخفض)
Since the University Industry basically is a major source of revenue and skilled migrants to many countries especially those that attract a lot of international students like The US, Canada, UK, Australia and Germany and even Turkey and Northern Cyprus. There is a small chance however that all teaching shifts online with pre-recorded stuff.
Dec 05, 2020 at 06:40 ص
يقول Edim (غير مؤكد)
Depending on the position.
Entry-level it's pretty much just data entry, things that can easily be automated.
On higher levels, it requires decision making, data analysis, and other skills that will be out of any computer's reach for quite some time still.
Overall it's fairly safe from automation as of now. The human brain is still the single best pattern recognition system that we know of and pattern recognition is a large part of Financial Analysis.
Jun 27, 2020 at 08:54 م
يقول Rafael Beckhauser
Totally agree with Edim. Financial analysis, financial modelling and data analysis requires good skills in math, stats and risk management which influences the decision making of any enterprise, and those things only humans can do it for the next 20 years and so.
Apr 04, 2021 at 04:16 م
يقول Rishi
I would really like to know your opinion now. I am currently a finance student and I'm worried about automation in finance
May 09, 2023 at 02:19 م
يقول ANG BENG KUAN (غير مؤكد)
Computer automation will continue to reform financial services and portfolio analysts sector with the advent of robo advisers and financial screening applications that is able to generate systematic results and interpret such outcome into decision-making. Software applications that could filter and differentiate corporate credits, extract data and keywords in business news across web space, and portfolio simulation engine based on risk return optimization.
Jun 27, 2020 at 03:47 ص
يقول Dunkjoe
Looking at some of the comments, and understanding the industry, for companies employing manual procedures, yes, any job including financial analysts would be likely to be replaced by automation and AI (Smart Learning bots).

However, the Finance Industry requires analysis in association with human bias and understanding, so the very nature of financial analysts is likely not replicable by automation or AI easily.

Unless, everything is automated. But that would mean a large majority of jobs would be gone in every industry.
Jun 10, 2020 at 05:14 ص
يقول Nick (من المحتمل جدا)
Because its literally just reading back results of formulas. Machine Learning can do the formulas and A.I. can interpret the results
Mar 01, 2020 at 02:41 ص
يقول JTC (غير مؤكد)
New products like Qlik Sense and Qlik View automatically generate reports analysts typically do in seconds. (not in hours or days)

The machine learning algorithms already can identify data insights and generate data visualizations based on the information.

Financial Analysts work will shift away from data flattening to asking questions about the data.

In the next decade, rather than the CFO asking questions for the lines of business to bring back information, they can text chat a bot to serve up in the information across the entire enterprise. This has implications on existing organizational hierarchies. I would expect a reduction in growth rate of this industry.
Feb 05, 2020 at 04:00 م
يقول Uwe
Entry level positions might be automated, because they involve a lot of data entries which any person with a solid knowledge of Python can automate. However, more advanced positions that require more social, analytical, skills that require good decision making won't be automated soon.
Jan 08, 2020 at 12:40 ص
يقول Duncan (من المحتمل جدا)
It is just repetitive date entry.
Aug 26, 2019 at 07:44 م
يقول Daniel
we need to take a hand and work for our pasion
Aug 26, 2019 at 02:29 ص
يقول Nico (معتدل)
Many analysts focus only on data collection, analyses and reporting. This tasks can be automated
Aug 09, 2019 at 03:45 ص
يقول seb
robots make terrible financial analysts.

a machine can be fed information, divide it based on rules you've set for it, but it cannot make decisions or influence others because of political and socioeconomic trends.
Aug 28, 2019 at 12:56 ص
يقول kim (معتدل)
it's just statistics and analysis.
Jul 09, 2019 at 06:23 م
يقول Malek Salibi (منخفض)
Some reporting automation bound to happen but variance analysis, complex coodination between business units and solid business acumen and knowledge still required for successful business partnership of finance in any organization.
Jun 28, 2019 at 06:07 م
يقول Razvan. (معتدل)
In the company I work for, Financial Analyst positions have been already moved to other location where the salaries are lower. Also, Sales and Cash Flow are now being predicted using Artificial Intelligence
May 14, 2019 at 01:46 م
يقول Ahmed (غير مؤكد)
There are currently some computer applications that can perform portfolio analysis tasks
May 14, 2019 at 12:19 م
يقول Ath
Can you give me an example?
Jul 13, 2020 at 04:13 ص

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