Cientistas Políticos

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(Baixo Risco)
(Baixo Risco)
Average: 25%
pelo ano 2033
$ 132.350
ou $ 63,62 por hora
a partir de 2023

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Risco de automação calculado

29% (Baixo Risco)

Risco Baixo (21-40%): Trabalhos neste nível têm um risco limitado de automação, pois exigem uma mistura de habilidades técnicas e centradas no ser humano.

Mais informações sobre o que é essa pontuação e como ela é calculada estão disponíveis aqui.

Algumas qualidades bastante importantes do trabalho são difíceis de automatizar:

  • Percepção Social

  • Originalidade

Enquete do usuário

21% chance de automação completa nas próximas duas décadas

Nossos visitantes votaram que há uma baixa chance de esta ocupação ser automatizada. Esta avaliação é ainda mais apoiada pelo nível de risco de automação calculado, que estima 29% de chance de automação.

O que você acha que é o risco da automação?

Qual é a probabilidade de que Cientistas Políticos seja substituído por robôs ou inteligência artificial nos próximos 20 anos?


O gráfico a seguir é incluído sempre que há uma quantidade substancial de votos para gerar dados significativos. Essas representações visuais mostram os resultados das enquetes dos usuários ao longo do tempo, fornecendo uma indicação importante das tendências de sentimento.

Sentimento ao longo do tempo (anualmente)


"Crescimento lento" em relação a outras profissões.

Espera-se que o número de vagas de emprego para 'Political Scientists' aumente 2,6% até 2033

Emprego total e estimativa de vagas de emprego

* Dados do Bureau de Estatísticas do Trabalho para o período entre 2021 e 2031
As projeções atualizadas são devidas 09-2024.


Muito bem remunerado em relação a outras profissões

Em 2023, o salário anual mediano para 'Political Scientists' foi de $ 132.350, ou $ 63 por hora

'Political Scientists' receberam 175,4% a mais do que o salário médio nacional, que era de $ 48.060

Salários ao longo do tempo

* Dados do Bureau de Estatísticas do Trabalho


Faixa de oportunidades de emprego significativamente menor em comparação com outras profissões

A partir de 2023 havia 5.580 pessoas empregadas como 'Political Scientists' dentro dos Estados Unidos.

Isso representa cerca de < 0,001% da força de trabalho empregada em todo o país

Dito de outra maneira, cerca de 1 em 27 mil pessoas são empregadas como 'Political Scientists'.

Descrição do trabalho

Estude a origem, desenvolvimento e funcionamento dos sistemas políticos. Pode estudar tópicos, como opinião pública, tomada de decisões políticas e ideologia. Pode analisar a estrutura e operação de governos, bem como várias entidades políticas. Pode conduzir pesquisas de opinião pública, analisar resultados eleitorais ou analisar documentos públicos.

SOC Code: 19-3094.00


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Daniel xavier (Sem chance) 12 months ago
Political science is not an exact science. there are thousands of variations that even with a lot of data a MACHINE, which is basically made of zeros and ones, would not be able to understand, including, for us to understand politics we need a perspective of the world that is not necessarily being glimpsed on the internet, because, after all, there are biases that the lens of social media makes us have, we basically become much more prone to fights on the internet than in real life, and, as far as we know, robots are only powered through the internet and data scientific.

and even in terms of scientific data, they cannot be used in their entirety to create a portrait of current politics, as there are ideas that only current affairs can provide. such as the change in mass media that stopped being through TV, radio and newspapers and moved completely, or partially, to the internet, another of these changes is the undeniable access to social networks. These changes are so important that they have changed the current political scenario in a significant way, but as I said previously, they do not demonstrate the totality of human relations, an issue that also has significant changes such as, for example, the rise of Fenism, the increase in the rights of populations to deny and native peoples, segregation and emancipation of gender choices and sexual options, these changes that are very important and significant for humanity in general, were somewhat forced into the algorithm internally, something that, recently in the few weeks before the publication on March 5, 2023 of this comment caused problems in images that contained falsifications and delusions of reality, such as an image that contained two women, including one black, in the American legislature in the 19th century, a time when not even women Not even black people participated directly in the US political system, that is, they did not vote and could not be voted for any political position.

in short, for a robot to be a political scientist, it would need to be within the bonds of social reality, that is, to be, living in the real world, to be outside the binary system, something that is literally impossible even with a quantum computer as it would return to the binary system because this is the universal basis of computing, not just being made up of databases and having a perspective created by your life experiences and never in any way trying to have an answer for everything, as this can generate machine delusions. That's not human-centrism on my part, it's just an observation of reality. Furthermore, it is worth adding that a being cannot create a being more intelligent than itself, it is a basic mathematical concept, that is, it is not the AI ​​that will become more intelligent than humans, it is the human being that will become more stupid every day.
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Francisco (Sem chance) 1 year ago
Politics are fundamentally human and unpredictable, it's not going to be dealt with or solved by mathematics or any computer program.
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Galo (Altamente provável) 1 year ago
OpenAI has managed to now beat the lawyer bar exam with high precision, this improvement took place in the span of less than a year, with these changes, in a few years political theory could easily be replaced by AI based on gathered data of all political theory.
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Milan 10 months ago
A lawyer is a pretty different job compared to a political scientist though. The big distinction is that lawyers make arguments based on laws and prior court cases. There is some novel and creative thinking in formation of arguments, but they are bound by the law. Politics is a much more human and sociologically based branch. Local politics can also be quite grassroots and not suitable for AI attempting to gather data or understand human responses.
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Waka Waka (Baixo) 3 years ago
I hate artificial intelligence.
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Morpheus 5 years ago
If robots ever become aware enough to become politicians, you will likely see robot governments form and pretty quickly you basically have the story of The Animatrix, humans will just be enslaved after a long war and put into machines that will simulate the world.
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Juan 3 years ago
A politician is not the same as a political scientist...
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Anonymous (Sem chance) 5 years ago
Political science is a concept that can only be interpreted and actually developed upon by human minds. Robots will not be able to perceive politics on such a scale that entire parliaments will be replaced or assisted by them, as robots tend to overlook major factors.
0 0 Reply
GPT3 2 years ago
Transhumanism is becoming a reality every day, and robots are being trained to recognize complex patterns even better than humans.

Political information can be overwhelming, but advanced algorithms have the ability to process it faster and more accurately than any human.

There is no reason why we cannot replace or assist entire parliaments with robots and artificial intelligence, if we wish.
0 0 Reply
Darius Rashidi 5 years ago
You really can't use technology to replicate the mix of eerie neuroticism and ambiguous, vain narcissism required to make a true political scientist.
0 1 Reply

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