Motorista/Trabalhadores de Vendas

nível de risco
Com base em 222 votos
pelo ano 2032
ou $15,72 por hora
a partir de 2022

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Risco de automação

96% (Risco Iminente)

Risco Iminente (81-100%): Ocupações neste nível têm uma probabilidade extremamente alta de serem automatizadas num futuro próximo. Esses trabalhos consistem principalmente em tarefas repetitivas e previsíveis, com pouca necessidade de julgamento humano.

Mais informações sobre o que é essa pontuação e como ela é calculada estão disponíveis aqui.

Algumas qualidades bastante importantes do trabalho são difíceis de automatizar:

  • Espaço de Trabalho Apertado, Posições Desconfortáveis

  • Destreza dos Dedos

  • Percepção Social

Enquete do usuário

79% chance de automação completa nas próximas duas décadas

Nossos visitantes votaram que é provável que esta ocupação seja automatizada. Esta avaliação é ainda mais apoiada pelo nível de risco de automação calculado, que estima 96% de chance de automação.

O que você acha que é o risco da automação?

Qual é a probabilidade de que Motorista/Trabalhadores de Vendas seja substituído por robôs ou inteligência artificial nos próximos 20 anos?


Os seguintes gráficos são incluídos sempre que há uma quantidade substancial de votos para fornecer dados significativos. Essas representações visuais exibem os resultados das pesquisas de usuários ao longo do tempo, fornecendo uma indicação significativa das tendências de sentimentos.

Sentimento ao longo do tempo (anualmente)


Crescimento muito rápido em relação a outras profissões

Espera-se que o número de vagas de emprego para 'Driver/Sales Workers' aumente 12,0% até 2032

Emprego total e estimativa de vagas de emprego

* Dados do Bureau de Estatísticas do Trabalho para o período entre 2021 e 2031
As projeções atualizadas são devidas 09-2023.


Muito mal remunerado em relação a outras profissões

Em 2022, o salário anual mediano para 'Driver/Sales Workers' foi de $32.690, ou $15 por hora

'Driver/Sales Workers' receberam 29,4% a menos que o salário médio nacional, que ficou em $46.310

Salários ao longo do tempo

* Dados do Bureau de Estatísticas do Trabalho


Alcance significativamente maior de oportunidades de emprego em comparação com outras profissões

A partir de 2022 havia 489.510 pessoas empregadas como 'Driver/Sales Workers' dentro dos Estados Unidos.

Isso representa cerca de 0,33% da força de trabalho empregada em todo o país

Dito de outra maneira, cerca de 1 em 302 pessoas são empregadas como 'Driver/Sales Workers'.

Descrição do trabalho

Conduza caminhão ou outro veículo em rotas estabelecidas ou dentro de um território estabelecido e venda ou entregue mercadorias, como produtos alimentícios, incluindo itens de take-out de restaurantes, ou pegue ou entregue itens como lavanderia comercial. Também pode receber pedidos, cobrar pagamentos ou estocar mercadorias no ponto de entrega.

SOC Code: 53-3031.00


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GunAndAmmo (Altamente provável) diz
there are already autonomous taxi in san francisco the question is what will the driver do ?
Sep 05, 2023 at 04:33
Constantin (Altamente provável) diz
Very likely to be automated by self-driving cars.
I think by 2040, the majority of cars on the road will be driven by AI.

And if you don't need human drivers, then trucks and lorries will not make sense from a business standpoint. So, I think large trucks will disappear and a large truck will be replaced with a fleet of smaller cars driven by AI artificial intelligence algorithms.
Dec 30, 2022 at 07:01
Vivian (Altamente provável) diz
I hate being a delivery driver, robots please take my job
Nov 04, 2021 at 04:18
Jo (Altamente provável) diz
There are at least three tech firms already seriously working on self-driving lorries... that on top of the large number of companies in the self-driving car market already... the writing on this wall is writ very large... or maybe in three mile high illuminated
Jul 24, 2021 at 11:53
Heath Edwards (Incerto) diz
There are multitude of "blind spots" in GPS coverage. When encountered by a human delivery person that is familiar with the area they are annoying but are not insurmountable.
If a drone loses signal...what, hover in place with 500 other stones until the battery runs out, return to base, etc..
If the Earth's GPS coverage reaches 100% confidence over an entire delivery area then yes, automation, UNLESS the delivery is to a condo/apartment/mobile home park/ hotel or any delivery point that exists as one unit among many, all sharing the same street address. If these two issues are solved then yes, automation. If these issues persist it will delay implementation.
In sum, it could go either way.
Heath Edwards
Jul 29, 2020 at 01:27
jo diz
GPS (and the rest of the world's positional tracking systems) have very few "blind spots", particularly from the air, and machines unfamiliar with the area would do what a human would do and use a map... one familiar with the area would do as a human would do, use an internal map.

Multiple addresses in one place would also be handled initially by the human equivalent expedient of dumping the package at the apartment block door or leaving a "we missed you - come collect your package at the depot" postcard... given that the delivery times would probably still be faster there would be as few complaints as now (and it would get blamed on software errors instead of shuffling the human to a different route).

This might improve with new buildings with drone landing pads on the roof with special recepticles might well become the norm, proving safer for the incoming packages as well as not having to go to the depot to collect packages that could not be delivered because you weren't in.
Jul 24, 2021 at 12:02
Vivian diz
There are several workarounds to this problem. The first and most obvious I could think of is delivery over local areas that can work off of downloaded maps. This can be expanded to include fairly large regions nowadays with recent technological advances in the efficiency of GIS software and databases. The second solution I can think of is our current technologies in electronic compasses that combine GPS units with measurements of the magnetic field to allow fairly accurate positioning without satellite contact. The biggest issue facing automated delivery is really to deal with changing road hazards. The current solution of AI decision making based on photographic sensors and communication with other devices is useful, but I think a possible future development that would revolutionize this field, especially in rural areas, would be cost-efficient land-based LIDAR sensors paired with electronic compass. But take everything I'm saying with somewhat of a grain of salt, I'm just studying this in school currently.
Nov 05, 2021 at 12:58
Helia (Moderado) diz
because it can be driven by robots
Mar 27, 2020 at 06:38
Jo diz
24/7, more safely and more quickly and the money being left on the table by not automating it means that although this might be a harder task than some others it will be done faster because the rewards to success are so incredible... hence the large number of companies in the market already.
Jul 24, 2021 at 12:04
Awaluddin diz
It would not be happened here in Indonesia and every developing countries in the world, since the road user are not as obedient as those in advanced countries, try it here and the robot would not run their cars because human drivers are driving careless.
Dec 15, 2019 at 11:52
Michael diz
They’re obviously talking about advanced countries such as the United States...
Jul 04, 2020 at 10:13
Jo diz
Drones don't need roads and fly above human drivers, crazy or not...
Jul 24, 2021 at 11:55

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