
Minimalne Ryzyko
Dokąd chciałbyś się udać dalej?
Podziel się wynikami z przyjaciółmi i rodziną.
Lub, zbadaj ten zawód bardziej szczegółowo...
(Minimalne Ryzyko)
(Minimalne Ryzyko)
Average: 10%
do roku 2033
155 680 $
lub 74,84 $ za godzinę
18 350
od 2023

Ludzie również oglądali

Obliczone ryzyko automatyzacji

0,6% (Minimalne Ryzyko)

Minimalne ryzyko (0-20%): Zawody w tej kategorii mają niskie prawdopodobieństwo automatyzacji, ponieważ zazwyczaj wymagają one skomplikowanego rozwiązywania problemów, kreatywności, silnych umiejętności interpersonalnych oraz wysokiej sprawności manualnej. Te prace często wiążą się z złożonymi ruchami rąk i precyzyjną koordynacją, co utrudnia maszynom naśladowanie wymaganych zadań.

Więcej informacji na temat tego, czym jest ten wynik i jak jest obliczany, jest dostępne tutaj.

Niektóre bardzo ważne cechy pracy są trudne do zautomatyzowania:

  • Oryginalność

Niektóre dość ważne cechy pracy są trudne do zautomatyzowania:

  • Spostrzegawczość Społeczna

  • Perswazja

Ankieta użytkownika

19,4% szansa na pełną automatyzację w ciągu najbliższych dwóch dekad

Nasi goście głosowali, że jest minimalne ryzyko, że ten zawód zostanie zautomatyzowany. To ocena jest dodatkowo wspierana przez obliczony poziom ryzyka automatyzacji, który szacuje 0,6% szansę na automatyzację.

Jakie są Twoje zdanie na temat ryzyka automatyzacji?

Jakie jest prawdopodobieństwo, że Fizycy zostanie zastąpione przez roboty lub sztuczną inteligencję w ciągu najbliższych 20 lat?


Poniższy wykres jest zamieszczany wszędzie tam, gdzie istnieje znaczna liczba głosów, aby przedstawić istotne dane. Te wizualne reprezentacje pokazują wyniki ankiet użytkowników w czasie, dostarczając istotnych wskazówek dotyczących trendów nastrojów.

Nastroje w czasie (rocznie)


Szybki wzrost w porównaniu do innych zawodów

Liczba ofert pracy na stanowisku 'Physicists' ma wzrosnąć 7,2% do 2033

Całkowite zatrudnienie oraz szacowane oferty pracy

* Dane z Biura Statystyki Pracy za okres pomiędzy 2023 a 2033
Zaktualizowane prognozy mają być dostępne 09-2025.


Bardzo wysoko opłacany w porównaniu do innych profesji

W 2023, mediana rocznej pensji dla 'Physicists' wynosiła 155 680 $, czyli 74 $ za godzinę.

'Physicists' otrzymali wynagrodzenie wyższe o 223,9% od średniej krajowej, która wynosiła 48 060 $

Płace z biegiem czasu

* Dane z Biura Statystyki Pracy


Niższy zakres możliwości pracy w porównaniu do innych profesji

Od 2023 roku zatrudnionych było 18 350 osób na stanowisku 'Physicists' w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

To oznacza około < 0,001% zatrudnionej siły roboczej w całym kraju.

Inaczej mówiąc, około 1 na 8 tysiąc osób jest zatrudnionych jako 'Physicists'.

Opis stanowiska pracy

Przeprowadzaj badania nad zjawiskami fizycznymi, rozwijaj teorie na podstawie obserwacji i eksperymentów oraz opracowuj metody stosowania praw i teorii fizycznych.

SOC Code: 19-2012.00


Szukaj pracy w swojej lokalnej okolicy

Jeśli myślisz o rozpoczęciu nowej kariery lub szukasz zmiany pracy, stworzyliśmy przydatne narzędzie do wyszukiwania pracy, które może Ci pomóc zdobyć tę idealną nową rolę.

Szukaj pracy w swojej lokalnej okolicy


Leave a comment

az09 (Nie ma szans) 4 months ago
Its the last job that'll get taken over; if it does, we're not working anyways
1 1 Reply
Hugo klatovsky (Nie ma szans) 4 months ago
I am a PhD physicist and i am not noticing any robots in my physics department
0 1 Reply
Mahadev 2 months ago
Bro seriously the 2024 noble prize winner of physics Jeffry Hinton get his Nobel prize for some study about neuronal pathway and ai so why we don't get replaced or get useless but it's not so scientific evident to say it have no chance and yha if there is a massive ai take over like sci-fi movies then we are the last to lose our job in world that's sure 😊
0 2 Reply
Guest 5 months ago
AI already taking over math (in summer 2024 AI reached silver medal at IMO) so I think physics is next in order to be replaced and automated... So math and physics very related to each other so there no chance for both of them
1 2 Reply
Anonymous (Niski) 6 months ago
Honestly, robots only have have so much processing power, and with today’s tech, (and possibly tomorrow’s) it’s just not possible to run such complex calculations.
0 1 Reply
E (Nie ma szans) 6 months ago
Physics requires complex models and creativity that artificial intelligence can not replicate without a human mind.
0 1 Reply
Oliver Cavendish 6 months ago
differentiating between experimental and theoretical physicists, i think that there is a chance that experimental physics will be replaced by automation in the near future especially as nuclear engineering also comes under this bracket and the militaries of major world powers such as America, China and India are looking to incorporate more cyber-warfare and robotics into their offensive (and defensive) technologies and there is also a high chance that as other fields like chemistry, for example, begin to get automated, experimental physics will too. but theoretical physics, on the other hand, is the purest discipline of science there is. it requires originality, innovation, creativity, fun, a genuine interest in science and physics for its own sake and the ability to make coherent theories and hypotheses based on observations and data gathered of and from natural phenomena. this, at least in the near future, is something that AI is thoroughly incapable of doing. so on the whole, no, theo.physicists' shouldn't be going anywhere; exp.physicists on the other hand..............unless, of course, elon surprises us again with a sentient AI that can actually take over everything and become the next SkyNet!
3 3 Reply
Saket (Niski) 9 months ago
I think that robots will not be able to find new things as of right now they can only use a database and find things out of there a robot doesnt have enough creativity to look out into space for example and think"Hmm why is it moving" for something htat shouldnt move it is just gonna see it and be like"cool"
1 1 Reply
Samik Yanque Amable (Nie ma szans) 10 months ago
A pure science is a kind of art where your creativity must shine to observe problems and devise solutions. The truth is, it hurts to think that my future will be filled with the anxiety of "finding a problem" that is relevant to science, but it's the hell I chose.

If any junior reads this message, I can only wish you the best. While your work is irreplaceable by AI, your future will be filled with problems where AI cannot assist you. Good luck.
4 1 Reply
Alec 9 months ago
Thank you. I am 12, and this is my dream job. Seeing this message really made me excited!
3 2 Reply
9 (Nie ma szans) 1 year ago
We teach AI. That's how it understands. Although it can learn, it can't accumulate pure factual knowledge by itself.
0 1 Reply
Jamie (Bardzo prawdopodobne) 1 year ago
Hard science fields will be the easiest fields for AI to take-over.
0 3 Reply
MainEditor 1 year ago
But if AI can do hard science why it wouldn't as easy do soft science?
3 1 Reply
Zuzia (Umiarkowany) 1 year ago
AI can already teach itself new things and it escalates very quickly, it probably will be able to analyze all the knowledge we have on Earth and come to some important conclusions.
1 1 Reply
Samuel (Nie ma szans) 1 year ago
It requires thinking outside the box, solving new problems, writing new programs. It has already implemented computers for calculations.
0 1 Reply
Mahadev 2 months ago
We humans don't have super power some extra nurons get free that we use to creative thinking but if it attain consciousness like humans then understanding of physics to ai is like a small kid with ultimate curiosity and knowledge so yha then only we want to get feared or then is it because a Laplace demon 😈 ha nice to think so all that possibility and also there is 1% chance for everything in
0 1 Reply
Toast (Nie ma szans) 2 years ago
Being a physicist requires, at least to a certain degree, being able to come up with purely original ideas, rather than interpolating the existing body of knowledge.
3 1 Reply
Quarked_Out (Niski) 2 years ago
Hmm, a lot of areas in physics do incorporate ML techniques and AI to some degree. However, people with physics training play an undisputedly dominant role in research.

If anything, I can see some simulation aspects or redundant experimental procedures being automated in the near term. But parts that incorporate creative problem solving or the physical intuition needed in determining directions to take research are things that are pretty safeguarded to humans for a bit.

I think those "intuitions" are very difficult to map to general problem-solving algorithms.
0 1 Reply
Brian (No Chance) 2 years ago
Many other experimental physicists and I already automate every measurement we can, but there is still plenty of work to do.
1 1 Reply
David (Nie ma szans) 2 years ago
I wonder what all those people were thinking when they said there was a realistic possibility that physicists will be obsolete in 20 years. That's absurd on its face and every physicist I have ever met would agree.

We can have a discussion on whether it is possible in the next 200 years, sure, but 20 years? That's laughable. Given that only physicists are qualified to write, train, and optimize the algorithms that would be used to replace them, it will take a long, long, long time.

I suspect that we would need true machine sentience before we could actually start to talk about replacing theoretical and mathematical physicists.
0 1 Reply
Bimsara Bodaragama (Nie ma szans) 3 years ago
It's more about intuition and innovativeness. Of course, we will use more tools, but with Physics, since we interpret as we observe (there is a little problem with that conclusion, though), AI may not be able to take it over.
0 1 Reply
Wesley I (Nie ma szans) 3 years ago
I believe that it will be possible but not for a very long time, the process of positing new questions and then solving them is rather complex and I'm guessing that it will be at least 100 years before the jobs of theoretical physicists start to become threatened.
0 1 Reply
just bored (Nie ma szans) 3 years ago
Even though computers may get more intelligent than us humans, there is still a very small chance because computers don't have the basic questioning ability which we humans have
0 1 Reply
Rowan (Niepewny) 4 years ago
The development of AI is rapidly improving, AI maybe 10 years in the future being able to predict or understand the universe better through random generation or pure knowledge is very probable. However I doubt they will replace Physicists in the near decade it should be very increasingly possible.
0 1 Reply

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