
Gebaseerd op 1.128 stemmen
tegen het jaar 2032
$ 113.940
of $ 54,77 per uur
vanaf 2022

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Risico van automatisering

51% (Matig Risico)

Gemiddeld Risico (41-60%): Beroepen met een gemiddeld risico op automatisering omvatten meestal routinetaken, maar vereisen nog steeds enige menselijke beoordeling en interactie.

Meer informatie over wat deze score is en hoe deze wordt berekend, is beschikbaar hier.

Enkele vrij belangrijke kwaliteiten van de baan zijn moeilijk te automatiseren:

  • Originaliteit

  • Overtuiging


37% kans op volledige automatisering binnen de komende twee decennia

Onze bezoekers hebben gestemd dat er een kleine kans is dat dit beroep zal worden geautomatiseerd. Echter, het door ons gegenereerde automatiseringsrisiconiveau suggereert een hogere kans op automatisering: 51% kans op automatisering.

Wat denk je dat het risico van automatisering is?

Wat is de kans dat Economen binnen de komende 20 jaar vervangen zal worden door robots of kunstmatige intelligentie?


De volgende grafiek(en) zijn opgenomen waar er een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid stemmen is om betekenisvolle gegevens te leveren. Deze visuele weergaven tonen de resultaten van gebruikerspolls in de loop van de tijd, en geven een belangrijke indicatie van sentimenttrends.

Sentiment over tijd (per kwartaal)

Gevoel over tijd (jaarlijks)


Matige groei ten opzichte van andere beroepen

Het aantal 'Economists' vacatures zal naar verwachting stijgen met 5,7% tegen 2032

Totale werkgelegenheid en geschatte vacatures

* Gegevens van het Bureau of Labor Statistics voor de periode tussen 2021 en 2031
Bijgewerkte prognoses zijn verschuldigd 09-2023.


Zeer hoog betaald vergeleken met andere beroepen

In 2022 was het mediane jaarloon voor 'Economists' $ 113.940, of $ 54 per uur

'Economists' werden 146,0% hoger betaald dan het nationale mediane loon, dat op $ 46.310 stond.

Lonen in de loop van de tijd

* Gegevens van het Bureau voor Arbeidsstatistieken


Lager bereik van werkgelegenheden vergeleken met andere beroepen

Vanaf 2022 waren er 16.370 mensen in dienst als 'Economists' binnen de Verenigde Staten.

Dit vertegenwoordigt ongeveer < 0,001% van de werkende bevolking in het hele land.

Anders gezegd, ongeveer 1 op de 9 duizend mensen is werkzaam als 'Economists'.


Voer onderzoek uit, bereid rapporten voor, of formuleer plannen om economische problemen aan te pakken die verband houden met de productie en distributie van goederen en diensten of monetair en fiscaal beleid. Kan economische en statistische gegevens verzamelen en verwerken met behulp van bemonsteringstechnieken en econometrische methoden.

SOC Code: 19-3011.00


Als u overweegt een nieuwe carrière te beginnen, of van baan wilt veranderen, hebben we een handige zoektool voor banen gemaakt die u mogelijk helpt bij het vinden van die perfecte nieuwe functie.

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Jesus told me to own a gun (Zeer waarschijnlijk) zegt
economics is renowned for it's extremely poor level of accuracy due to economists ideological cognitive dissonance. AI will easily replace the industry with higher levels of accuracy and improved reaction time to problematic variables.
Dec 03, 2023 at 03:25
the truth (Zeer waarschijnlijk) zegt
economists are inherently flawed in their predictions and prescriptions as they lack insight in sciences such as sociology, social policy etc.

they consistantly display an inability to model any form of human behaviour and the lack of these variables in their data have lead to perpetual disaterous global economic crashes.

AI will doubtless surpass human economists in the very short term and as a result, large, medium and even small business will dispence with the need for any form of human based economic processes which offer very little financial return for the cost incurred.
Nov 09, 2023 at 09:07
Carlos Plácido Teixeira (Matig) zegt
The profession is full of routines in its analytical processes. Already today, recommendations for the best investments in bonds and stocks are starting to be made by artificial intelligence systems. If professionals insist on exclusively using econometric tools, then the probability tends to be even greater.
Aug 14, 2021 at 01:10
Miguel Villavicencio (Laag) zegt
As long as human interests define human decisions, economists will have an organic field.
May 25, 2021 at 04:14
Faisal Ali Al Zahrani zegt
There is no chance for Economists to run outta of jobs?!!

Cause economists are indeed in demand in "High Demand" and economists are aware of automations and risk of losing jobs.

So how the heck you would want a machine to take over the job?? Without human economists our economy will be unstable and not accurate at all.

We need human economists not "machines". Economists are highly important it's our society our life we couldn't live without it.

We don't expect businesses to fail we need to accommodate that.
Feb 24, 2021 at 01:07
Teg (Zeer waarschijnlijk) zegt
Society will reach a steady state where economic policy will be easily automated
Jan 25, 2021 at 02:40
Chris (Geen kans) zegt
Requires outside the box thinking that can't be programmed into a robot
Jan 17, 2021 at 08:46
Yehuda Porath (Laag) zegt
I'm an economist. Our "science" is made up of many things. Some of it, like the statistical work and data collection and processing, seems fairly roboticizable.

Much of the rest - The interpretations, the use of theory to explain results, figuring out why the theory often doesn't carry over to the real world, understanding the human behavior behind complex systems of humans messing things up together, figuring out why This Time Is (or isn't) Different - all this requires a great deal of intuition, persuasion, creativity, and intuitive leaps, in addition to the knowledge, information, data, and models we learn.

It doesn't at this time appear that we'll get AI that good within 2 decades. I suppose it's possible, we could hit the Singularity, but I doubt it in that time frame
Oct 12, 2020 at 06:58
Phillip Tussing zegt
Ha ha ha! OF COURSE economists will not be replaced! As Ludwig von Mises might say, it is impossible to "do economics" without humans. Ah, but teaching undergraduate economics can be done by pre-recorded videos, with grading done simply and automatically, and supervised by a few economists. And of course all the number-crunching required for corporate economics can be done by algorithms, supervised by a few human economists. And almost all the number-crunching in research work can be done by programs overseen by a few research economists. So... there will still be a few economics jobs...
Aug 10, 2020 at 03:00
rle (Zeer waarschijnlijk) zegt
If economist continue to create use regression analysis only looking at prior data then yes, there is no need to pay an analyst 100K to click a button anyone can do in excel. I've worked to automate these roles & actuarial positions.
Aug 08, 2020 at 02:53
Lol (No chance) zegt
The automation of analysis and modeling is a great and useful tool for economists (and actuaries). However, as time goes on, there is exponentially more "prior data" you were using with your automation. As new data is generated every day, we are constantly analyzing it to improve both the assumptions on which we base our models and our modeling techniques themselves.

I agree with you that the field will become automated, but not in the way that you mean it: as a one-time formula where you click a button and "the answer" is computed. Because economics (and actuarial science) are far from being fully understood. Likewise, their models are far from perfect at generating an ideal solution. To achieve a perfect model, all relevant pieces of information regarding how every individual human will make every future decision must be known (which is impossible), but because we have more data and analysis tools every day, the practice of studying economics will continue to be a valuable and profitable area of expertise.
Automation does not mean extinction!!!!
Oct 28, 2020 at 05:44
Tom zegt
It doesn't sound like you know what actuaries (and possibly economists) do. The spreadsheets full of calculations are a tool, not the product. The work you're describing is mostly done by uncredentialed junior "actuarial analysts" or even by interns.
Nov 09, 2021 at 06:27
Niko (Geen kans) zegt
The insights change as macro fundamentals change... a computer cannot understand the macro indicators, political influence, sentiment or expectations.. We still do not understand inflation
Jun 25, 2020 at 07:44
Anukul Bodile (Geen kans) zegt
I would have said that AI would replace economists if all humans were this mythical being called Homo economicus, someone who has no social affinities, no lapses of judgement or hang-ups, no capacity even for thinking about anyone besides him or herself.
May 12, 2020 at 09:04
Nerd sry zegt
Ahh yes, the assumption that humans are "rational decision-makers" in neoclassical models of economics. These optimization patterns not even close to the way our (non-robot) brains make decisions... Completely agree
Oct 28, 2020 at 05:06
Isaac Lemmen (Geen kans) zegt
It is mostly politics and rhetoric
Mar 06, 2020 at 09:10
Gino (Geen kans) zegt
La economia es la accion humana como diria ludwig von mises es imposible hacer economia sin humanos.

Economics is human action, as Ludwig von Mises would say, it is impossible to do economics without humans.
Jan 07, 2020 at 03:04
levi eleazar de oliveira bezerra (Laag) zegt
The economics sector studies human behaviour and is not a matter of exact since it requires creativity and study of society to be able to apply the changes and for this to happen and necessary the accompaniment to the effective result.
Jun 07, 2019 at 12:01

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