Diseñadores Gráficos

Riesgo Moderado
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(Riesgo Moderado)
(Alto Riesgo)
Average: 58%
para el año 2033
58.910 $
o 28,32 $ por hora
a partir de 2023

Las personas también vieron

Riesgo de automatización calculado

47% (Riesgo Moderado)

Riesgo Moderado (41-60%): Las ocupaciones con un riesgo moderado de automatización generalmente implican tareas rutinarias pero aún requieren cierto juicio e interacción humanos.

Más información sobre qué es esta puntuación y cómo se calcula está disponible aquí.

Algunas cualidades muy importantes del trabajo son difíciles de automatizar:

  • Bellas Artes

  • Originalidad

Algunas cualidades bastante importantes del trabajo son difíciles de automatizar:

  • Percepción Social

  • Negociación

  • Persuasión

Encuesta de usuarios

70% posibilidad de automatización completa en las próximas dos décadas

Nuestros visitantes han votado que es probable que esta ocupación se automatice. Esta evaluación se ve respaldada por el nivel de riesgo de automatización calculado, que estima una posibilidad del 47% de automatización.

¿Cuál crees que es el riesgo de la automatización?

¿Cuál es la probabilidad de que Diseñadores Gráficos sea reemplazado por robots o inteligencia artificial en los próximos 20 años?


El siguiente gráfico se incluye siempre que haya una cantidad sustancial de votos para generar datos significativos. Estas representaciones visuales muestran los resultados de las encuestas de usuarios a lo largo del tiempo, proporcionando una indicación importante de las tendencias de sentimiento.

Sentimiento a lo largo del tiempo (trimestralmente)

Sentimiento a lo largo del tiempo (anualmente)


Crecimiento lento en comparación con otras profesiones.

Se espera que el número de ofertas de trabajo para 'Graphic Designers' aumente 2,5% para 2033

Empleo total y estimaciones de vacantes laborales

* Datos de la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales para el período entre 2023 y 2033
Las proyecciones actualizadas se deben 09-2025.


Moderadamente remunerado en relación con otras profesiones

En 2023, el salario anual mediano para 'Graphic Designers' fue de 58.910 $, o 28 $ por hora.

'Graphic Designers' recibieron un salario 22,6% más alto que el salario medio nacional, que se situó en 48.060 $

Salarios a lo largo del tiempo

* Datos de la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales


Mayor rango de oportunidades laborales en comparación con otras profesiones

A partir de 2023, había 212.720 personas empleadas como 'Graphic Designers' dentro de los Estados Unidos.

Esto representa alrededor del 0,14% de la fuerza laboral empleada en todo el país.

Dicho de otra manera, alrededor de 1 de cada 713 personas están empleadas como 'Graphic Designers'.

Descripción del trabajo

Diseñe o cree gráficos para satisfacer necesidades comerciales o promocionales específicas, como empaques, exhibiciones o logotipos. Puede utilizar una variedad de medios para lograr efectos artísticos o decorativos.

SOC Code: 27-1024.00


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Crazy (Moderado) 15 days ago
It's undeniably possible. Rapidly improving, despite many efforts. By 20 years, I believe that generative "art" will be able to imitate a style perfectly, given proper instruction.
0 0 Reply
Steve (Bajo) 2 months ago
High barrier of entry, high returns and low maintenance career after about 15,000 hours.
2 1 Reply
79_sketches (Incierto) 3 months ago
A couple of years ago this was less than 5%. It is scary to see this advance in just 2 years
3 1 Reply
Anonymous message (Incierto) 9 months ago
It involves designing, which might make it unpredictable. Coding involves a set of rules. If you remember the rules, you can write code easily.

But that's not the case with designing. Though designing has rules, it's not as rigid as coding.
3 10 Reply
Jake (Incierto) 9 months ago
AI, at its current stages, can only replicate patterns it sees in the images and text it’s given. It isn’t capable of the knowledge behind the design choices in Graphic Design. AI doesn’t understand anatomy, color theory, or other aspects of art. However, this doesn’t mean that it can’t in the future, and it certainly doesn’t mean it can’t fool us into thinking it knows what it’s doing.
11 1 Reply
Max (Muy probablemente) 9 months ago
AI has shown that it is increasingly capable of creating art when given instructions, which will make being a graphic designer an unnecessary position in the coming decades.
4 15 Reply
h 9 months ago
Just no. AI art looks and will always look awful and soulless. People who say "ohhh its ai it'll look better in the future" just dont know how AI works. AI isnt gonna replace ANY creative processes, EVER.
24 5 Reply
Jim 27 days ago
This will have aged terribly 10 years from now.
2 3 Reply
skibidi (Moderado) 9 months ago
AI keeps getting better with graphic design in general. Just look at things like Sora by OpenAI or the Microsoft Bing Image Creator, and then think about what that'll look like in a couple of years.
2 2 Reply
nyah (Bajo) 9 months ago
motion graphics is too perfect to replicate
6 0 Reply
Azazel (Bajo) 9 months ago
Looking that artist fight back against artificial intelligence by making Anti-AI Flitters that seems to lower the risk not to mention what you put as a reason for 34% risk which is that It's hard to automate Originality, fine arts.etc not to mention that every single artist have their own style even in the umbrella terms, for example you can't say style in Toilet Bound Hanako kun is the same as one in Blue Exorcist.etc.
In short: Even if hard it in theory could be possible, but I'm more for making that AI + Artist combo to help people with drawing.
6 1 Reply
Ravi j (Incierto) 9 months ago
I mean we can't say anything at this moment the a.i design are polish n all but it fails in communicating the message of the design, need a human to assist n monitor.
1 0 Reply
Bee (Incierto) 10 months ago
Hard to say, because AI is doing a pretty good job at creating art. However, it still has a way to go with hands and the CGI look a lot of the art it creates has.
1 4 Reply
Tvrbo (Moderado) 10 months ago
It is more likely that designers will use artificial intelligence as a tool, as there are things that artificial intelligence will not be able to do, such as creating a completely original and coherent branding system.
2 0 Reply
josh (Muy probablemente) 10 months ago
its easy to train ai on boring corporate designs
1 1 Reply
Nikkolas (Muy probablemente) 10 months ago
There's already a viral video out right now about a graphic designer who has 8 years of experience being made redundant by ai...
3 5 Reply
Bob (Moderado) 10 months ago
Due to the rise of generative AI, companies will be incentivized to use AI databases that are relevant to what they do in order to cut costs. While some demand for graphic designers may still exist for more creativity demanding areas, I believe it won't be enough to answer an increasing supply of out-of-job graphic designers
0 0 Reply
marvin jakata (Moderado) 11 months ago
i would say moderate because in as much as AI is coming there still will need that using touch combined with it but then also the market might become too overcrowded with more and more people coming into the design space.
0 0 Reply
Wil 12 months ago
Clients will not pay designers handsomely because 90 percent of the work will be done with Ai tools such as Dalle 3. Small adjustments takes minutes in photoshop and can be done in-house by almost anyone.
0 0 Reply
Sponge Bob Squarepants (Incierto) 12 months ago
20 years is a long time. Would you have expected this AI boom twenty years ago? Who knows how fast AI will develop in the future. Imagine showing someone SORA twenty years ago. They would be in disbelief.

Graphic design is too broad of a term in my opinion. There's logo design, web design, package design, wayfinding design, branding, mobile design, t-shirt design, print design, poster design, and much more.

Digital art and illustrations I think are already under threat. When the art being generated is general and the boundaries of art are more forgiving, then the general nature of AI will thrive. But for more exacting work like logo design, web design, and package design, AI struggles from my experience.

I have played around with Adobe's built-in AI tools for Illustrator and Photoshop. While they're cool to play with, I often find myself wasting time playing prompt engineering, when I could have created something on my own faster. If I as a designer don't have patience to prompt-engineer my way into a design, I'm certain clients won't either.

There's also levels to graphic design. Maybe AI will get rid of the bad designers and the bad clients! But the precise, custom, unique work that many clients look for is hard to replace.

Lastly, being a graphic designer is more than just the technical skills. It's about directing a vision for the design. Even if AI is 100% perfect, it may not understand the client's needs.

1 0 Reply
Agt (Bajo) 1 year ago
Clients will get designs from automated AI, but they will start to look all very similar, lacking personality. A good graphic designer can listen to their clients and deliver what they ask, get feedback and adjust accordingly
7 2 Reply

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