
Mírné riziko
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(Mírné riziko)
(Mírné riziko)
Average: 46%
do roku 2033
31 510 $
nebo 15,15 $ za hodinu
711 140
k datu 2023

Lidé také zobrazili

Vypočítané riziko automatizace

49% (Mírné riziko)

Střední riziko (41-60%): Profese se středním rizikem automatizace obvykle zahrnují rutinní úkoly, ale stále vyžadují určité lidské úsudky a interakci.

Další informace o tom, co tento skóre je a jak se vypočítává, jsou k dispozici zde.

Některé poměrně důležité vlastnosti práce jsou těžko automatizovatelné:

  • Pomoc a péče o ostatní

  • Sociální vnímavost

  • Manuální zručnost

  • Přesvědčování

  • Obratnost prstů

Anketa uživatelů

44% šance na plnou automatizaci v následujících dvou desetiletích

Naši návštěvníci hlasovali, že si nejsou jisti, zda bude toto povolání automatizováno. Toto hodnocení je dále podpořeno vypočítanou úrovní rizika automatizace, která odhaduje 49% šanci na automatizaci.

Jaký si myslíte, že je riziko automatizace?

Jaká je pravděpodobnost, že Barmani bude během příštích 20 let nahrazen roboty nebo umělou inteligencí?


Následující graf je zahrnut všude tam, kde je dostatečné množství hlasů pro vytvoření smysluplných dat. Tyto vizuální reprezentace zobrazují výsledky uživatelských anket v průběhu času a poskytují významný náznak trendů nálad.

Nálada v průběhu času (ročně)


Velmi rychlý růst ve srovnání s ostatními profesemi

Počet pracovních míst pro 'Bartenders' se očekává, že se zvýší o 8,8% do roku 2033

Celkové zaměstnanost a odhadované pracovní nabídky

* Údaje od Úřadu pro statistiku práce pro období mezi 2023 a 2033
Aktualizované projekce jsou splatné 09-2025.


Velmi nízký plat ve srovnání s ostatními profesemi

V 2023 byla mediánová roční mzda pro 'Bartenders' 31 510 $, což je 15 $ za hodinu.

"Bartenders" byli placeni o 34,4% méně než národní mediánový plat, který činil 48 060 $

Mzdy v průběhu času

Data od Úřadu pro statistiku práce


Výrazně širší škála pracovních příležitostí ve srovnání s ostatními profesemi

K 2023 bylo v Spojených státech zaměstnáno 711 140 lidí na pozici 'Bartenders'.

Tohle představuje kolem 0,47% zaměstnané pracovní síly po celé zemi.

Jinými slovy, přibližně 1 z 213 lidí je zaměstnán jako 'Bartenders'.

Popis práce

Míchejte a podávejte nápoje zákazníkům, ať už přímo nebo prostřednictvím obsluhy.

SOC Code: 35-3011.00


Leave a comment

Memer (Žádná šance) 25 days ago
The job is about customer connection and the ability to understand a person’s taste, something that is extremely if not impossible to automate.
0 1 Reply
Bill bob (Mírný) 5 months ago
Tech moves so fast and why pay a wait staff when you could buy AI Bots that dont get sick don't need personal days don't need tips don't need wages food prices go down
0 2 Reply
TLB (Nízký) 1 year ago
There will always be a demand for human interaction. They can go ahead and automate the service well though.
0 2 Reply
Chris (Nízký) 1 year ago
While people could buy a beer or a mixed drink from a vending machine, I don't think that is what people are looking for when they go to the bar. Maybe at a club where something else is the main focus.
0 2 Reply
Anthony (Žádná šance) 3 years ago
The hospitality skills that bartenders use on a daily basis are simply irreplaceable by machines. It's possible that SOME establishments could automate certain aspects of the process but I can't see a world where bar staff are eliminated entirely. People come to bars to socialize, and for many people, particularly to socialize with the staff.
0 2 Reply
Evgo The Bartender (Žádná šance) 3 years ago
Unless AI becomes so advanced that it can feel emotions, there is no way a robot can replace a human being, as a bartender.

A bartender is much more than a cocktail machine, the bartender is the face of the establishment, and you cannot automate the experience of sitting and chatting with a bartender.
0 2 Reply
Jonny 9 months ago
Imagine not having to wait forever to get another round of drinks, automation of that job would be great!
0 2 Reply
Brisn (Velmi pravděpodobné) 3 years ago
Bartenders are slow to make drinks when lines are long which leads to upset and lost customers. AI and automated bartending processes won’t be hard to develop to replace this job and serve customer to make them happier through a quicker service while also making bar owners cut down on costs and get more repeat customers.
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ec (Nízký) 3 years ago
A robot can pour a drink but its going to be a while until they can listen to you talk about your problems
0 1 Reply
Anonymous bartender (Nízký) 4 years ago
Main reason why bartenders will NOT be replaced by robots: mixing and serving the cocktails are only a small portion of the job. The social interaction is the most important part about being a good bartender. Can the robot be a little more efficient or faster? Sure. The hourly labor costs of a bartender does not warrant a need by any owner to replace a human with a robot. The vast majority of most bartenders’ income is from tips. Owners of companies who would find it reasonable to replace humans with robots are humans in different industries where social interaction isn’t the biggest part of the job, who have a higher hourly rate.
0 1 Reply
Tristan (Nízký) 4 years ago
Many people have pointed out many reasons why this is unlikely: bartenders aren't expensive to begin with, bartenders provide social interaction that can't be raplaced by a robot, not enough big financial interest in the bar industry, etc.

There are other things that bartenders do that can't be automated, like being de facto security in bars with no bouncers. You wouldn't expect a robot to be able to identify a drunk and disorderly customer and eject them from the bar any time soon; even if the technology is there the legality of it seems lightyears away.
0 2 Reply
Andria (Mírný) 5 years ago
It wouldn't be that hard to have all alcoholic beverages available for use from a robot. It's very easy to program the recipes into a robot as well so it will know exactly how to make it; even faster than humans as we would have to look up an unknown recipe, taking longer than a robot could look one up.
0 2 Reply
Aidan 5 years ago
There isn't really a NEED to automate a bartender. They aren't paid that much to begin with, so automating them wouldn't render them all that cost effective. I also doubt the efficiency of getting your drink to begin with would fluctuate all that much. With current technology and the limits of our ability to replicate human dexterity, it's unlikely that the speed and accuracy of a bartender could have any competition to begin with. Think about the customer service aspect as well, who wants to be served by a lifeless robot that just scans you as another customer to serve?
0 2 Reply
Bell (Nízký) 5 years ago
I could see big chains with money doing this, especially restaurants, or places that have less human contact behind the bar.

Smaller places, no. Not enough money.

Bartenders make up a lot of the charm (or frustration) of going out, and automating this literally would take the life out of a place and probably backfire.
0 2 Reply
Lee Springer 5 years ago
When robots mix drinks at the bars I'm going to be the saddest person at the bar since I tend to drink alone. Time to put my phone away and attempt conversation with the other humans.
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Jesse (Nejistý) 5 years ago
Bartenders serve libations to Humans. Humans are social beings who drink when socializing. Chances are Humans will go drink to escape robots.
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Anon 5 years ago
Some bartnders have prevented suicides, I feel you can't automate that human experience that a lot of people go to a bar for.
0 2 Reply
Lance O'Conner 6 years ago
I can't talk to a robot about Karen taking the kids
0 2 Reply

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