مترجمون ومُترجمين

مخاطرة عالية
إلى أين ترغب في الذهاب بعد ذلك؟
شارك نتائجك مع الأصدقاء والعائلة.
أو، استكشف هذه المهنة بمزيد من التفصيل...
خطر الأتمتة
(مخاطرة عالية)
(مخاطرة عالية)
Average: 72٪؜
طلب العمل
بحلول العام 2033
57٬090 $
أو 27٫44 $ في الساعة
اعتبارا من 2023
نقاط الوظيفة

الأشخاص قاموا أيضاً بالمشاهدة

مخاطر الأتمتة المحسوبة

70٪؜ (مخاطرة عالية)

مخاطرة عالية (61-80%): الوظائف في هذه الفئة تواجه تهديدًا كبيرًا من التحول الى الأتمتة، حيث يمكن أتمتة العديد من مهامها بسهولة باستخدام التكنولوجيا الحالية أو التكنولوجيا المستقبلية القريبة.

مزيد من المعلومات حول ما هذه النتيجة، وكيف يتم حسابها متوفرة هنا.

بعض الصفات المهمة جداً للوظيفة صعبة التحويل إلى أتمتة:

  • الإدراك الاجتماعي

  • مساعدة ورعاية الآخرين

  • الأصالة

استطلاع رأي المستخدمين

فرصة 74٪؜ للأتمتة الكاملة خلال العقدين القادمين

صوت زوارنا بأنه من المحتمل أن يتم أتمتة هذه المهنة. يدعم هذا التقييم أيضًا بواسطة مستوى خطر الأتمتة المحسوب، الذي يقدر بـ 70٪؜ فرصة للأتمتة.

ما هو رأيك في مخاطر الأتمتة؟

ما هي احتمالية أن يتم استبدال مترجمون ومُترجمين بالروبوتات أو الذكاء الاصطناعي في غضون العشرين سنة المقبلة؟


يتم تضمين الرسم البياني التالي في أي مكان يوجد فيه عدد كبير من الأصوات لتقديم بيانات ذات مغزى. تعرض هذه التمثيلات المرئية نتائج استطلاعات المستخدمين على مر الزمن، مما يوفر دلالة مهمة على اتجاهات المشاعر.

المشاعر على مر الزمن (ربع سنوي)

المشاعر على مر الزمن (سنوياً)


نمو بطيء نسبياً مقارنة بالمهن الأخرى.

من المتوقع أن يزداد 2٫3٪؜ عدد فرص العمل المتاحة لـ 'Interpreters and Translators' بحلول 2033

التوظيف الكلي، وفتحات الوظائف المقدرة

* بيانات من مكتب إحصاءات العمل للفترة ما بين 2021 و 2031
من المتوقع تحديث التوقعات في 09-2024.


مدفوع بشكل معتدل بالنسبة للمهن الأخرى

في 2023، بلغ الأجر السنوي الوسيط لـ 'Interpreters and Translators' 57٬090 $، أو 27 $ في الساعة

تم دفع "Interpreters and Translators" بمقدار 18٫8٪؜ أعلى من الأجر الوسيط الوطني، الذي بلغ 48٬060 $

الأجور على مر الزمن

* بيانات من مكتب إحصاءات العمل


مجموعة متوسطة من فرص العمل مقارنة بالمهن الأخرى

بحلول 2023 كان هناك 51٬560 شخص يعملون كـ 'Interpreters and Translators' داخل الولايات المتحدة.

هذا يمثل حوالي < 0٫001٪؜ من القوى العاملة الموظفة في جميع أنحاء البلاد

بتعبير آخر، حوالي 1 من كل 2 ألف أشخاص يعملون كـ 'Interpreters and Translators'.

وصف الوظيفة

تفسير اللغة الشفوية أو اللغة الإشارة، أو ترجمة النص المكتوب من لغة إلى أخرى.

SOC Code: 27-3091.00


ابحث عن وظائف في منطقتك المحلية

إذا كنت تفكر في بدء مهنة جديدة، أو تبحث عن تغيير وظائفك، فقد قمنا بإنشاء أداة بحث عملية قد تساعدك في الحصول على الدور الجديد المثالي.

ابحث عن وظائف في منطقتك المحلية


Leave a comment

Irene (منخفض) 3 months ago
It depends on what you translate. If technical documents, sure, it will be automated. But if you translate fiction or poetry, it requires creativity.
3 0 Reply
Alejandro (منخفض) 3 months ago
Interpreters have abilities to determine cultural and other linguistic niches that AI wont be able to pick up on, making interpreters unlikely to be replaced, however translators will be replaced by AI due to the ability of current AI to easily translate the language and written materials given,
1 2 Reply
Jason 4 months ago
A.I. would not be able to interpret American Sign Language yet at this point, so would A.I. be taking Interpreting Sign Language jobs?

No not a chance.
1 0 Reply
Kayla (من المحتمل جدا) 6 months ago
We've got ai that can speak different languages. Surely translating them isn't far off
0 0 Reply
Katie (معتدل) 6 months ago
Because even if a robot can translate one language to the other, there still needs to be a human moderator to make sure everything is correct, or culturally sensitive.
0 0 Reply
Beatriz 3 months ago
I agree with you. I hope we are right about it and A.I. don't replace us.
3 0 Reply
MayPat (منخفض) 8 months ago
I don't think AI would be able to translate or interpret flawlessly. AI is just stored info which is being displayed. It can't understand phrases or casual slangs unless they are encoded in it. A human could do it naturally as they have had an experience of it. AI is just a ' just in case' and still it is not even close to being accurate. A few languages can only be spoken, amd I don't think such languages could be added into a machine. It's hereditary sometimes and you just pick up a language. Language is just a ton of practice. AI might be able to translate but I think I would still prefer a human cause they know what they are saying unlike machines which just try to use what they have been fed with. More the natural and casual more understandable.

Ps : Google translate is still funny, I tried translating 1 sentence into like almost all languages and the sentence was not even close to what I had originally typed. I don't think it's gonna get better
4 0 Reply
Constantin (معتدل) 8 months ago
AI is getting better and better at translating texts, however some of them still struggling with understanding the context, but I think this is just a matter of time
2 0 Reply
A (منخفض) 8 months ago
People want people, not machines. People feel culturally and socially comfortable with those who share their language, and that'll never happen with a robot.
2 0 Reply
Ashwin Naik 9 months ago
Working with my marketing and sales team on a huge project, we needed to translate a ton of images and content into multiple languages. That's when we found Translate.photo. This tool has been a game-changer for us, allowing us to translate creatives into 75+ languages with just one click on Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, and Canva. What used to take days now only takes a few hours, making our workflow incredibly efficient. Plus, it’s been a lifesaver for creating content for my ecommerce and dropshipping businesses. If you need to go global effortlessly, definitely check out Translate.photo!
1 1 Reply
Amelia 1 month ago
LMAO, and you'll get decades worth of expenses for a small business once someone from those 75+ languages full of translation errors takes your business to court. AI can only translate decently a handful of languages and still won't be error-free. Most of the output you're presenting to your clients is complete garbage.
0 0 Reply
Milan (من المحتمل جدا) 10 months ago
Machine translation has existed for a few years and neural networks and AI will take it to the next level. As an example, Google Translate does poor with context and slang. ChatGPT on the other hand, was never intentionally taught to translate, but I found it does far better on understanding modern slang and making sure the sentences it generate actually make sense. With interpretation, the biggest difficulty for humans is short-term memory. AI does not have this issue.
1 0 Reply
Noskaj (لا فرصة) 10 months ago
Ai won’t be able to translate context in some languages and it will over complicate words a native would never say
1 0 Reply
D (من المحتمل جدا) 11 months ago
an interpreters job requires you to have incredibly good short term memory and a large vocabulary that you can access instantly. A human will always show flaws in these regards, when compared to a machine. This in turn leads to a good probability of miscommunication. In my opinion, human interpreters will only be neccessary in high end communication, and yet still it might be better for them to be correcting the work of a computer, than interpreting themselves. The only things that save this job are government requirements for some administrative proccesses, the need to demonstrate wealth in some cases and the cultural differences, that an interpreter can notice in live conversations.
1 0 Reply
Johanna Ellsworth 11 months ago
Translators and texters are already scrambling for work at ridiculously low rates today (in 2024). I have seen several quotes made by German translator colleagues that are being "offered" payment of € 0,1 (approx. 1 USD) per word... I especially see the danger of future bland literature, media articles and movie scripts "created" by AI, which will shape future generations into creatures that won't think creatively, artistically and critically. Only that which is imperfect, i.e. slightly off, is art...
3 0 Reply
Remigiusz (معتدل) 1 year ago
While computer translators are getting better and better they are still far from perfect. They made simple mistakes, often translating too literally. That's why I believe that there will be place for a human overseer, at least for now.
0 0 Reply
Ildiko (معتدل) 1 year ago
Machine translation develops amazingly fast and well. Mostly based on the already translated texts. I welcome that when using machine translation, I don't have to type the words, the software does it for me.

However, we humans are still needed to correct the sometimes amazingly stupid solutions the machine offers when the text is completely new and there are no precedents. Anyway, I would not advise my daughter to choose this profession, except when she likes text editing...
0 0 Reply
Kareem (منخفض) 1 year ago
Context, culture and words that have multiple different meanings will be hard to understand for AI. The hardest languages will be unlikely to get replaced by AI
0 0 Reply
Daniel Valdes (منخفض) 1 year ago
I have been a medical interpreter for some time now and I really don't see our job being replaced soon. Just in one language there are dozens of different dialects and registers which can include a lot of different words to refer to the same thing. You have to read the context around the conversation to make sense of all of the senseless things the low English proficient client says sometimes.

Also interpreters and translators are two very different jobs with different automation risks, I don't think they should be together in one category.
0 0 Reply
Carlos Fiuza (من المحتمل جدا) 1 year ago
Note that translation (converting a written text from one language to another) and interpretation (converting a live speech from one language to another) are different activities.

Both are likely to be automated in the near future, since there are no constraints in this realm that cannot be overcome by AI, sooner or later.

Nevertheless, automation will probably come much sooner to translation (as a matter of fact, to a great extent it already has) than to interpretation.
0 0 Reply
Amelia 1 month ago
It has been claimed that AI will fully automate translation in the near future for around 80 years. Translation has decades more of AI research than most other use cases and billions of dollars more worth of investment. And AI still isn't close to overcoming those constraints. In the meantime we have seen many jobs come close to being replaced within months of the public rise of LLMs, with a fraction of the investment.

Your claim that "there are no constraints in this realm that cannot be overcome by AI" is extremely bold because all the evidence points to the opposite. Time and time again it has failed to overcome the barriers to replacing translators even with investment several magnitudes higher in time and money than has been thrown at other industries where AI already has overcome most barriers.

This should be fairly obvious, given AI remains completely unable to understand language.
0 0 Reply
Jalves (منخفض) 1 year ago
A really good translation cannot be mimicked by AI simply because AI can't distinguish social cues necessary to humor.
0 0 Reply
Cheesd Pepperoni (معتدل) 1 year ago
translators already exist, and with the rapid advance of AI that we're seeing even today, i think that translators will be almost completely phased out except for a couple sensitive applications here and there
0 0 Reply

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