Nhạc sĩ và Ca sĩ

mức độ rủi ro
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* Dữ liệu từ Cục Thống kê Lao động cho giai đoạn từ 2021 đến 2031
Dự báo cập nhật sẽ được công bố vào 09-2023.

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Để lại một bình luận

MainEditor nói
AAAAAAND Suno AI and Udio AI came to this world... This was faster than we expected!
Apr 13, 2024 at 01:27 CH
Cornelius (Thấp) nói
Audiences want to know their favourite musicians as people. For AI to replace them, it would have to replace them in all the functions of celebrity, not merely musical performance.
Mar 06, 2024 at 12:37 CH
Minh Đức (Thấp) nói
If we work in a profession related to music, we must have imagination to produce a perfect work. That is something robots cannot do.
Oct 06, 2023 at 11:09 SA
Mr.Unknown nói
AI cannot bring in the authenticity and emotions of a human voice.

Also about the creativity, AI may not be able to think and come up with some new creative ability when it comes to music as it will only produce what it knows, where as a musicians creativity is spontaneous you'd never know what clicks in your mind all of a sudden and becomes something that is loved by the world.
Aug 09, 2023 at 09:38 SA
Paul Wainwright (Không có cơ hội) nói
Musicians and singers are employed in two ways: recording and live performance. Recording is sure to eliminate most jobs, but the live performance will endure.
Aug 02, 2023 at 03:43 CH
Tyson N (Ôn định) nói
I've seen so much covers using AI, and to be honest they are improving so much in such a short time. Eventually AI will sound no different from human singers
Jun 23, 2023 at 12:35 SA
Brewer Shettles (Rất có khả năng) nói
AI will never rest. Will constantly learn. Will revise rules as it learns. Will set high goals and constantly exceed them.
Jun 19, 2023 at 05:19 CH
anonymous (Thấp) nói
The problem with generative ai music as it exists at this moment, is that it doesn’t do a good job at translating what’s in the artist’s head into the generated file. Sure, you may get a track that fits the bill, but it’s not gonna be the sound that’s in your head. Maybe it will one day, but you can’t be too sure.
Jun 19, 2023 at 01:02 SA
Richard (Rất có khả năng) nói
AI models such as Google’s MusicLM will make the process of manually writing and recording music totally obsolete in the very near future. Considering the music industry is currently in a state of collapse, these changes will be welcomed by most of society.
Jun 01, 2023 at 04:01 SA
laila (Thấp) nói
became humans have more creativity
May 30, 2023 at 01:20 SA
Otis (Thấp) nói
AI isn't really AI, but an advanced automation learning algorithm. It can replicate, but it can't actually create. To do that, it would require actual self awareness.
May 24, 2023 at 01:05 CH
bocchi nói
Music, at least with more artistic intent than commercial success, is embedded with humanity. Human singing is different from AI -- I am a vocaloid fan, but vocaloids are fictional characters. We can't truly connect with or idolise them as much as human musicians.
This reality is literally Carole and Tuesday.
May 12, 2023 at 08:10 CH
Brandon Finley nói
I thought online live shows would be able to take over real shows during COVID, but post-COVID it's pretty apparent that fans wanna see their favorite artists live and rock out.
Apr 11, 2023 at 01:07 CH
diarmuid (Thấp) nói
the element of emotion and personality associated with musicianship is a very human trait and i do not believe that this can be replicated by artificial intelligence at least for now
Apr 01, 2023 at 11:07 SA
Sloan. (Thấp) nói
Although there is robots that can play instruments I think nothing will ever recreate human feelings and human error and flaws. The beauty of music is that we suck at it and can be vulnerable. You make your trip ups part of the dance.
Mar 12, 2023 at 04:35 SA
K (Không chắc chắn) nói
Music making is getting easier, hence more of the less talented ones can make good music. With the help of the AI, creating a good song, will be very easy. And relatively good music producers will flood the industry.

And pricewise: Even free and open source software, like Ardour and MIXXX are good nowadays. It is getting cheaper setting up a studio.

More people in the music industry = Less money
Jan 06, 2023 at 05:10 CH
Sammy (Không có cơ hội) nói
Nothing compares to songs you know have come from a real places, and absolutely nothing compares to seeing those songs played live by real people standing mere meters away…
Dec 29, 2022 at 04:39 SA
Gabriel (Thấp) nói
I am a composer and know exactly what the AI is capable of doing. For some styles of music, where nobody cares who made the music, yes, it will suffice. Random sound and underscore behind video games, for example.

But we, as humans, love a good backstory, overcoming obstacles and connecting at an emotional level. So, I think the immediate future is cyborg. We will use AI but will add ourselves to it.

I listen to a lot of this software's output, and the music feels random.
Dec 19, 2022 at 12:50 CH
AJ (Không chắc chắn) nói
Music creation will mostly be replaced by AI, but live performances will be hard to replace.
Oct 06, 2022 at 01:40 CH
Peter (Không có cơ hội) nói
Originality and interpretation requires combination emotion and knowledge
Sep 27, 2022 at 08:44 CH

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