Tài xế xe tải nặng và xe kéo rơ mooc

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Hoặc, Khám Phá Nghề Nghiệp Này Chi Tiết Hơn...
(Rủi ro sắp xảy ra)
(Rủi ro thấp)
Average: 61%
Nhu cầu lao động
vào năm 2033
54.320 $
hoặc 26,11 $ mỗi giờ
Dung tích
tính đến 2023

Người khác cũng đã xem

Rủi ro tự động hóa đã được tính toán

86% (Rủi ro sắp xảy ra)

Rủi ro Ngay lập tức (81-100%): Những nghề nghiệp ở mức độ này có khả năng cực kỳ cao sẽ bị tự động hóa trong tương lai gần. Những công việc này chủ yếu bao gồm các tác vụ lặp đi lặp lại, dễ dự đoán và ít cần đến sự phán đoán của con người.

Thêm thông tin về điểm số này, và cách tính nó có sẵn ở đây.

Một số phẩm chất khá quan trọng của công việc khó có thể tự động hóa:

  • Khéo léo bằng tay

Cuộc thăm dò ý kiến của người dùng

37% cơ hội để tự động hóa hoàn toàn trong hai thập kỷ tới

Khách truy cập của chúng tôi đã bầu chọn rằng có khả năng thấp công việc này sẽ được tự động hóa. Tuy nhiên, mức độ rủi ro tự động hóa mà chúng tôi đã tạo ra cho thấy khả năng tự động hóa cao hơn nhiều: 86% khả năng tự động hóa.

Bạn nghĩ rủi ro của việc tự động hóa là gì?

Khả năng nào mà Tài xế xe tải nặng và xe kéo rơ mooc sẽ bị thay thế bởi robot hoặc trí tuệ nhân tạo trong 20 năm tới?

Tình cảm

Biểu đồ sau đây được bao gồm ở bất cứ nơi nào có một lượng lớn phiếu bầu để tạo ra dữ liệu có ý nghĩa. Những biểu đồ trực quan này hiển thị kết quả thăm dò ý kiến của người dùng theo thời gian, cung cấp một chỉ báo quan trọng về xu hướng cảm xúc.

Cảm xúc theo thời gian (hàng năm)

Sự phát triển

Tăng trưởng vừa phải so với các ngành nghề khác

Số lượng vị trí làm việc 'Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers' dự kiến sẽ tăng 4,6% vào năm 2033

Tổng số việc làm, và dự kiến số vị trí tuyển dụng

* Dữ liệu từ Cục Thống kê Lao động cho giai đoạn từ 2023 đến 2033
Dự báo cập nhật sẽ được công bố vào 09-2025.


Được trả lương ở mức vừa phải so với các ngành nghề khác

Tại 2023, mức lương hàng năm trung bình cho 'Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers' là 54.320 $, hoặc 26 $ mỗi giờ

'Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers' đã được trả mức lương cao hơn 13,0% so với mức lương trung bình toàn quốc, đứng ở mức 48.060 $

Lương theo thời gian

* Dữ liệu từ Cục Thống kê Lao động

Dung tích

Phạm vi cơ hội nghề nghiệp đáng kể lớn hơn so với các ngành nghề khác

Tính đến 2023, có 2.044.400 người được tuyển dụng làm 'Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers' tại Hoa Kỳ.

Điều này đại diện cho khoảng 1,3% lực lượng lao động có việc làm trên toàn quốc

Nói cách khác, khoảng 1 trong 74 người được tuyển dụng làm 'Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers'.

Mô tả công việc

Lái một sự kết hợp giữa xe kéo và rơ-moóc hoặc một chiếc xe tải có khả năng chở ít nhất 26,001 pounds Trọng lượng Tổng xe (GVW). Có thể yêu cầu phải dỡ hàng khỏi xe tải. Yêu cầu giấy phép lái xe thương mại. Bao gồm cả những tài xế xe kéo.

SOC Code: 53-3032.00

Bình luận

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Al 19 days ago
I will never feel comfortable driving around an autonomous 18 wheeler, think about the road & severe weather conditions, someone hijacking into the technology, or stealing cargo from the trailers, specialized trucking like flatbed, hazmat tanker, oversized, touch frieght, and who's going to do the pre trip & connect the air/electrical lines? And god forbid accidentally killing someone who will catch the manslaughter charge?
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Stan (Không có cơ hội) 7 months ago
The roads are not well maintained and smooth causing weather to be a high judgment factor.
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Kevin (Thấp) 7 months ago
AI cannot adapt to road conditions, it also can not chain tires, drop trailers or easily re route in a big truck. It's very unlikely that big class A trucks will be replaced by an AI, unless trillions are spent on inferstucre. Also thefts would be much more of a problem along with safety features.

Imagine thieves braking in front of a big truck and it stops as to not hit them and they look the trailer or disconnect it.

There's too much liability, along with small tasks and decisions that need to be made on the fly.

It's much more likely doctors and lawyers will be replaced first because AI could diagnose you and do surgical procedures. 1 doctor or lawyer could open up a practice and manage hundreds of clients with a powerful enough AI before class A trucks could be safely implemented and insured.
1 1 Reply
Evan (Không chắc chắn) 11 months ago
because i think that we could make self driving trucks, but the driver itself has to problem solve like first off what if the truck is about to run over a car but the sencors are broken in that area. but if we had a human driver then they could problem solve and quick swerve away
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Lars 11 months ago
I don't think automation will be possible within 50 years for this type of work. Just think of the train that in the maximum line could also be automated immediately, but if you always try to have a train driver on board. Artificial intelligence is still too immature to be used in such a dangerous job. In conclusion, the truck driver is a job that is still too specialized and varied, to be robotic.
1 0 Reply
Shayne Thomas (Thấp) 1 year ago
I just don't believe autonomous trucking could become a thing unless people were to give up their ability to drive themselves. If no one drove and it was just robots then it is a very plausible scenario. It would probably be safer and more efficient than if humans were driving the same trucks. The counter to that, I would say, is that it would only be that way if only robots were driving. This is because of human error, being impatient, not being a good driver, and driving under the influence. There are many factors to include when putting human drivers into the equation that cannot be calculated by a machine. Personally, I don't want to give up my own freedom to drive so companies could be slightly more efficient and I'm sure there are a lot of others who would feel similar.
1 0 Reply
Josh (Không chắc chắn) 1 year ago
Seems no one has visited this section in awhile. I think it's safe to say all previous comments and this assessment itself was based off over-hyped technology that has proven to be much more complicated than initially thought. The eventual automation of commercial drivers is probably high but still decades away with the current challenges.
1 0 Reply
Anonymous (Không chắc chắn) 2 years ago
It's going to be automated; it's not debatable. The question is, "How soon will it happen?" My guess is that it's going to take another 20 to 50 years before the technology is sophisticated enough to displace human beings. At that point, it'd no longer be an attractive or plausible occupation for most.

If you're in your 30s, you can likely still make an income from trucking, and you may even be able to ride it out until retirement. However, if you're the next generation of kids, probably not.
1 0 Reply
Jeremy 2 years ago
It's truly the case that Tesla is leading with the new Cyber Trucks and future models. How much profit can be made by just selling 1,000 trucks? There is a huge market.

All they need is a new law with dedicated trucker lanes, similar to bike or bus lanes.
0 0 Reply
2nd rule of the pirate code: Curfew by 10 PM 1 year ago
"All they need is a new law with dedicated trucker lanes, similar to bike or bus lanes."
So, you want a dedicated lane for a Heavy vehicle to drive through, which the heavy vehicle in question is dedicated solely to transporting materials and goods.

You are describing a Train.
But specifically a train that moves on streets and highways. If there are two things the U.S loves (assuming we are talking specifically about the U.S), it's Guns and Cars. I doubt people would be too happy letting a big portion of driveable area get used up nor would they be happy to have it drive next to them, because the fear of it malfunctioning would be heightened. That's also not to mention how primitive the ai is for self driving, and the potential ethical concerns.

I do think that Ai will replace delivery jobs like this, but It'll most likely be in a form that would have the least potential to cause damage, like a drone or a train out in the middle of nowhere.
1 0 Reply
Mr. Nobody (Thấp) 2 years ago
Certain cities have a very tight shipping/receiving docks, not to mention the streets.. who’s going to chain up the tires in the snow?
0 0 Reply
Nathan (Ôn định) 2 years ago
Even though working on trucks will become safer, it will still be unsafe and there is a likelihood of getting hurt.
0 0 Reply
Mark (Thấp) 2 years ago
Parts of the trucking industry are likely to be automated in the next 20 years. For instance, long-distance convoys. But truckers do more than just drive. They also do maintenance, load balancing, inspections, and sometimes loading and unloading at destinations.

As such, for short-haul routes, the "driving" part is a relatively minor part of the job. Even if it's automated, the trucker is still needed. For long-haul routes, robotic convoys will indeed eliminate the need for some drivers. But each convoy will still need a shepherd for the other duties that can't be substantially eliminated in that period of time.
0 0 Reply
Matt (Rất có khả năng) 3 years ago
As a truck driver, I have mixed views on automated driving. I don't see any evidence that a truck could be 100% autonomous in my lifetime. There is so much more to trucking than just driving, a lot more.
1 0 Reply
Ry 3 years ago
Lol, if you've ever been a local city truck driver, this will never happen. Maybe interstate driving could be automated for the mega-corporations, but local driving in a major city? Probably never. The fact that this has such a high likelihood of getting votes proves that you shouldn't blindly believe anyone on the internet who tells you anything. Most of the votes are clearly not from anyone in the industry.
0 0 Reply
RB Hopson (Thấp) 3 years ago
Although the tech will be here soon, I think the infrastructure required to fully automate this sector will take much longer to implement.
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Nico Cione (Rất có khả năng) 3 years ago
I think that there will be driverless electric-powered trucks in the future.
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Mr. T (Rất có khả năng) 3 years ago
Especially long haul transport will be vulnerable because these routes are less complex to automize. Short-haul transport will stay relevant a little longer. Although there will be massive competition, due to the low entry barriers of starting at this job.
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Steve (Rất có khả năng) 3 years ago
Based on the current processes, and the vast evolution of self driving cars
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Andrea (Không có cơ hội) 3 years ago
A robot cannot replace the instincts of human driving knowledge, especially during extreme weather conditions. I haven’t even begun to discuss pre trip inspections or backing and parking a trailer in a dock. This takes many years to master. This is not like driving a car. Robots will NEVER replace a human driver.
0 0 Reply
Ryan R 3 years ago
Likely sooner. There are already semi trucks with AI learn cameras installed on them going around. Won't be shocked if it's sooner than a decade.
0 0 Reply

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