
Alacsony kockázat
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(Alacsony kockázat)
(Alacsony kockázat)
Average: 27%
2033 évben
116 440 $
vagy 55,98 $ óránként
2 220
2023 óta

Az emberek ezt is megtekintették

Számított automatizálási kockázat

28% (Alacsony kockázat)

Alacsony kockázat (21-40%): Ennél a szintnél a munkák csak korlátozottan vannak kitéve az automatizálás veszélyének, mivel ezek a pozíciók technikai és emberközpontú készségek kombinációját igénylik.

További információ arról, hogy mi ez a pontszám, és hogyan számítják ki, elérhető itt.

A munka néhány igen fontos tulajdonsága nehezen automatizálható:

  • Eredetiség

Felhasználói szavazás

26% százalék esély van a teljes automatizációra a következő két évtizeden belül

A látogatóink szerint alacsony az esélye annak, hogy ezt a foglalkozást automatizálni fogják. Ezt az értékelést tovább erősíti a kiszámított automatizálási kockázati szint, amely 28% esélyt becsül az automatizálásra.

Mit gondol, milyen kockázatai vannak az automatizációnak?

Milyen valószínűséggel fogják Matematikusok robotok vagy mesterséges intelligencia helyettesíteni a következő 20 évben?


A következő grafikon mindenhol szerepel, ahol jelentős mennyiségű szavazat áll rendelkezésre, hogy értelmes adatokat lehessen megjeleníteni. Ezek a vizuális ábrázolások az időbeli felhasználói szavazási eredményeket mutatják, jelentős jelzést adva a hangulat trendjeiről.

Érzelem az időben (évente)


Mérsékelt növekedés más szakmákhoz képest

A(z) 'Mathematicians' munkahelyi nyitások száma várhatóan 3,7%-kal nő 2033-ra.

Teljes foglalkoztatottság és becsült állásnyitások

* Az Amerikai Munkaügyi Statisztikai Hivatal adatai a 2023 és 2033 közötti időszakra vonatkozóan.
A frissített előrejelzések 09-2025 időpontban esedékesek..


Más szakmákhoz képest nagyon magas fizetésű

A(z) 2023-ban a 'Mathematicians' éves középfizetése 116 440 $ volt, vagyis 55 $ óránként.

'Mathematicians' magasabb összeget kaptak, mint az országos mediánbér, ami 48 060 $-n állt.

Bérek az idők folyamán

Adatok a Munkaügyi Statisztikai Hivataltól


Jelentősen alacsonyabb munkalehetőségek száma más szakmákhoz képest.

2023 időpontjában 2 220 ember dolgozott 'Mathematicians' munkakörben az Egyesült Államokban.

Ez körülbelül a < 0,001% -át képviseli az országban foglalkoztatott munkaerőnek.

Másképp fogalmazva, körülbelül minden 68 ezer. ember 'Mathematicians'-ként dolgozik.

Munkaköri leírás

Végezzen kutatásokat az alapvető matematikában vagy a matematikai technikák alkalmazásában a tudományban, a menedzsmentben és más területeken. Oldjon meg problémákat különböző területeken matematikai módszerek alkalmazásával.

SOC Code: 15-2021.00


Keresse meg a helyi területén elérhető állásokat

Ha új karriert tervez indítani, vagy munkahelyet szeretne váltani, létrehoztunk egy hasznos álláskereső eszközt, amely éppen segíthet abban, hogy megtalálja azt az új tökéletes pozíciót.

Keresse meg a helyi területén elérhető állásokat


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FERNANDO  GARCIA CORTES (Bizonytalan) 4 months ago
I suppose it will depend on how able the IA is to reply to the process of thinking a mathematician has when he/she makes a demonstration.
0 0 Reply
1 (Alacsony) 4 months ago
Because is hard and needs creativity but also computers can use programs
0 0 Reply
Guest 8 months ago
Aaaand Google DeepMind invented AI (AlphaGeometry 2 and AlphaProof) that solves IMO on silver medal. That escalated quickly...
1 1 Reply
Kevin Gonzalez Gordillo 9 months ago
Lately, I have been studying Gödel's Incompleteness theorems, and I was thinking, could an AI, or even an AGI, discover that in a consistent system of arithmetic, there are true statements that cannot be proven (incomplete system)? I mean the level of self-awareness and nuance that it would take to discover such a theorem and prove it true would be astounding since not even the best mathematicians of Gödel's times were convinced that was the case. So at this level of logic, I would really doubt an AI would take the jobs of people responsible for opening the heart of mathematics and showing the gaping hole of its fundamental flaw; for any mathematician reading this: Let's keep proving the true, the false, and the unprovable truths, and let's "embrace the unknown at the heart of any quest for truth" -(TED-Ed).
1 0 Reply
papo (Eszélytelen) 10 months ago
Mathematics is a science that is still in discovery, AI will not be able to understand this context
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skyss0fly (Mérsékelt) 11 months ago
Robots have to utilise logic in their programming using arithmetic skills and therefore use mathematics to perform tasks and as such can compute mathematical tasks quite easily
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Chickenlover69 9 months ago
Being a mathematician is researching math itself, like science. It needs creativity and human intelligence. For example, I certainly don't think AI can discover or invent complex numbers such as i, i = sqrt(-1). But I think you misunderstood the job of a mathematician as you probably thought that they just solve regular math questions that we already know how to solve, no it's not. Math is part of science and will always will be. Science will never be able to be taken over by AI. Remember that.
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Anon (Bizonytalan) 1 year ago
Logic can be programmed, so they may be able to eventually prove theorems
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Europe2048 (Mérsékelt) 1 year ago
Maybe WolframAlpha is taking over?
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Me (Eszélytelen) 1 year ago
Mathematical insights rely on human originality.
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Anish (Nagyon valószínű) 1 year ago
It will simply outclass us in every field.
0 2 Reply
Probabilist 1 year ago
Mathematicians generally find new ideas to solve problems, they also find new questions, whereas AI is just able to copy what already exists and to adapt it to classical situations. But maybe mathematicians will be able to create themself a new AI which will be able to replace them !!
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Andre (Nagyon valószínű) 2 years ago
People saying this is unlikely are silly. The progress in the field of computer generated proofs has been faster than the progress in AI art. I don't expect any of the Millennium Prize problems to be solved by humans, and I expect them all solved by 2030.
0 0 Reply
Jason 9 months ago
I find it equally silly when you say that none of the Millennium Prize problems will be solved by Humans and all of them will be solved by 2030 (I consider myself an amateur mathematician at best, but from what I understand, the Poincare conjecture has been solved, and the solver, Grigori Perelman I think he's human?) I've hanged out in some mathematics communities and from what I've seen ai has proved some competitive math questions, I guess the four color theorem requires computer assistance, and I've seen Terrence Tao say that Ai could be used to help give Ideas to mathematicians? I've tried searching up ai replacing mathematicians and i only get results of lean which from what i know really only checks if a theorem is right or not. Overall I find the statement that Ai will complete all of the Millennium problems by 2030 to be ridiculous Ai does not seem to be anywhere close to proving some of the most fundamental century old problems in essentially 6 years
2 0 Reply
Carlos (Eszélytelen) 2 years ago
I believe that even general AI will require a lot of time to reach a level where it can be compared on a full basis to a human in regards to maths.
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Saurabh Sarkar (Eszélytelen) 3 years ago
AI was created from Math. Its development is dependent on the development of new Math. It will be next to impossible for AI to develop new functional math.
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James (Bizonytalan) 3 years ago
Because, AI and supercomputer can overtake the common knowledge
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Jo 3 years ago
If you've ever done college level math and the number of ways you've been told to "Do it by inspection" and the unconventional method that every solution takes, Math is very unlikely to become automated.
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AK (Eszélytelen) 4 years ago
Mathematics can go so far, there are literally so infinite possibilities. That may sound extreme but there are so many number systems out there that mathematicians are uncovering everyday as a team and they still can not find all of them. A computer may be faster but since there are so many possibilities both mathematicians and computers must work TOGETHER.
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Alex (Alacsony) 4 years ago
Mathematics requires quite a bit of creativity, which AI is not capable of.
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Faisal Ali Al-Zharani 4 years ago
Mathematicians being replaced by AI technology is not a bad idea. But this still upsets some people. Like me yes I'm a little upset but I don't I'll be thinking about creating jobs for mathematicians that hasn't bee in the (mathematics society) something like a direct career path for full time mathematicians. If is that secondary school teaching alright but not other job opportunities provided for mathematicians. I'm still thinking about the medicine field & how are experts in the field medicine are going to be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) & also occupations like engineers or scientists.
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Mon 2 years ago
Which career is most persistent to be replaced by AI according to you?
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kevin (Alacsony) 5 years ago
Mathematics at its core requires a lot of creativity, something which AI is as of yet not good at. However AI will of course play a big role in defining potential research and we already see AI being used to find interesting mathematical patterns that we as humans have overlooked. It will be an aid to us, at least for the short/medium term.
0 0 Reply

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