מהנדסים חשמליים

סיכון נמוך
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שתף את התוצאות שלך עם חברים ובני משפחה.
או, חקור מקצוע זה בפירוט רב יותר...
סיכון אוטומציה
(סיכון נמוך)
(סיכון נמוך)
Average: 30%
ביקוש עבודה
עד השנה 2033
106,950 $
או 51.41 $ לשעה
נכון ל- 2023
ניקוד משרה

אנשים צפו גם

סיכון אוטומציה מחושב

25% (סיכון נמוך)

סיכון נמוך (21-40%): משרות ברמה זו מציגות סיכון מוגבל לאוטומציה, מאחר שהן דורשות שילוב של כישורים טכניים ומרכזיים אנושיים.

מידע נוסף על מהו הניקוד הזה, ואיך מחשבים אותו זמין כאן.

חלק מהתכונות החשובות מאוד של העבודה קשות לאוטומציה:

  • ייחודיות

  • תפיסה חברתית

סקר משתמשים

יש 34% אחוזי סיכוי לאוטומציה מלאה במהלך השניים העשורים הבאים

המבקרים שלנו הצביעו שיש סיכוי נמוך שהמקצוע הזה ימורה לאוטומציה. הערכה זו מקבלת תמיכה נוספת מהמפתח של סיכון האוטומציה שנחשב, שמעריך 25% סיכוי לאוטומציה.

מה לדעתך הסיכון של אוטומציה?

מה הסיכוי שמהנדסים חשמליים יוחלף על ידי רובוטים או אינטיליגנציה מלאכותית במהלך ה-20 השנים הבאות?


הגרף הבא כלול בכל מקום שבו יש כמות משמעותית של הצבעות כדי להציג נתונים משמעותיים. ייצוגים חזותיים אלה מציגים את תוצאות הסקרים של המשתמשים לאורך זמן, ומספקים אינדיקציה משמעותית למגמות הרגש.

רגשות לאורך זמן (שנתי)


צמיחה מאוד מהירה ביחס למקצועות אחרים

מספר המשרות הפנויות בתחום 'Electrical Engineers' צפוי לעלות 9.1% עד 2033

תעסוקה כוללת, ומשרות פנויות משוערות

* נתונים מלשכת הסטטיסטיקה לעבודה לתקופה בין 2023 ל-2033
עדכונים לתחזיות משוערות צפויים להתבצע 09-2025.


משולם מאוד גבוה ביחס למקצועות אחרים

ב-2023, השכר השנתי החציוני עבור 'Electrical Engineers' היה 106,950 $, או 51 $ לשעה

'Electrical Engineers' קיבלו שכר שהיה גבוה 122.5% מאשר השכר החציוני הלאומי, שעמד על 48,060 $

שכר לאורך זמן

* נתונים מלשכת הסטטיסטיקה של העבודה


טווח רחב יותר של הזדמנויות עבודה לעומת מקצועות אחרים

נכון ל-2023 היו 185,430 אנשים שעסקו כ'Electrical Engineers' בארצות הברית.

זה מייצג בערך 0.12% מהכוח העובד ברחבי המדינה

במילים אחרות, כאחד מ-818 אנשים מועסקים כ'Electrical Engineers'.

תיאור המשרה

מחקר, עיצוב, פיתוח, בדיקה, או פיקוח על הייצור וההתקנה של ציוד, רכיבים, או מערכות חשמליות לשימוש מסחרי, תעשייתי, צבאי, או מדעי.

SOC Code: 17-2071.00


חפש משרות באזור המקומי שלך

אם אתה חושב להתחיל קריירה חדשה, או מחפש לשנות משרות, יצרנו כלי חיפוש עבודה נוח שיכול לעזור לך למצוא את התפקיד החדש המושלם.

חפש משרות באזור המקומי שלך


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Georgy (אין סיכוי) 1 month ago
I am an electrical engineer in the construction industry. Based on my experience, every project is unique, with distinct client requirements that differ from previous projects. We develop tailored designs to suit each new scope of work, conduct site inspections for existing projects, and perform inspections during the construction phase of new projects.

AI can assist with calculations, much like other software tools we use, but it must be operated by a qualified engineer. Our work is highly critical—errors in design can lead to serious consequences, such as fire hazards. Therefore, AI should be used by engineers who understand the mathematical and scientific principles behind each design decision.
1 1 Reply
Pawel (נמוך) 7 months ago
Need to travel, phisical work required, climbing, dismanteling, if they build relaibale robot with good battery, higher chance of beeing replaced. Until then, risk is low.
2 4 Reply
Eternal Time (מתונה) 9 months ago
I believe when artificial intelligence surges to new heights, and with the addition of other robots and electronics managed in coordination by AI, electrical engineers will surely be replaced. However, this is not likely to happen in the next 20 years, with the closest possibility being after 2044.
0 4 Reply
Atul (נמוך) 10 months ago
Having complex and intellectual problem solving skill makes it at low risk for automation.
0 3 Reply
Nate johnson 10 months ago
No way.
Imagination is needed for engineering.
Great minds will never be replaced.
Generation automation will take a hit, the automation will be highly driven affected by AI
Electrical instalations will always take humans to set up.
Relegating most repetive tasks will be a pleasure
Surely this will be focused in PID control and dealing with its mathematical complexity
2 3 Reply
John dough 1 year ago
The key aspects AI robots can't take from electrical engineer's role are the diversity of the profession, creativity in designing, and social perceptiveness. Although, the last aspect is one even electrical engineers lack, with many at varying levels. An bright electrical engineer possessing high creativity and social perceptiveness will be very hard to replace.
0 3 Reply
John Dough (revised) 1 year ago
The key aspects that AI robots can't take away from Electrical Engineer's role are the diversity of the profession, creativity in designing, and social perceptiveness. Although, the last aspect is one even current Electrical Engineers lack, with many at varying levels, and few to none at the mastery level. A bright Electrical Engineer possessing high creativity and social perceptiveness will be very hard to replace, nearly impossible.
0 3 Reply
ezkha 1 year ago
I think we should be able to (and must) prevent robots/AIs to become competent in electrical engineering, and thus achieving self replication. There are many uncertainties and possible consequences if the other route is taken instead.

On the other hand, since AIs have a chance to replace software engineering (and maybe also become efficient in cyber security and other CS domains), the ability for it to program itself might be slightly less risky, provided material/physical restrictions for performing certain actions are in place. At least compared to its potential benefits.

Worst case scenario is to have an SCP-079 that causes a massive physical threat to humanity to be unleashed (e.g. takedown of hospitals or containment breach of an darned un-killable XK-scenario hostile reptile being), but at least it isn't the physical threat itself.
0 5 Reply
Just An Hot Take 1 year ago
That doesn't make sense because if you give free will in terms of software for an AI then it can easily learn to control psychical objects through computer networks...

I believe you either block AI self-programming itself or you won't be able to control whatever it wants to do.
1 3 Reply
Wyan Francis (נמוך) 1 year ago
I’m not sure for certain, I’m just using my own opinionated logic. EE has to do with wiring and building circuits, which AI itself is created on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that in the future AI won’t be able to do so, but in the near future I don’t think so.
0 3 Reply
Flo 1 year ago
Electrical engineers must use more and more AI to improve their productivity. They even should organize small events to diffuse knowledge among their peers, in order to use technology the best way possible. And this, always keeping in mind the upcoming developments and the future challenges of the organization they work for. They should use AI while adapting the way they do their job to stay useful and in a leading position.
0 3 Reply
Flo 1 year ago
Electrical engineers must use more and more AI to improve their productivity. They even should organize small events to diffuse knowledge among their peers, in order to use technology the best way possible. And this, always keepind in mind the upcoming developments and the future challenges of the organization they work for. They should use AI while adapting the way they do their job to stay useful and in a leading position.
0 3 Reply
Ninjamokama_3 (אין סיכוי) 1 year ago
Unless they make robots that are flexible, durable and reliable enough and have developed enough conciousness to replace human labour and thinking, this is going to be a no for me.
1 3 Reply
Matt (נמוך) 1 year ago
Electrical engineers would be required in the short-medium time frame of AI development to design, manufacture & maintain infrastructure for AI development.
1 3 Reply
Jose 1 year ago
Honestly, I'm an electrical engineer and what I see in AI is that it will simply boost your productivity, but in the short to medium term, I find it very unlikely that it will replace us. I myself use AI tools and I know they make mistakes. On the other hand, you have a lot of human interaction, when talking with operators, distributors, customers, and coordinating all of that. AI is very good, for example, when consulting regulations, but the day an AI can call a subcontractor, understand that Manolo had to leave the construction site because his wife got sick, and that this will cause a delay, then call the customer and explain it and reorganize the entire schedule, we will be talking about an AI that will be capable of doing everything a human does and we will be talking about a very different society.
I am quite skeptical. Only time will tell.
1 3 Reply
cum dump (נמוך) 2 years ago
At a Master's/PhD level, electrical engineers will always be needed. Even if drafting can easily become fully automated.
0 3 Reply
Peter (בלתי ברור) 3 years ago
Electrical engineers are the precursors of automation, it is inherent to this profession. The electric grid for example is mostly operated by itself, but always will be necessary for humans to assess for risks and plan and manage improvements, act when a fault occurs, etc.
0 3 Reply
Lovro (אין סיכוי) 3 years ago
This is the job that takes away other jobs. Not vice versa
0 3 Reply
Bela Szabo (נמוך) 3 years ago
Who will be programming the AIs if the electrical engineers are left? I say they will be more than ever.
0 3 Reply
Just An Hot Take 1 year ago
I think you are mistaking computer scientists with EEs. However I believe they share a lot in common. If one goes down, the other goes as well.
1 2 Reply
Josh 3 years ago
I've seen AI do some amazing things when it comes to placement, routing, clock tree synthesis, and fault corrections. Its only a matter of time, and probably sooner than most people think, before AI replaces anyone working on VLSI stuff
0 2 Reply
Devadut S Balan 1 year ago
Mixed circuit design is probably safe. Without data AI cant do much.
0 2 Reply
Steven (אין סיכוי) 4 years ago
Electricals Engineers are inherent to the process of automatization.
0 2 Reply
Ferenc Kiss (בלתי ברור) 4 years ago
Because an electrical engineer needs to invent a machine, which can invent better machine than humans or other engineers can. This can pertain to software as well, instead of machines. And if this happens, the profession of electrical engineering may become obsolete and superfluous.
0 2 Reply

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