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סיכון גבוה
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או, חקור מקצוע זה בפירוט רב יותר...
סיכון אוטומציה
(סיכון גבוה)
(סיכון גבוה)
Average: 68%
ביקוש עבודה
עד השנה 2033
99,700 $
או 47.93 $ לשעה
נכון ל- 2023
ניקוד משרה

אנשים צפו גם

סיכון אוטומציה מחושב

70% (סיכון גבוה)

סיכון גבוה (61-80%): משרות בקטגוריה זו נמצאות תחת איום משמעותי מאוטומציה, שכן רבים מהמשימות שלהם ניתנות לאוטומציה קלה באמצעות טכנולוגיות נוכחיות או קרובות לעתיד.

מידע נוסף על מהו הניקוד הזה, ואיך מחשבים אותו זמין כאן.

חלק מהתכונות החשובות מאוד של העבודה קשות לאוטומציה:

  • תפיסה חברתית

  • ייחודיות

סקר משתמשים

יש 67% אחוזי סיכוי לאוטומציה מלאה במהלך השניים העשורים הבאים

המבקרים שלנו הצביעו שסביר שמקצוע זה יאוטומט. הערכה זו מקבלת תמיכה נוספת מהמפתח של סיכון האוטומציה שנחשב, שמעריך 70% סיכוי לאוטומציה.

מה לדעתך הסיכון של אוטומציה?

מה הסיכוי שמתכנתי מחשבים יוחלף על ידי רובוטים או אינטיליגנציה מלאכותית במהלך ה-20 השנים הבאות?


הגרף הבא כלול בכל מקום שבו יש כמות משמעותית של הצבעות כדי להציג נתונים משמעותיים. ייצוגים חזותיים אלה מציגים את תוצאות הסקרים של המשתמשים לאורך זמן, ומספקים אינדיקציה משמעותית למגמות הרגש.

רגשות לאורך זמן (רבעוני)

רגשות לאורך זמן (שנתי)


צמיחה איטית מאוד ביחס למקצועות אחרים.

מספר המשרות של 'Computer Programmers' מצופה להתמעט 9.6% עד 2033

תעסוקה כוללת, ומשרות פנויות משוערות

* נתונים מלשכת הסטטיסטיקה לעבודה לתקופה בין 2023 ל-2033
עדכונים לתחזיות משוערות צפויים להתבצע 09-2025.


משולם מאוד גבוה ביחס למקצועות אחרים

ב-2023, השכר השנתי החציוני עבור 'Computer Programmers' היה 99,700 $, או 47 $ לשעה

'Computer Programmers' קיבלו שכר שהיה גבוה 107.4% מאשר השכר החציוני הלאומי, שעמד על 48,060 $

שכר לאורך זמן

* נתונים מלשכת הסטטיסטיקה של העבודה


טווח רחב יותר של הזדמנויות עבודה לעומת מקצועות אחרים

נכון ל-2023 היו 120,370 אנשים שעסקו כ'Computer Programmers' בארצות הברית.

זה מייצג בערך 0.08% מהכוח העובד ברחבי המדינה

במילים אחרות, כאחד מ-1 אלף אנשים מועסקים כ'Computer Programmers'.

תיאור המשרה

צור, שנה ובדוק את הקוד והסקריפטים שמאפשרים ליישומי מחשב לרוץ. עבוד מהמפרטים שנכתבו על ידי מפתחי תוכנה ואתרי אינטרנט או אנשים אחרים. יכול להיות שתפתח ותכתוב תוכניות מחשב כדי לאחסן, לאתר ולאחזר מסמכים, נתונים ומידע מסוימים.

SOC Code: 15-1251.00


חפש משרות באזור המקומי שלך

אם אתה חושב להתחיל קריירה חדשה, או מחפש לשנות משרות, יצרנו כלי חיפוש עבודה נוח שיכול לעזור לך למצוא את התפקיד החדש המושלם.

חפש משרות באזור המקומי שלך


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Michael Bohn (בלתי ברור) 16 days ago
For the AI to work properly, you need people who know how to write the prompts and how to evaluate the written code.
0 0 Reply
J 1 month ago
Robots aint gonna code themselves, if we get to that point then that's Skynet/matrix. Aka end of the world for everyone so who cares
5 0 Reply
John pork (אין סיכוי) 2 months ago
it is because AI and robots require programming and without programmers, they cannot function
0 0 Reply
Emy (סביר להניח מאוד) 2 months ago
Even though programming can demand thinking sometimes, 70% of the work is repetitive or the same across different business. Not only that, but 80% of the time you are not solving any complex problem that demands creativity or deep thinking.
4 0 Reply
Jersey Jim 1 month ago
You can convert from one language to another with AI and a developer is not protected by knowing Java vs C#. This further erodes job protection. Recreating the wheel will drastically stop in programming and I'd imagine known problems will converge to one solution.
0 0 Reply
@irton (אין סיכוי) 2 months ago
Why do they already develop this, and AI is not smart enough to do more? To complement, it is good.
1 3 Reply
Cessna (בלתי ברור) 2 months ago
Some AI can program or help a person program like chatgpt
2 0 Reply
Siddhant Tambe (בלתי ברור) 3 months ago
In order for AI to truly replace a Human computer programmer job, they will need to be "human" enough to handle the multiple complexities of building a whole ecosystem of a software product, along with defining clients who has accurately specify requirement.
For instance, I asked ChatGPT to write me a simple code that creates a "conversation" with OpenAI's APIs. It could not even do that accurately.
Current likelihood of replacing a computer programmer is laughable at best. Maybe over 20 years there might be "some" progress.
5 1 Reply
pleb 2 months ago
To be honest, it's quite scary that most people think this job will be entirely replaced. If AI ever fully becomes "human enough" (as you said! That's a brilliant way to put it) to take over every single Computer Programmer job... well, I don't think we have to worry about whether CS Majors will get employed.
0 0 Reply
Some Programmer (נמוך) 3 months ago
We need programmers to make AI, the programmers themselves propel AI ahead by making new ideas, AI cannot do that it is simply using the knowledge it has to gen a quick answer for the user based on training, however i do believe that there is a chance that AI will replace humans if its way of thinking becomes completely identical as to a human would think and if quantum computing gets invented.
3 0 Reply
half-full 2 months ago
a good example of this would be asking an ai to generate a wineglass thats full to the brim; it cant because all the pictures online are half-full, lmao
0 0 Reply
Arsh (מתונה) 3 months ago
Some concepts like orginaltity and thinking can not be replicated, but base code is in danger
1 0 Reply
Somone (מתונה) 3 months ago
This job could be revamped/transformed but i don't think AI will take over completely because AI isn't good at randomness and complex thinking/problem solving so i think AI will be a tool that will assist coders, engineers, etc not take over completely.
2 0 Reply
random idiot (אין סיכוי) 3 months ago
Don't Computer programmers code AI...
2 4 Reply
Distragin (נמוך) 4 months ago
The amount of Ai copying from one another is insane if one Ai makes a mistake it could be devastating to other AI informational sources. This is why coding and programming are minimal risk, AI is most likely just gonna copy each other leading to inefficient mayhem!
1 1 Reply
Jersey Jim 1 month ago
These reasons have little bearing on the push for automation. Modern DevOps can push out fixes quickly. Companies don't really suffer much from downtime or security breaches. AI only has to be good enough with slight imperfections to kill jobs. Companies have already be proven willing to eat some losses from self-checkouts versus cashiers. It is cold math. The cost savings will far exceed the losses from downtime or government fines.
0 0 Reply
Guilherme (נמוך) 4 months ago
Because client's need change and language models can't pick up nuances 100% of the time there will always be a place for programers. But the kind of tasks they perform might change.
1 0 Reply
darkmewtwo (נמוך) 4 months ago
Ask an ai to simplify code. It will not work
2 2 Reply
Wes (אין סיכוי) 4 months ago
You still need someone to understand every line of code the AI produces. Although AI is decent at programming now, I am certain that we will always need a human to write code to some degree.
6 1 Reply
` (בלתי ברור) 6 months ago
I think that while there is a high chance that AI will be used to automate the creation of basic code, AI will always make mistakes that have to be corrected by humans who know what they're doing, and I don't think AI will replace programmers in the next ~20 years because of the need for complex and intricate code used in projects such as game engines.
10 3 Reply
Guy (סביר להניח מאוד) 6 months ago
Already starting, automation has begun being used for coding in many places.
7 4 Reply
Adrian 4 months ago
Agreed. AI will continue to grow, and it learns faster than any human could. The only type of software development postions I see staying is the creation of new languages. However, these jobs will be very few and require an insanely high level of education and years of experience. Heck, these jobs are offshored right now.
2 0 Reply
Luke 5 months ago
Often incorrect and needs fixing though, at least from my experience.
4 0 Reply
Caro (נמוך) 6 months ago
There will probably be many bugs (Like how Ai has trouble with fingers), so no matter what, the job will be necessary.
5 5 Reply
Aiden (מתונה) 6 months ago
bc like it might but prob not and like it will always be important to have human programmers because if ai ever become sentient and gain their own objectives, they will have all the power in the world if they're the only ones that know how to run our code and stuff like that so yea it would be dangerous to give that much power away to them
1 7 Reply
Mistral Claude 8 months ago
Here is the thing my dudes. As professional programer (30 years on the job, so of that thing even replaces out job, I will surely be retired already anyway) I tried chatgpt, copilot, Claude and even Mistral for coding. They are all pretty darn helpful to code on nephew level...you know, that terrible code we got from a 3rd party to maintain? Yeah. It goes great on that level. It's also great to do start level stuff that has been done 1000s of times. Try doing something new though, or some actual logic, and they fail, always. And never even realize they are failing. The reason is pretty simple. what we have (the llms) are not real AIs. When (if) we have a real AI, then, the moment a computer can replicate human level programming, is also the moment the computer can code another AI doesn't it? What would happen if it can code a AI better than itself?
20 4 Reply
Jose 6 months ago
Some of the best programmers in the world are working daily to help improve ChatGTP and other models. The capabilities are quickly increasing and given some time they will be better than most programmers. So yes some very good programmers will have a job, but most will not be needed. You wrote the comment 2 months ago, there is now a new model which you thought was not possible 2 months ago. What will happen in another 2 months, or 2 years?
9 6 Reply
DB 3 months ago
New model does not not mean better solution always
0 0 Reply

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