Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations

Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners

5,965 thousand people employed within this category.

Chiropractors - 38 thousand

Dietitians and Nutritionists - 70 thousand

Optometrists - 41 thousand

Pharmacists - 325 thousand

Physician Assistants - 141 thousand

Podiatrists - 9 thousand

Veterinarians - 79 thousand

Nurse Anesthetists - 47 thousand

Nurse Midwives - 8 thousand

Nurse Practitioners - 258 thousand

Audiologists - 14 thousand

Miscellaneous Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners - 253 thousand

Health Technologists and Technicians

2,950 thousand people employed within this category.

Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics - 263 thousand

Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses - 632 thousand

Medical Records Specialists - 188 thousand

Opticians, Dispensing - 73 thousand

Other Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations

128 thousand people employed within this category.

Miscellaneous Health Practitioners and Technical Workers - 93 thousand

Please note that when the total number of employees in a category exceeds the sum of the occupations within it, it indicates the exclusion of certain occupations.

Typically, these omitted occupations are categorized as 'all other', and usually consist of roles with relatively small workforce numbers.